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O Son, This Is Your Mother's Hope & Prayer !

Jan 6, 2005
Metro-Vancouver, B.C., Canada
This Shabad is by Guru Arjan Dev Ji in Raag Gujri on Pannaa 496

gUjrI mhlw 5 ]
ijsu ismrq siB iklivK nwsih ipqrI hoie auDwro ]
so hir hir qum@ sd hI jwphu jw kw AMqu n pwro ]1]
pUqw mwqw kI AwsIs ]
inmK n ibsrau qum@ kau hir hir sdw Bjhu jgdIs ]1] rhwau ]
siqguru qum@ kau hoie dieAwlw sMqsMig qyrI pRIiq ]
kwpVu piq prmysru rwKI Bojnu kIrqnu nIiq ]2]
AMimRqu pIvhu sdw icru jIvhu hir ismrq And Anµqw ]
rMg qmwsw pUrn Awsw kbih n ibAwpY icMqw ]3]
Bvru qum@wrw iehu mnu hovau hir crxw hohu kaulw ]
nwnk dwsu aun sMig lptwieE ijau bUMdih cwiqRku maulw ]4]3]4]

goojaree mehalaa 5 ||
jis simarath sabh kilavikh naasehi pitharee hoe oudhhaaro ||
so har har thumh sadh hee jaapahu jaa kaa a(n)th n paaro ||1||
poothaa maathaa kee aasees ||
nimakh n bisaro thumh ko har har sadhaa bhajahu jagadhees ||1|| rehaao ||
sathigur thumh ko hoe dhaeiaalaa sa(n)thasa(n)g thaeree preeth ||
kaaparr path paramaesar raakhee bhojan keerathan neeth ||2||
a(n)mrith peevahu sadhaa chir jeevahu har simarath anadh ana(n)thaa ||
ra(n)g thamaasaa pooran aasaa kabehi n biaapai chi(n)thaa ||3||
bhavar thumhaaraa eihu man hovo har charanaa hohu koulaa ||
naanak dhaas oun sa(n)g lapattaaeiou jio boo(n)dhehi chaathrik moulaa ||4||3||4||

Goojaree, Fifth Mehl:
Remembering Him, all sins are erased, and ones generations are saved.
So meditate continually on the Lord, Har, Har; He has no end or limitation. ||1||
O son, this is your mother's hope and prayer,
that you may never forget the Lord, Har, Har, even for an instant. May you ever vibrate upon the Lord of the Universe. ||1||Pause||
May the True Guru be kind to you, and may you love the Society of the Saints.
May the preservation of your honor by the Transcendent Lord be your clothes, and may the singing of His Praises be your food. ||2||
So drink in forever the Ambrosial Nectar; may you live long, and may the meditative remembrance of the Lord give you infinite delight.
May joy and pleasure be yours; may your hopes be fulfilled, and may you never be troubled by worries. ||3||
Let this mind of yours be the bumble bee, and let the Lord's feet be the lotus flower.
Says servant Nanak, attach your mind to them, and blossom forth like the song-bird, upon finding the rain-drop. ||4||3||4||
