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Islam Message To Muslims: I'm Sorry

Tejwant Singh

Jun 30, 2004
Henderson, NV.
Many Americans have suggested that more moderate Muslims should stand up to extremists, speak out for tolerance, and apologize for sins committed by their brethren.

That’s reasonable advice, and as a moderate myself, I’m going to take it. (Throat clearing.) I hereby apologize to Muslims for the wave of bigotry and simple nuttiness that has lately been directed at you. The venom on the airwaves, equating Muslims with terrorists, should embarrass us more than you. Muslims are one of the last minorities in the United States that it is still possible to demean openly, and I apologize for the slurs.

I’m inspired by another journalistic apology. The Portland Press Herald in Maine published an innocuous front-page article and photo a week ago about 3,000 local Muslims praying together to mark the end of Ramadan. Readers were upset, because publication coincided with the ninth anniversary of 9/11, and they deluged the paper with protests.

So the newspaper published a groveling front-page apology for being too respectful of Muslims. “We sincerely apologize,” wrote the editor and publisher, Richard Connor, and he added: “we erred by at least not offering balance to the story and its prominent position on the front page.” As a blog by James Poniewozik of Time paraphrased it: “Sorry for Portraying Muslims as Human.”

I called Mr. Connor, and he seems like a nice guy. Surely his front page isn’t reserved for stories about Bad Muslims, with articles about Good Muslims going inside. Must coverage of law-abiding Muslims be “balanced” by a discussion of Muslim terrorists?

Ah, balance — who can be against that? But should reporting of Pope Benedict’s trip to Britain be “balanced” by a discussion of Catholic terrorists in Ireland? And what about journalism itself?

I interrupt this discussion of peaceful journalism in Maine to provide some “balance.” Journalists can also be terrorists, murderers and rapists. For example, radio journalists in Rwanda promoted genocide.

I apologize to Muslims for another reason. This isn’t about them, but about us. I want to defend Muslims from intolerance, but I also want to defend America against extremists engineering a spasm of religious hatred.

Granted, the reason for the nastiness isn’t hard to understand. Extremist Muslims have led to fear and repugnance toward Islam as a whole. Threats by Muslim crazies just in the last few days forced a Seattle cartoonist, Molly Norris, to go into hiding after she drew a cartoon about Muhammad that went viral.

And then there’s 9/11. When I recently compared today’s prejudice toward Muslims to the historical bigotry toward Catholics, Mormons, Jews and Asian-Americans, many readers protested that it was a false parallel. As one, Carla, put it on my blog: “Catholics and Jews did not come here and kill thousands of people.”

That’s true, but Japanese did attack Pearl Harbor and in the end killed far more Americans than Al Qaeda ever did. Consumed by our fears, we lumped together anyone of Japanese ancestry and rounded them up in internment camps. The threat was real, but so were the hysteria and the overreaction.

Radicals tend to empower radicals, creating a gulf of mutual misunderstanding and anger. Many Americans believe that Osama bin Laden is representative of Muslims, and many Afghans believe that the Rev. Terry Jones (who talked about burning Korans) is representative of Christians.

Many Americans honestly believe that Muslims are prone to violence, but humans are too complicated and diverse to lump into groups that we form invidious conclusions about. We’ve mostly learned that about blacks, Jews and other groups that suffered historic discrimination, but it’s still O.K. to make sweeping statements about “Muslims” as an undifferentiated mass.

In my travels, I’ve seen some of the worst of Islam: theocratic mullahs oppressing people in Iran; girls kept out of school in Afghanistan in the name of religion; girls subjected to genital mutilation in Africa in the name of Islam; warlords in Yemen and Sudan who wield AK-47s and claim to be doing God’s bidding.

