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Plant The Naam


Mar 28, 2006
Respected Saadh Sangat Ji,

Dhan Dhan Siri Guru Arjan Dev Ji Maharaj De Bachan- panna # 1185

bsMqu mhlw 5
<> siqgur pRswid ]
dyKu PUl PUl PUly ]
AhM iqAwig iqAwgy ]
crn kml pwgy ]
qum imlhu pRB sBwgy ]
hir cyiq mn myry ] rhwau ]
sGn bwsu kUly ]
ieik rhy sUik kTUly ]
bsMq ruiq AweI ]
prPUlqw rhy ]1]
Ab klU AwieE ry ]
ieku nwmu bovhu bovhu ]
An rUiq nwhI nwhI ]
mqu Brim BUlhu BUlhu ]
gur imly hir pwey ] ijsu msqik hY lyKw ]
mn ruiq nwm ry ]
gun khy nwnk hir hry hir hry ]2]18]

Gurmukhi Translation(Bhai Sahib Bhai Sahib Singh Ji)
hy myry mn! (Awpxy AMdroN) haumY dUr kr, haumY dUr kr, (iPr) vyK (qyry AMdr) Pu`l hI Pu`l iKVy hoey hn (qyry AMdr Awqmk iKVwau hY) [ hy BwgW vwly mn! pRBU dy sohxy crnW nwl cMbiVAw rhu, pRBU nwl juiVAw rhu [ hy myry mn! prmwqmw ƒ Xwd krdw rhu [rhwau[

hy myry mn! jdoN bsMq dw smw AwauNdw hY, (qdoN ru`K qrwvq nwl) sMGxI CW vwly, sugMDI vwly Aqy nrm ho jWdy hn, pr keI ru`K AYsy huMdy hn jo (bsMq Awaux qy BI) su`ky rihMdy hn, qy, su`ky kwT vrgy krVy rihMdy hn (ies qrHW, hy mn! BwvyN Awqmk jIvn dw iKVwau pRwpq kr skx vwlI mnu`Kw jIvn dI ru`q qyry au~qy AweI hY, iPr BI ijhVw BwgW vwlw mnu`K hir-nwm jpdw hY, auh hI) iKiVAw rih skdw hY [1[

hy myry mn! hux mnu`Kw jnm imlx qy (nwm bIjx dw) smw qYƒ imilAw hY [ (AwpxI ihrdy dI pYlI ivc) isr& hir-nwm bIj, isr& hir-nwm bIj [ (mnu`Kw jIvn qoN ibnw) iksy hor jnm ivc prmwqmw dw nwm nhIN bIijAw jw skygw, nhIN bIijAw jw skygw [ hy myry mn! vyKIN, (mwieAw dI) B`j-dOV ivc pY ky ikqy kurwhy nwh pY jweIN [ hy mn! (ieh mnu`Kw jnm hI) nwm bIjx dw smw hY [ (pr, hy mn!) gurU ƒ iml ky hI hir-nwm pRwpq kIqw jw skdw hY [ hy nwnk! ijs mnu`K dy m`Qy auqy (DuroN nwm dI pRwpqI dw) lyK au~GVdw hY auh mnu`K hI sdw prmwqmw dy gux aucwrdw hY [2[18[

English Translation(SikhiToTheMax)
Basant, Fifth Mehl:
One Universal Creator God. By The Grace Of The True Guru:
Behold the flowers flowering, and the blossoms blossoming forth!
Renounce and abandon your egotism.
Grasp hold of His Lotus Feet.
Meet with God, O blessed one.
O my mind, remain conscious of the Lord. ||Pause||
The tender young plants smell so good,
while others remain like dry wood.
The season of spring has come;
it blossoms forth luxuriantly. ||1||
Now, the Dark Age of Kali Yuga has come.
Plant the Naam, the Name of the One Lord.
It is not the season to plant other seeds.
Do not wander lost in doubt and delusion.
One who has such destiny written on his forehead, shall meet with the Guru and find the Lord.
O mortal, this is the season of the Naam.
Nanak utters the Glorious Praises of the Lord, Har, Har, Har, Har. ||2||18||

humbly asking for everybody's forgiveness
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