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"My Prayer "

Jan 6, 2005
Metro-Vancouver, B.C., Canada
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My Prayer

Darshan Singh Grewal - E-81722, 12-1-46L, P.O. Box 9, Avenal, CA 93204, USA.

Prayer is a heart to heart talk with God. Through prayer we connect ourselves with the Lord Waheguru, and we feel His presence. This is another mode of worship to grow spiritually so that our lives become more fruit-bearing, joyous, and peaceful.

This heart-to-heart conversation is not only for prayer time but can last the whole day. In my view, meditation, contemplation, and pondering are also part of praying. We can pray while working, driving or waiting.

Most people are mainly familiar with a formal audible-congregational prayer, but more often it is a thought that is shared with God. When we are constantly seeking Waheguru, we align ourselves with His wishes and desires. In prayer we pour out to Him our joys, our anguish and petitions. We turn our lives and will to Him. And by faith we know He hears and responds to our turtle-dove cries.

Robert J. Sternberg, a professor of psychology and education at Yale, says - intimacy, commitment and passion makes up a “love triangle” between two people. He describes how the three parts affect the relationship of love. We can extend this triangle to our relationship with God. Prayer honors God, prayer aligns us to God, and prayer meets our deeper needs. A lifestyle of prayer leads us to the realization that without Him we can do nothing of lasting value.

All religions of the world teach, promote, and advocate people to pray. In fact all religious books are full of promises. If you pray. this will happen or that will happen. You will receive whatever you ask in prayers.

In reality, many people are disappointed when prayers not answered right away, instantly, or without delay. Actually there are many reasons why prayers are not answered the way we want to be answered.

On personal level, prayer gives me strength, hope, and pence within me. This is good enough for me. Try it and I can assure you that, mentally and spiritually, you will never be the same even though there may not be any change in your circumstances, Pray:

n When troubles surround and enfold you; when hope and chances of relief become slim. This is the time to pray.

n When the selfish world does not care for you, no help, comfort and love from kith and kin, there is only one who will never leave you - that is Waheguru. This is time to pray.

n Life is full of surprises for you and me. But Waheguru will forgive every single sin. This is the time to cast anxiety upon Him.

n Remember, we are all children of God; He is our Father and Mother, who loves us dearly. It is alright to shed all your pains, losses and sufferings upon Him.

Here is my simple prayer!

Teach me, Waheguru, how to go softly as the jasmines do. Bless my soul to meet the shock of this world as a rock. Help me to appreciate the blessings I have been given. Make me a less person-pleaser and more a God-pleaser.

Though I may stumble through my life at times, Waheguru, help me to know that you are with me. Alone, I am nothing and with you I will never fail.

You are the only true treasure, oh! Almighty God. In your love there is no need, no want. Waheguru, I so often pursue selfish goals, help me to remember that nothing in life has value; If I do not have a good relationship with you, help me to resist temptations. Teach me more about your love, your WORD. Protect my steps and lead me in the ways of righteousness.

Help me not to question your wisdom, but always trust you.If I do, understanding will follow as your blessings. Waheguru, forgive those times when I seem to forget you. Help me include you in all I do, think and feel.


1. Bandagi Nama - Bhai Raghbir Singh Bir (Pub: Atam Science Trust, A-1, Kalindi Colony, New Delhi 110065
2. Profiting From the Word - Pink Arthur W.
3. Putting Away Childish Things - Wheaton Victor.


Jan 6, 2007
Prayer is a heart to heart talk with God. Through prayer we connect ourselves with the Lord Waheguru, and we feel His presence. This is another mode of worship to grow spiritually so that our lives become more fruit-bearing, joyous, and peaceful.

Prayer is a way of expressing your guilt. How can you separate yourself from god in the first place? He is in each of your breath. If you only feel his presence during a prayer then you must be keeping detached from him. This is not worship; this is a sign of weakness. The benefits are only psychological and not spiritual.

This heart-to-heart conversation is not only for prayer time but can last the whole day. In my view, meditation, contemplation, and pondering are also part of praying. We can pray while working, driving or waiting.

Again the lessons from Guru Granth Sahib ji has been forgotten

Most people are mainly familiar with a formal audible-congregational prayer, but more often it is a thought that is shared with God. When we are constantly seeking Waheguru, we align ourselves with His wishes and desires. In prayer we pour out to Him our joys, our anguish and petitions. We turn our lives and will to Him. And by faith we know He hears and responds to our turtle-dove cries.

We are constantly seeking Waheguru for What. - more blessings - more requests. If we were seeking god 24/7 we would not need to pray. There is no way we turn our lives and will to him. We are being hypocritical here. O yes that is true he does hear our daily demands and he does give us what we want. The irony is that we do not live long enough. Our lives are too short our demands are too many and we have to keep taking birth again and again like the never ending story.