But I’ve also seen the exact opposite: Muslim aid workers in Afghanistan who risk their lives to educate girls; a Pakistani imam who shelters rape victims; Muslim leaders who campaign against female genital mutilation and note that it is not really an Islamic practice; Pakistani Muslims who stand up for oppressed Christians and Hindus; and above all, the innumerable Muslim aid workers in Congo, Darfur, Bangladesh and so many other parts of the world who are inspired by the Koran to risk their lives to help others. Those Muslims have helped keep me alive, and they set a standard of compassion, peacefulness and altruism that we should all emulate.

I’m sickened when I hear such gentle souls lumped in with Qaeda terrorists, and when I hear the faith they hold sacred excoriated and mocked. To them and to others smeared, I apologize.



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Nov 7, 2010
"I’m sickened when I hear such gentle souls lumped in with Qaeda terrorists, and when I hear the faith they hold sacred excoriated and mocked. To them and to others smeared, I apologize"

I apologise to all those muslims that have suffered in a backlash...they are but people.

What is sacred to them..speaks for itself.

Some links have been removed. If you want to know why send me a pm. spnadmin

As mentioned..I thought this was meant to be a forum for Philosopical/Theological detabe....seems that for the special people..|NO critism..NO questions.

I can show you that There is NO such thing of tolerance in an Islamic society.

I am not racist, nor do I hate muslims...but what I have done is read the koran and read it please. ..before we all have fatwas imposed on us.

It is a Political-Theological barbaric system.

Sorry..Do you only want posters that SUBMIT... This is pure nonsense. spnadmin

Let people believe...but Let us question !!! :confusedmunda:

abusive language removed. spnadmin

Valid quotations . Real history .

You tell me when you can Practise Silkism in Saudi Arabia ? Egypt (poor Crotic christians) ? etc...

Why is it that to question Islam and the Koran...you get a fatwa...? swordfight
Last edited by a moderator:


1947-2014 (Archived)
Jun 17, 2004
Have you actually read the Koran ??

Please go to the bottom of the article and direct your question to the original author. Tejwant Singh has posted the article. He has not taken a stand on it's message yet.

This is an official warning. Yes this forum is a place for philosophical debate. You have been ranting and raving for 2 days now and aiming your anger at other forum members.

This needs to stop. You can express a negative view and control your emotions at the same time.


Nov 7, 2010
To which member have I been rude to...New to the forum so please give me specific examples....I have NOT been rude to any Posters directly....Not one.

Obviously I cant give any links that hurt the Special People. I suppose that to be a Sikh is to follow what Admin have to say..namely you.

I always though that WE were free to believe and express our views. Does that make you a real Sikh and me a failure.? I have so much respect for Sikh Culture...that from Nanak to Gobind..who QUESTIONED all Dogma.....

Not allowed to express my free will anymore. Shame on you.

Express my views...why did you cut my links..sorry..thought we were from a noble culture that allowed us to chose.

I have questioned several barbaric thought systems.

I will humbley be your Harbi and Slave.

I will NOT question anymore.

I will not expect you to have a sense of humour.

I will leave Sikhism...just because you say so.:angrymunda:

Pick on someone else


Jun 1, 2004
Lionsingh Ji,

Please stop crying foul play. If you want to confront Muslims directly then go to their forums. Attacking them from a Sikh forums sounds quite cowardly to me. There is a saying in punjabi, i will translate for everybody's pleasure.. "In his own street, even a street dog behaves like a Lion!!"

I hereby invite you to control your anger while posting at SPN or go to forums like http://www.faithfreedom.org, where you would find many of your kind to vent your frustrations against Muslims. All the Best!

I am afraid SPN has no place for you behaving like this.


Aman Singh

PS: You claim to be a Sikh, but you have choose Hedonism(???) as your followed faith!!


1947-2014 (Archived)
Jun 17, 2004
lionsingh ji

I have seen how you are compassionate, warm, reasonable and constructive on other threads having nothing to do with Islam. So I know you are not bringing any agenda with you to SPN.

