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Meri Dastaar Meri Shaan A

Chaan Pardesi

Oct 4, 2008
London & Kuala Lumpur
kuilm dI klm qoN...

myrI dsqwr myrI Swn ey

ipCly swl dy mukdy qy dws ny vwhdw kIqw sI ik mW bolI dI syvw ivc pwTkW nwl sWJ Aqy qwl myl rKxW jrUrI ey/ pr mlysIAw qoN vwps AauNidAW hI eyQy dy vwqwvwrx qy kMmW kwrW dy hwlq kuJ r~jw j~t mcwvy kl XW iPr rijAW KqrI jwvy tL, vwlI gl ho jWdI AY m~jbUrx / iPr vI ipAwry pwTko, Awvy idAW KoiqAW ,Awvy kol KloiqAW, Awvy nhIAW mu~kxw, quD vI nhINAw CutxW... iek khwvq AY swfI mW bolI ivc ijsdw m~qlb huMdw ik GrogI kMmkwr qy kdy Kqm hI nhIN huMdy/

Aj quhwfy nwl iek aus gl dI sWJ krnI AYy, ijs nwl hr iek isK dI pihcwx huMdI AY/dsqwr!ijs dw mlySIAw ivc byh~D iejq kIqw jWdw hY Kws kr
gYr isK kOMmW ivc/jI nUN jI ho jWdIN hY, pr ku~J swfy Awpxy hI jIB qy pey r~s dI koeI kdr hI hI nhI krdy/bhu~q APsos huMdw jy/

keI vwr mlySIAw dy srkwrI dPqrW ivc, sVkW qy puils rof blokW qy Awm gYr-isK jMqw nwl vwh ipAw qW hr iek myry isK hox dy nwqy AgoN dyKik bVy Adr mwx nwl imldw qy boldw hY/ myrw kuJ qjrbw AY,jo mYN pwTkW nwl sWJw krnw cwhuMdw hW/ieh koeI mMno G~VI bwq nhI, ieh hkIk~q ey/

dsqwr dI mhwnqw kI jy?iesdw ip~Cw kI vy?ieiqhws v~l jy dyKdy hW,qW p~qw lgdw ey ik ierwnI Aqy ArbI ilbws ivc dsqwr nNU ivSyS Awdr pRwpq ey/jdoN qurk sulqwnW ny idlI auqy kbjw kr ilAw qW ieh lok brdwSq nw kr sky ik gulwm ihMdosqwnI vI isr qy dsqwr pihnI r~Kx/auhnW ny ieh rIq qorI ik ijs nYU gulwm bxwieAw jwvy , as dI pgVI auqwr ik , auus qy iek inkI topI pw idqI jwvy/

p~g XW dsqwr isrP isr dw ilbws mwqr hI nhI,sgoN ies qrW ieh Adr mwx siqkwr dw vI mMinAw pRmMinAw pRqIk hY?iksy Gr iv~c bjurg dI mOq qoN bwAd
jdoN Agly vMS AiDkwrI nMU izMmyvwrI sOMBI jWdI ey, qW swry smwj dI mOjUdgI ivc aus nMU pg bnweIN jWdI vy; jo ik isr qy swry Gr dI izMmyvwrI dy vjoN sjweI jWdI hY/ ieh dsqwr kyvl Awm pihrwvw mwqr hI nhI; sgoN BwrqI siBAwcwr dw iek ivSyS icn hY/pr muglW ny isr qy dsqwr sjwaux qy pwbMdI lw dyqI sI/

ijs nUM gurU swihbWnW ny cYlMj kIqw, llkwirAw,isKW dy sIs qy muV sjw ik ies guAwcy gOrv nUM sQwp~q kIqw/ isK leI sIs dw irSqw kysW nwl ey; qy kysW dw dsqwr nwl/ieh dovyN is~K siBAwcwr dy cotI dy cobdwr Aqy snmwinq Swhkwr ny/so ieh dsqwr is~K dI Kws pCwx icMn AY/ijs dy isr sdky ..kI XUrp; kI AmrIkw jW APrIkw; kI jwpwn kI cIn, sB QweIN ijQy vI gurU dw isK mOjUd hY;auQy hor bhuqI puC pVqwl dI zrUrq nhIN pYMdI , ikauNik isK dI pihcwx dUrON nzr Aw jWdI vy/

dsqwr dI mhwnqw vwry gurU Arjx dyv jI dy bcn hn ik myrw dUhrw dsqwr XW dumwlw Piqh kw fMkw vjw irhw ey/

hau gosweI dw pwihlvwxVw,
mYN gur iml auc dumwlVw/
sB hoeI ieMJ iek~TIAW,
dXu bYTw vyKyAwip jIau/

sodsqwr dI hr QW ApxI vKrI pCwx ey/ies dy bdly hI swfy gurUAW ny Aqy isKW ny Axigxq kurbwxIAW jW ShwdqW idqIAW hn/swnU hmySW dsqwr dw Adr qymwx krnw cwhIdw AY/

