sure Chinuji,
The five thieves, Lust, Rage, Greed, Attatchment, Ego are, in my view, what prevents us as human beings achieving peace of mind. They give us temporary pleasure, they feed the needs of the body, but one can never be at peace whilst they are in control. I am a slave to lust, although for the present, I am experimenting with a complete denial of lust, just to see what effect it has on me, my other thieves seem to be linked to lust, ie, if I cannot express my lust, I feel rage at my circumstances, attatchment to lust filled actions, greed, in that even when I am expressing myself thus, it is never enough, and ego, in that I feel I deserve it, so 1 thief opens the door so all of them come out to play, this can make for a very miserable unhappy Harry.
In Sikhi, again, in my view, these thieves are not to be our masters, nor are they to be killed and vanquished, as in the right circumstances they can be put to good use, they must be hitched to our sled, and we should use our reason to make them pull us from where we are, to where we wish to end up, they are powerful, but stupid, anyone who is a slave to a thief, will always put the thief first, it takes away our prime calling, to serve Creation and ultimately Creator
hope that makes some sense