You can be reasonable at least in light of this subject. In fact there is no honor when the lion slays the goat. It is expected. The goat is no match for the lion. So, the ball is in your court to make the reasonable argument when you believe that the other is incapable of doing so.

Until then I will have to delete your comments if you continue like this. Will be away for a few hours anyway --- so please reconsider where you stand. When I return we shall see where we are. Thanks.


Nov 10, 2010

p.s. thank you to the writer of the article. peace.

Anyway, here's what lionsingh has to say about you guys on his beloved 'english defence league site'

lionsingh Yesterday, 10:16 PM Post #1


Posts:539Group:MembersMember#14,782Joined:14 August 2010
Well banned again almost...It makes me more so ashamed as this is a Sikh site..base in the USA..me arguing against them saying SORRY to Muslims !!!

W@anker apologised to Muslims !!!! I think the Admin on this site is a islamic kiss ***...

PLEASE JOIN IN but do it from an intelligent perspective. You want Sikhs to join us...then Rational arguments. THIS IS NOT A MUSLIM SITE...SIKH PHILOSOPHY....They cut my links to Anti-Islamic sites....Fcuking USA site.

Moreover, its a site to understand Sikhs a little more.

I am vanquished soon. An official warning...just through Jihadi crap back...well banned...

My user name is, sorry was Lionsingh.

THIS IS NOT SIKHISM....It is a site.


PLease join... I was Anti-Islam...and the sh1t hit the fan.See My last report.

"Please go to the bottom of the article and direct your question to the original author. Tejwant Singh has posted the article. He has not taken a stand on it's message yet.

This is an official warning. Yes this forum is a place for philosophical debate. You have been ranting and raving for 2 days now and aiming your anger at other forum members.

This needs to stop. You can express a negative view and control your emotions at the same time"

SO have a look and let me know...

Fcuking Admin has a Muzzi right up his ***.

he said sorry to the Muzzis....after all of Sikh history !!!

WILL SOME PLEASE RETORT & I am fcuking ashamed that they are USA {censored}ers.

Just use intellect. It is for Philosophy....you see...Just make up a name with singh, punjab,kaur,sikh....


1947-2014 (Archived)
Jun 17, 2004

p.s. thank you to the writer of the article. peace.

Anyway, here's what lionsingh has to say about you guys on his beloved 'english defence league site'

lionsingh Yesterday, 10:16 PM Post #1


Posts:539Group:MembersMember#14,782Joined:14 August 2010
Well banned again almost...It makes me more so ashamed as this is a Sikh site..base in the USA..me arguing against them saying SORRY to Muslims !!!

W@anker apologised to Muslims !!!! I think the Admin on this site is a islamic kiss ***...

PLEASE JOIN IN but do it from an intelligent perspective. You want Sikhs to join us...then Rational arguments. THIS IS NOT A MUSLIM SITE...SIKH PHILOSOPHY....They cut my links to Anti-Islamic sites....Fcuking USA site.

Moreover, its a site to understand Sikhs a little more.

I am vanquished soon. An official warning...just through Jihadi crap back...well banned...

My user name is, sorry was Lionsingh.

THIS IS NOT SIKHISM....It is a site.


PLease join... I was Anti-Islam...and the sh1t hit the fan.See My last report.

"Please go to the bottom of the article and direct your question to the original author. Tejwant Singh has posted the article. He has not taken a stand on it's message yet.

This is an official warning. Yes this forum is a place for philosophical debate. You have been ranting and raving for 2 days now and aiming your anger at other forum members.

This needs to stop. You can express a negative view and control your emotions at the same time"

SO have a look and let me know...

Fcuking Admin has a Muzzi right up his ***.

he said sorry to the Muzzis....after all of Sikh history !!!

WILL SOME PLEASE RETORT & I am fcuking ashamed that they are USA {censored}ers.

Just use intellect. It is for Philosophy....you see...Just make up a name with singh, punjab,kaur,sikh....

ibs ji

I stand accused of being all that. And the poster of the article was Tejwant Singh ji, and I am certain he will reply in time.

