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S Asia Pakistani Sikh Community Protests Against Desecration Of Guru Granth Sahib


May 10, 2010
Ancient Greece
The joint opposition in the Senate had been in the middle of a press conference when the protesters entered the premises by breaking through the gate, despite a heavy contingent of police personnel being present at the location. Taken aback by the demonstration, the senators abandoned the press conference and ran inside the building. The protesters were also not deterred by tear gas shells and went on to present their demands to the government.

The members of the Sikh community said that their religious sanctity had been violated at least seven times in the past few years. The most recent incident they cited was the desecration of the Guru Granth Sahib, the central religious text of Sikhism, in Mirpur Mathelo , District Ghotki.

Upon learning more about the protests outside, Chairman Senate Nayyar Hussain Bukhari asked the leader of the house to request the interior ministry to conduct an inquiry and submit a report by Monday. Senator Heman Dass, who asked for the chair’s permission to address the issue, said that he had submitted a call attention notice on this matter was not allowed to speak. The Chairman Senate maintained that nobody was allowed to force their way into the premises of the Parliament in this manner.

The gates of the Parliament were closed for more than two hours as Senator Zafar Ali Shah, MNA Dr Darshan of Pakistan Muslim League – Nawaz (PML-N) and Senator Amajeet of the Awami National Party (ANP) negotiated with a group of few dozen Sikh protesters. The government subsequently decided that a 13-member committee of Sikhs would come forward with their demands, assuring them that the government would cooperate with them.

Senator Zafar Ali Shah then revealed that, upon forming the committee, the members of the Sikh community had apologised for entering the parliament in a violent manner. He further added that the desecration of the holy text was an intolerable act. Leader of the House Raja Zafarul Haq assured the 13-member Sikh committee that he would forward their demands to Prime Minister Nawaz Sharif. IG Sindh has also been informed about the concerns of the Sikh community.

(Source: http://tribune.com.pk/story/712049/...ts-against-alleged-insult-of-baba-guru-nanak/)


May 10, 2010
Ancient Greece
Sikh Sangat calls off protest upon government's acceptance of demands

Sikh Sangat called off their protest over desecration of their holy places after successful parleys with the government, which accepted seven of their demands.

Sikh Sangat established a committee for negotiating with government in which Gopal Singh, Malhinder Singh, Revinder Singh, Ottar Singh, Mahesh Singh, Kalwainder Singh, Ramesh Singh, Kaka Singh, Charran Jeet Singh and Mangal Singh, while the members of the government committee Syed Zaffar Ali Shah, Senator Nisar Muhammad Khan, Senator Sardar Ali Khan, and Minority Member of National Assembly Dr. Darshan Lal informed Leader of the House Raja Zafar-ul-Haq about the demands of Sikh Sangat and also informed Interior Minister Chaudhry Nisar Ali Khan about the whole issue.

Leader of the House Raja Zafar-ul-Haq tried to contact CM Sindh several times but he was not present on his seat on which Raja Zafar-ul-Haq said that he would inform PM about the demands of Sikh Sangat, government believes in the protection of the Minority Community for that such kind of incidents would not take place in future.

Sikh Sangat demanded that those persons should be brought to justice who desecrated Sikh’s Guru Garanth. According to Sikh’s Law if they can not bring Guru Granth back then place it in the Gardwara, this impression is found in the whole world that Sikhs are happy in Pakistan but our Gurdwaras are not safe in Sindh. They vowed not to evacuate the Parliament House premises unless higher authorities came to hear them and fulfill their demands. Representatives of the Sikh community also called for protection in Sindh and other town of Pakistan. They said, sacred books of Sikhs in all the museums and libraries should be brought back in the Gardwaras. After the assurance of government Sikh Sangat called off the protest peacefully.

(Source: http://www.nation.com.pk/national/2...protest-upon-government-acceptance-of-demands)
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