but the caste system was made to be abolished thats the reason guru gobind singh ji said women will have kaur and men will have singh as their last names so that everyone is equal but i have seen situations where a few people are amritdhari's and yet they still believe in caste which is a total shame
This is an important point about the 'singh' and 'kaur' as surname use that many don't realise.
Now most people can deduce the correct cast from the surname, just as they can guess quite closely the village name from back in Punjab.
The jatts from a certain pind will generally have a certain surname whereas the chamaar will have their own, tharkan their own. lohar theirs and so on.
It becomes easy to deduce their cast by the surname for someone aware, so by abolishing the use of these surnames then in practice we can abolish these cast names.
This is what Guru Gobind Singh Ji had try to do with the use of Singh and Kaur when the Khalsa order was created.
But what did we all do instead? Yes, we all just carried on, but started using Singh and Kaur as middle names.
Just couldn't let go of these cast identifiers, could we?
With the young generation so heavily influenced with cast superiority and degradation it seems like another ongoing problem that will continue.
That said, there are probably more non arranged marriages in this day, the so called love marriages.
Quite a number of these can be mixed caste.
But, in my experience a third party friend or relative has usually worked out just by reading the family surnames on the wedding invite that it is a 'mixed marriage' before hand and already has this gossip fuel roaring to go!
Maybe if the surname attachments could be stopped and only having Singh and Kaur as prescribed, then in a few generations a trace of cast could be somewhat abolished.
Personally, I feel that as long as these surnames carry on, then sadly so will the castes.
The youth of today could take control of this if they try.