There were two links to the English Defense League site on a certain post by lionsingh ji. The post containing the links was moved out of the forum, after I made a determination that the content of the entire site was in its own curious way both inflammatory and unintelligible. The moderation team will decide whether to move them back or not and I hope the decision is to keep them out of view.

It has been a struggle for lionsingh to state his case without accusing various individuals of "flipping" over to Islam.

lionsingh has not been banned. He is making a drama out of the rejection of his temperamental language, and making demons of those who disagree with him. These are tactics that have been used from time immemorial in order to put a match to issues that did not have to become battles in the first place.

We need to feel compassion for lionsingh because he has forgotten the moral of the story of Bhai Kanhaiya. Guru Gobind Singh embraced him for giving water to injured Muslim soldiers even when other lieutenants wanted to boot him out of the panth. Compassion is one thing. Acceptance is something different.

Lionsingh also seems to have even more difficulty expressing himself on the EDL site than he does here. Thanks for the heads-up. In a way though you have managed to do his posting for him


Jun 1, 2004
ibs ji

I stand accused of being all that. And the poster of the article was Tejwant Singh ji, and I am certain he will reply in time.

There were two links to the English Defense League site on a certain post by lionsingh ji. The post containing the links was moved out of the forum, after I made a determination that the content of the entire site was in its own curious way both inflammatory and unintelligible. The moderation team will decide whether to move them back or not and I hope the decision is to keep them out of view.

It has been a struggle for lionsingh to state his case without accusing various individuals of "flipping" over to Islam.

lionsingh has not been banned. He is making a drama out of the rejection of his temperamental language, and making demons of those who disagree with him. These are tactics that have been used from time immemorial in order to put a match to issues that did not have to become battles in the first place.

We need to feel compassion for lionsingh because he has forgotten the moral of the story of Bhai Kanhaiya. Guru Gobind Singh embraced him for giving water to injured Muslim soldiers even when other lieutenants wanted to boot him out of the panth. Compassion is one thing. Acceptance is something different.

Lionsingh also seems to have even more difficulty expressing himself on the EDL site than he does here. Thanks for the heads-up. In a way though you have managed to do his posting for him
Very well summed up by spnadmin ji.

Lionsingh brags to have served Amnesty, Red Cross for like 20+ yrs (which i surely doubt!) and that means he should have a mass over and in between his shoulders of a matured person of over 45 yrs but if we analyze his style of expression, he does not even qualify for a juvenile uneducated Pindoo! He urgently needs to take some English writing lessons from his counterparts on EDL. yellingmunda

My apologies for going down to the level of Lionsingh and his Chamchaas!

Take a Chill Pill Dudes!


Jan 5, 2011
Dear Tejwant Singh Ji, I am new to this forum and am so glad that I came upon your article. Its so refreshing and positive. Please keep writing like that and we need more young people like yourself who are preapared to stick their necks out and speak the truth. After all being Sikh means speaking the truth.

But in these times of increasing divisions and distrust between different communities its sometimes easy to forget that we are all human beings. As you have already said, we must never blame actions of a few extreamists upon the countless innocent.


ੴ / Ik▫oaʼnkār
Dec 21, 2010
SachaSingh ji the article is not written by Tejwant Singh ji. He posted it for the benefit of SPN members and it is a well written article. The original author and other information below,

Message to Muslims: I’m Sorry


Published: September 18, 2010


People like Lionsingh and such need to complain to the original source, if they so wish, and not to spners.

We all share articles which we think may be of value to others in our own judgement and for goodness and thought provoking reasons.

Welcome and post more, as appropriate, and enjoy.

Sat Sri Akal.


