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Sikh News Pakistan Rejects Indian Concern Over Welfare Of Sikh Minorities

Sep 20, 2004
Islamabad - Pakistan Saturday rejected Indian concerns about the plight of Sikh families living in militancy-hit tribal areas and said it was taking care of all citizens, including the minorities. India issued a verbal demarche to Pakistan on Friday after reports that Taliban militants had demolished 11 homes of Sikhs living in Orakzai agency, which is one of seven districts of troubled tribal areas in north-western Pakistan.

"India was told that Sikhs living in Orakzai agency were Pakistani citizens and hence of no concern to India," Pakistan's foreign ministry spokesman Abdul Basit said.

"Pakistan was fully cognizant of the situation and looked after the welfare of all its citizens particularly the minority community," the statement added.

Media reports said Taliban militants, who have gained control over large areas in tribal belt and neighbouring North-Western Frontier Province, renewed a medieval practice of imposing Islamic tax or "jiziya" on non-Muslim inhabiting a Muslim state in return for full protection.

Taliban with their particular interpretation of Islam favour a number of harsh practices of early Islam including public flogging, stoning and jiziya.

Majority of the Pakistani public takes a moderate view and support Pakistan's modern legal system of taxes and punishments.

A few hundred Sikh families have been living in north-west Pakistan for decades, including more than 35 Sikh families in Ferozkhel area of Orakzai, which has safe-havens of Taliban and al-Qaeda fighters.

Gyani Jarnail Singh

Sawa lakh se EK larraoan
Jul 4, 2004
Absolutely their Right. Pakistan is a sovereign country and these Sikhs are their Citizens.
I find it amusing that INDIAN SIKHS have been kept waiting for almost 25 YEARS for the Justice to be served...for the Genocide of Sikhs, Indian Citizens in 1984....by the INDIAN GOVT.
At least the talibans are NOT the official Govt of Pakistan...and they are acting according to their Koran and Sharaih..maybe just too over zealous...
WHAT laws was India following in 1984 Bluestar Operation agaisnt its own citizens....attack on Golden Temple and Massacre of Innocents.
Its easy to see the tiny speck far away..and MISS the Mammoth (elephant) in front of ones face !!:rolleyes::rolleyes::rolleyes::rolleyes::rolleyes::rolleyes::rolleyes::rolleyes::rolleyes::rolleyes:


Apr 3, 2005

This kind of double talk do surprises me.When India did nothing for French turban Ban then Sikhs living outside India were shouting That India is doing nothing,Manmohan is doing Nothing ,Badal is doing nothing
And Now when India is concerned about sikhs in Pakistan then sikhs are saying That India has no right to interfere in the business of other countries

Gyani Jarnail Singh

Sawa lakh se EK larraoan
Jul 4, 2004
Kds ji,
I beg to differ...
Its not double talk..its double action on the part of the Indians..
Pakistan is the "enemy"..any smallest excuse to have a go at it..the Indians will jump...i wouldnt be very surprised if these so called Talibans were in real sense not covert indian agents/Raw agents. Such things do happen..its international conspiracy...normal for cia, KGB, etc etc to do such...
WHY india kept so conspicously quiet about the TURBAN Ban in France ?? Becasue it was counter productive...not that Indians loved the French Sikhs any less..BUT India loved the French Govt MORE.
Here its the other way around...Its NOT that India hates the **** Sikhs less.......BUT that it HATES the Pakis MORE !!!
India has been conspicously SILENT on all sikh issues in the WEST..hate killings, post 9/11, dastaar caes, kirapn cases, etc etc..nothing....while consistently whipping up the Air india Crash and western "injustice" in not convicting the so called sikh bombers/terrorists etc.

Well anyway IF..the Leopard has changed its spots..I say CONGRATS...Bravo to the Indians for speaking up for Sikhs...as I am one of those Diaspora Sikhs who also feels pride at seeing Indian SIKHS score at Hockey..etc..I cheer the Indians IF the other side is non-Indian although i am malaysian.:D:D:D


Apr 3, 2005
Gyani ji

I agree with you there are double standards with India.but tell me which country Don't have double standards?

Here are some my points

1) This issue is much more serious issue than Turban ban in France.

2) Gyani ji the consipiracy theory That Talibans are Raw agents makes me laugh.It is well Known Fact
That Talibans were supported by first Americans against Soviet and then by Pakis In Afghan.Pakistan goverment signed a peace deal with Talibans in Swat.How could Mighty pak Army which can take on India cannot destroy Talibans?
Accept the fact That Talibans are their because many people support them.No mass movement can survive unless there is ground level of support.There is possibility that India could have been helping them
to destabilise pak.Thats the maximum we can think

3)As far issues that sikhs are facing in west I don't think that India can do much.There are other religions in India and if India Takes the sikh issues then other religions too will ask India that there issues too with other countries should be taken and It will create lot of problem.At best India can request France for sikh issue on turban but I don't think that other than that India can doo anything


May 5, 2009
the pak goverment and taliban beta be carefull...the last thing they need is khalistani troops there!!