All religions of the world teach, promote, and advocate people to pray. In fact all religious books are full of promises. If you pray. this will happen or that will happen. You will receive whatever you ask in prayers.

Prayer has a psychological effect on people. We want to blame someone else for the things that are not going right with us. Who would listen and not respond "GOD". If there is no reaction to an action then there is no confrontation. No confrontation leads to peace. We human have it all worked out.

In reality, many people are disappointed when prayers not answered right away, instantly, or without delay. Actually there are many reasons why prayers are not answered the way we want to be answered.
One main answer is we have not earned it yet. Our spiritual bank balance is running low. We need a top up. We do not want to sit down to meditate - it is not exciting. So now at this stage we look for a babba who will perform some magic for us and we will pay him money. We will buy our wishes.

On personal level, prayer gives me strength, hope, and pence within me. This is good enough for me. Try it and I can assure you that, mentally and spiritually, you will never be the same even though there may not be any change in your circumstances, Pray:
Another free psychological advantage in the name of spirituality. Again hypocrisy.

n When troubles surround and enfold you; when hope and chances of relief become slim. This is the time to pray.

We do prayer bargaining. If we had learned our lessons, accept bhanna, remember his presence in yourself always then we would not be facing this.
n When the selfish world does not care for you, no help, comfort and love from kith and kin, there is only one who will never leave you - that is Waheguru. This is time to pray.
Who is the next person? It is not anybody else but us again. Difference is that the"next person" is a different version than us. We are all generated from the same source. Why do we look for sympathy? Why do we make ourself weak ? We are selfish and lazy. We want someone else to wash our laundry.
n Life is full of surprises for you and me. But Waheguru will forgive every single sin. This is the time to cast anxiety upon Him.
We seem to be moving here into Christianity for another freeby. Babbe nahi mannde te dharam badal lavoo.

Remember, we are all children of God; He is our Father and Mother, who loves us dearly. It is alright to shed all your pains, losses and sufferings upon Him

Yes we are all children of god. Each one of us. We as individuals express each of his qualities. We are just a combination of his qualities. Sikhism does not just stop with Father and Mother relationship. He is our "Bandhu" friend. He is our "Bhratta" Brother. Why are we trying to tie ouselves with Christian philosophy?

Here is my simple prayer!

Teach me, Waheguru, how to go softly as the jasmines do. Bless my soul to meet the shock of this world as a rock. Help me to appreciate the blessings I have been given. Make me a less person-pleaser and more a God-pleaser.

Though I may stumble through my life at times, Waheguru, help me to know that you are with me. Alone, I am nothing and with you I will never fail.

You are the only true treasure, oh! Almighty God. In your love there is no need, no want. Waheguru, I so often pursue selfish goals, help me to remember that nothing in life has value; If I do not have a good relationship with you, help me to resist temptations. Teach me more about your love, your WORD. Protect my steps and lead me in the ways of righteousness.

Help me not to question your wisdom, but always trust you. If I do, understanding will follow as your blessings. Waheguru, forgive those times when I seem to forget you. Help me include you in all I do, think and feel.

The above prayer is for those who did not listen to the message of our Guru. Yes a true confession. Love cannot be taught it is an inbuilt mechanism in us. We only need to activate it. We time and again use our own wisdom and then we are asking for his trust. Forgiveness for forgetting?

The above is all a contradiction to the Sikh Philosophy. We pray for materialistic items. If we remember god always like a pregnant woman doing the daily chores throughout of the day and yet having the feeling that there is someone else with her all the time. As Sikhs of Guru Granth Sahib ji, we should do nishkaam sewa, simran, stay within the will of God, reduce our demands/prayers to god and our sufferings will reduce. We will have more time to do Simran and be with God. When our Bank balance of Simran will increase we will become more spiritually. Our awareness will increase and we will come to realise we were trapped in our own maze. We are the GOD.

The above is my Blog. It is not meant to upset anyone or any group. As a student of Sikhism this is my awareness. My experience. My Journey. MY OPINION.


Jul 15, 2004
You, Beloved God is present in all and is all. Why do you make me feel separate from another?

Dont burn me in this separation of mine and others, Absorb me in you, All Powerful one.
Jan 17, 2007
You, Beloved God is present in all and is all. Why do you make me feel separate from another?
Appears to be a contradiction here. If god is present in all and is all then it is ones own inability to hold on to the feeling of his devine presence 24/7. How can God be held responsible for causing seperation. Do not blame God.

Dont burn me in this separation of mine and others, Absorb me in you, All Powerful one.

Be prepared to loose your existance. Illiminate the "I" then there is no seperation no second entity.

"Jab aapaa parsa bisar gya jit dekhan tith too"


Jul 15, 2004
Thank you, I understand your message... the one who makes the prayer, and the one prayed to is one and the same.

have to put my heart, soul and mind into it.