ੴ / Ik▫oaʼnkār
Dec 21, 2010
If someone wants to connect the dots ...... extremist double plays and manipulation including Hinduism extreme elements

The article below about Shiv Sena,


Shiv Sena demands burqa ban Mumbai, Oct 19, DH News Service:

The Shiv Sena has demanded a ban on the burqa, citing an incident where a burqa-clad woman stole a two-month-old child from a hospital here.
“If the burqa is to be used to steal children, then we demand that it be banned as per law,” an editorial in party mouthpiece “Saamna” said.

Referring to France risking the wrath of the Islamic world by banning the burqa and other full-body robes worn by some Muslim women, the editorial said the French president took a “revolutionary step” to ban the burqa. “When burqa was banned in Turkey by Kemal Pasha, Islam did not come in between. Why only is it so in India,” it said.

The Shiv Sena, particularly its newly appointed Yuva Sena chief Aditya Thackeray, is facing flak over forcing Mumbai University to drop Rohinton Mistry’s book “Such A Long Journey” for alleged derogatory references to Maharashtra and Marathi Manoos.

However, Mistry has voiced dismay over Mumbai University providing “deluxe service via express delivery” in quickly dropping his Booker Prize nominated book from the college syllabus. “A political party demanded a change in syllabus and Mumbai University provided deluxe service via express delivery making the book disappear the very next day. Mumbai University has come perilously close to institutionalising the ugly notion of self-censorship,” Mistry, who is based in Canada, said.

Meanwhile, Maharashtra Chief Minister Ashok Chavan has endorsed the university’s decision. Chavan, who in the past stood against Shiv Sena’s attempts to indulge in moral policing, said: “Whatever language is used in the book is highly abusive.”

A delighted Shiv Sena spokesman Sanjay Raut said: “If the chief minister of the state is also with us, you have to understand that we are right.”

Nevertheless, Chavan said his stand should not be seen as an endorsement of Sena’s cultural and moral policing. The chief minister said these were his personal views and that he would not like to interfere in the affairs of Mumbai University.

“I had not gone through the entire book. Whatever paras were shown to me, I read that, the language is highly abusive. Do we expect our students to go through such books and use them in the educational curriculum,” Chavan told reporters. Chavan also said he found the language in certain portions of the book “highly objectionable”. “There is objectionable language in Rohinton Mistry’s book as well and we wouldn’t approve his book for students,” he said.

Tejwant Singh

Jun 30, 2004
Henderson, NV.
Dear Sadh Sangat,

Guru Fateh.

After Lion Singh's ranting here, I joined the EDL group so I could go to "Lion's den" and confront him at his own home turf. I thought that was the only way to confront him directly.Following is my only post in that forum:


There is also a response from one of the other members of EDL.


Tejwant Singh


1947-2014 (Archived)
Jun 17, 2004
I just want to make it crystal clear that I am personally prevented from registering on the EDL site. Most likely because my IP is blocked. I have made a PDF copy of the entire conversation. That way we will have a permanent record of that conversation, verbatim. Just in case anything funny happens.

And to repeat once more
lionsingh has not been banned. He is making a drama out of the rejection of his temperamental language, and making demons of those who disagree with him. These are tactics that have been used from time immemorial in order to put a match to issues that did not have to become battles in the first place.

Gyani Jarnail Singh

Sawa lakh se EK larraoan
Jul 4, 2004
sarcasm..reading between the lines..links as evidence of who wrote what..who posted whose comments on whose behalf...tongue in cheek comments, SERIOUS COMMENTS...all these seem to be "lost" on most posters to Sikh/Punjabi Forums/Mailing Lists. I wonder if its die to language difficulties/lack of exposure/pendoo mentality or whatever....no offense meant or taken.....posters have to take extra care to write very very simple language..or most of whats intended to be conveyed will pass over like water off a duck's back.
A PM sent to me by a Punjabi who is citizen of UK and residing there for over 25 years had this in the Subject: ARGANT. It didnt sink in until i read the message and the writer wanted an IMIDATE replai. * The Mail is URGENT and needs an IMMEDIATE REPLY.:grinningsingh:
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