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USA Now, Mormon Church In US Baptises Gandhi

Jan 6, 2005
Metro-Vancouver, B.C., Canada
Now, Mormon church in US baptises Gandhi

PTI | Feb 29, 2012, 09.10AM IST

WASHINGTON: Mahatma Gandhi has been baptised in proxy by a US church, drawing sharp reaction from his grandson and others.

Gandhi was baptised by the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints (LDS), headquartered in Salt Lake City in Utah on March 27, 1996; the confirmation of which was completed on November 17, 2007 at Sao Paulo Brazil Temple, according to researcher Helen Radkey.

The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints (LDS) is more popularly known as Mormon Church, one of the fastest growing churches in the US.

Radkey, who has now been excommunicated by the Mormons , made the revelation in an e-mail to Nevada-based Hindu activist, Rajan Zed.

In the email, Radkey, who is from Salt Lake City, said she viewed the record on baptism of Gandhi on February 16 but it had since disappeared and was no longer available in the database of the church.

It was unusual for a record to vanish, said Radkey, who of late has been in news because of bringing out in the public similar unknown facts and secrets of the Mormon Church.

I have not come across other Indian leaders baptised by Mormons. My copies of the Gandhi record are dated February 16, 2012. The record disappeared shortly after that date. I assume Mormons did not want others to know about Gandhi's baptism," she said.

Arun Gandhi, a grandson of Gandhi who lives in Up State New York, told The Huffington Post that he was "surprised" to hear about the posthumous baptism. "It bothers me in the sense that people are doing something when a person is dead and gone and there is nobody to answer for that person. That's not the right thing to do," he was quoted as saying.

Arun, who teaches nonviolence in the US, noted that his grandfather was against proselytizing of any kind, whether it involved Hindus or others.

He thought people must decide for themselves which religion they want to follow and they should follow that religion. It's not up to others to force them. He was respectful of all the religions."

Suhag Shukla of Washington-based Hindu America Foundation said, "The proxy baptism of Gandhi is deeply offensive, not only to Gandhi's legacy as a devout Hindu, but to Hindus world over.

source: http://timesofindia.indiatimes.com/...n-US-baptises-Gandhi/articleshow/12079287.cms


Jun 12, 2011
Hmmm... strange and offensive in so many ways. The Mormons have some beliefs that other people might consider unusual (to put it kindly). I have heard reports that they posthumously baptised other people also. My personal opinion is that if the person does not agree to the baptism, then it means nothing. They really should not do it, though. I would be bothered if they did it to me. Meaningless or not, their intention seems to be to interfere with a person's soul.
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ੴ / Ik▫oaʼnkār
Dec 21, 2010
Arun, who teaches nonviolence in the US, noted that his grandfather was against proselytizing of any kind, whether it involved Hindus or others.

He thought people must decide for themselves which religion they want to follow and they should follow that religion. It's not up to others to force them. He was respectful of all the religions. Really so! Grandson needs to read the books of his grand dad.
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Mr. M.K.Gandhi

(a) My belief about the Sikh Gurus is that they were all Hindus. I do not regard Sikhism as a religion distinct from Hinduism. (Young India 1.10.1925)

(b) The Granth Sahib of the Sikhs is actually based on the Hindu scriptures. (Collected works of M.K.Gandhi page 284)

Suhag Shukla of Washington-based Hindu America Foundation said, "The proxy baptism of Gandhi is deeply offensive, not only to Gandhi's legacy as a devout Hindu, but to Hindus world over.

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These people are just a cruel joke.

West has been falling for the lies of this lobby forever. Slowly people are opening up to these double speaks. In Canada is way ahead in this respect as compared to USA or UK.

Sat Sri Akal.
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Jun 12, 2011
These people are just a cruel joke.

West has been falling for the lies of this lobby forever. Slowly people are opening up to these double speaks. In Canada is way ahead in this respect as compared to USA or UK.

Sat Sri Akal.
Ambarsaria ji, I agree and did not intend to imply otherwise, hope it did not sound that way. I was just focusing in my first post on the actions of the Mormons. I find it meddlesome, arrogant and creepy that they would "baptise" anyone without their consent or even their presence. They could do it to anyone, even me or you, if they somehow became aware of our existence and decided that we needed "saving." I grew up in a Christian family and was baptised when I was a baby, obviously without my consent. I'm sure my parents meant well, but I still feel a little strange about it. I wish some people would stop trying to force their religion on others, or trying to mess with other people's souls.
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ੴ / Ik▫oaʼnkār
Dec 21, 2010
Ambarsaria ji, I agree and did not intend to imply otherwise, hope it did not sound that way. I was just focusing in my first post on the actions of the Mormons. I find it meddlesome, arrogant and creepy that they would "baptise" anyone without their consent or even their presence. They could do it to anyone, even me or you, if they somehow became aware of our existence and decided that we needed "saving." I grew up in a Christian family and was baptised when I was a baby, obviously without my consent. I'm sure my parents meant well, but I still feel a little strange about it. I wish some people would stop trying to force their religion on others, or trying to mess with other people's souls.
Annie Bhain I don't see anything wrong with your post. My comment was to the article and no body at spn. No worries and don't think of me as a a fighter taking on everyone. I really detest games being played with Sikhism, Sri Guru Granth Sahib Ji and Guru ji. These are going on through Sikhs, Hindus, and many others.

The comments in my posts are always about the subject and not the person but sometimes one ends up focusing on people if you try to do your best and they don't have the courtesy to acknowledge and keep repeating like a broken record on and on and on.

Regards and do let me know if I do wrong.

Sat Sri Akal.
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Jun 12, 2011
Thank you, Ambarsaria ji. You are very kind and patient with me. I thought I might be a little paranoid, but I wasn't sure. I would rather explain myself so I was sure not to offend anyone.
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