Aj keI lok sMswr~k pdwrQW dI prwpqI leI isK Drm dI prvwh nw krdy, dsqwr nMU qlWjlI dy idMdy hn...dIn gvwieAw dunI isauN dunI nw clI swQ jW kihMdy ny pYr kuhwVw mwirAw, glPq Awpxy hwQ!

iek AeyirS gorw ijs ny isK ieqhws nUM AMgryzI ivc KUb ilKidAW; AMgryzW qweIN phuMcdw kIqw-AwQr mkwilP - AwpxI pusqk "-isK ieiqhws -"ivc ilKdw hY -ik BwvyN isK gURUrUAW ny isKW nUM hr dyS dy pihrwvy pihxn dI Kol idqI AY, pr isr qy topI pihxn dI nhIN/dsqwr qoN bgyr isK dI SkSIA~q ADUrI irh jwdI hY/gUrU guibMd isMG jI ny isK nUM Apxw rUp idqw/

duUjI sMswr jMg vyly dy iek isK rY~yjImMt dy krnL AYP.tI. b~faUf kihMdw hY 'isK dI dsqwr AmlI qOr qy kwrvMdw hy , sjdI DjdI hY qy loV vyly byh~d kMm AMaMdI hy/iesy nwl isK ispwhI Syr dy rUp ivc inKrdw hY/dsqwr iehnW dI AxK qy gYr~q dI prqIk hY/'

Aj dy mOf~x loko, jy qwj nhIN ,koeI qwkq nhIN, qW Brwvo, qusIN ikMg vI nhI!jy kys nhIN,dsqwr nhIN , qW isMG vI nhIN!

''''ijhdw koeI Drm qy iemwn hI nhIN,sc puCo auh qW ienswn hI nhIN/
kOm nwl ijsdw ipAwr hI nhIN , dyS dw auh scw vPwdwr hI nhIN/''''

ierwn dI bolI PwrsI dI iek khwv~q hY---mrdum rw my Snswnd Az,rPqwro, guPqwro,dsqwr/

Swey swAwdI ierwn dw muK swihqkwr, p~g nUM kyvl mwqr ilbws dw prqIk hI nhIN mMndw, pr cMgy mMdy Awcrx dy AMdwzy dw iek pK vI nIXq krdw hY/Awm khwvq hY ik bMdw iqMn cIzW qoN pihcwixAw jWdw ey/

guPqwro----g~l bwq dw qrIkw /rPqwro----qurn dw AMdwz/dsqwr---isr dw pihrvw/

iehnW l~CcxW qoN pqw lgdw hY ik auh iks dyS qy iks kOm nwl sMbMiDq ey/

More later

gurcrn isMG,kuilm.
kuAwlw luMpr-lMfx


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1947-2014 (Archived)
Jun 17, 2004
This thread was moved to the Punjab, Punjabi, Punjabyat section of SPN. Please provide an English summary. The official language of the forum is English.

Chaan Pardesi

Oct 4, 2008
London & Kuala Lumpur
Dear Veer Jis,

Gurfateh,First and foremost, I thank for awarding me the stamp of a Writer.I am merely a Sikh learning and sharing my little budhi with all, so that we recreate our history and be proud Sikhs.Thanks once again, I am no writer, but write a little whenever I get time in between my busy schedule.Personally, I don't feel I deserve it.

I have always signed off my writings at the bottom,and own up to whatever I write;and will not use any other names to present anything.

I will try and summarise the above article in my mother tongue Punjabi for the benefit of the English educated readers.But, as I am quite busy person, please bear with me.But, I must warn all that the beautiful essence of the above article that one can attain in the mother tongue will be lost in English, and can never be replaced in any amount of english vocabulary.

In short, it basically is an article upon the Dastaar of the Sikh.It recalls back its definition and legacy in times of the pre muslim rule and during the muslim rule when the wearing of the turban became the perogatiove of only the ruling class.The hindu and non muslims were reduced to wearing with fear some small skull cap type headgear.It was in these challenging times, the mighty, sahibe- a- kamaal, the son of a martyred father,the father to four martyrs, then raised the dignity of the suppressed turban and dignity of the down trodden people,crowning them from nothing into the Khalsa fraternity and laying squarely upon their heads the right to human dignity by openly wearing the unique dastaar; as an open defiance to the rulers of cruelity and fanatical ideology prevalent at time in the name of the Moghulist islam.

The article in Punjabi is incomplete, currently , but it will contain numerous hair raising poems in Punjabi, that should inspire any Sikh proud of his/ her turban- the glorious gift given in the warm and unmatched valueless price of the Five heads, offered when it mattered most.From nothing, arose the Five in 1699, to millions within 550 years of goldenly written story of the Sikh panth.

This article has already been published in its first part in the Punjabi newspaper of Malaysia-Malaya Samachar sometime back.

May, I also apologise, sometimes I am not able to thank individuals in return, as I am not familair with the set up on the forum currently.

Gurcharan Singh, Kulim


1947-2014 (Archived)
Jun 17, 2004
Chaan Pardesi ji

Thank you for your clear and valiant summary. The points you make match well with other references I have read. This is very helpful. :)
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