Gyani ji! I am a nimani and have very little knolwedge of sikhism! I call myself a sikh only because of my love and faith in Guru Granth Sahib!! So if i make a mistake..please be kind enough to forgive me!!
I am struggling to find my way through sikhi too! I have been blessed by waheguru ji with Tough times in last couple of years!! During these times i started praying just to get what I wanted from Guruji! Got frusted when things did not happen the way i wanted when i prayed! I even wrote a post on SPN about this!! With Guruji's kirpa I got lot of advice!! Thank you for that!!
I have been trying to do Sahej path! When ever I am doing paath I am going through one or more of the following feelings
1) feeling that i am just reading loud: Sometimes i will go through 20 angs and not register a thing and my mind goes to all worldy stuff. I feel like I am just doing a lip service as some owuld say. Without registering or understanding. This is lets say 80% of the time!
2) Sometimes i while doing paath i get these phases where i am still doing paath, but my mind is focused on Guruji! How i would love to more seva! Or do paath more regularly!! Get up amrit vela and do simran!! Here i will some time really grasp a tuk and while i tounge still continues to do paath! My mind stops at a tuk and i keep thinking i how could or should do that! This is another 10%
3) 5% is when i am not just reading baani, but i actually register what it says. I get the feeling! Wow this is so true! Or babaji ur so cool
4) and the last 5% are the times when i can't stop srying! I will come across a tuk! And i get so choked up doing paath that i can't even read it!
I am still struggling to get up at amritvela and do Simran! I decide ecah night and fail every morning! I was doing raag Assa day before yesterday and my heart and mind could not wait for Amritvela to come so that I could do Simran! And i still could not get up next day!!
Babaji is every where and specially in his Sangat! So here I am writing to Saache pathsha!!
Babaji! Thank you for allowing to sit on your Vedi and touch you and do paath! Thank you for allowing me to come in your room and do your darshan evyday! Thank you for giving me to fight through these tough times. Right now i am like a obese person getting his butt to gym everyday!! I might not being doing my crunches right or working out enough! But i know its a start!!! All i want is to be with you and keep praying and change the quality of time i spend with you.
This is not a brag or a drag post!! I am like a 5 year old who wanted to talk to God and just chat!! So here i am writing to him in the only way i know!!!
I would love any advice on how to progress on this journey!!!what i could to make my exeperience and connection better
I am struggling to find my way through sikhi too! I have been blessed by waheguru ji with Tough times in last couple of years!! During these times i started praying just to get what I wanted from Guruji! Got frusted when things did not happen the way i wanted when i prayed! I even wrote a post on SPN about this!! With Guruji's kirpa I got lot of advice!! Thank you for that!!
I have been trying to do Sahej path! When ever I am doing paath I am going through one or more of the following feelings
1) feeling that i am just reading loud: Sometimes i will go through 20 angs and not register a thing and my mind goes to all worldy stuff. I feel like I am just doing a lip service as some owuld say. Without registering or understanding. This is lets say 80% of the time!
2) Sometimes i while doing paath i get these phases where i am still doing paath, but my mind is focused on Guruji! How i would love to more seva! Or do paath more regularly!! Get up amrit vela and do simran!! Here i will some time really grasp a tuk and while i tounge still continues to do paath! My mind stops at a tuk and i keep thinking i how could or should do that! This is another 10%
3) 5% is when i am not just reading baani, but i actually register what it says. I get the feeling! Wow this is so true! Or babaji ur so cool
4) and the last 5% are the times when i can't stop srying! I will come across a tuk! And i get so choked up doing paath that i can't even read it!
I am still struggling to get up at amritvela and do Simran! I decide ecah night and fail every morning! I was doing raag Assa day before yesterday and my heart and mind could not wait for Amritvela to come so that I could do Simran! And i still could not get up next day!!
Babaji is every where and specially in his Sangat! So here I am writing to Saache pathsha!!
Babaji! Thank you for allowing to sit on your Vedi and touch you and do paath! Thank you for allowing me to come in your room and do your darshan evyday! Thank you for giving me to fight through these tough times. Right now i am like a obese person getting his butt to gym everyday!! I might not being doing my crunches right or working out enough! But i know its a start!!! All i want is to be with you and keep praying and change the quality of time i spend with you.
This is not a brag or a drag post!! I am like a 5 year old who wanted to talk to God and just chat!! So here i am writing to him in the only way i know!!!
I would love any advice on how to progress on this journey!!!what i could to make my exeperience and connection better