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Jun 24, 2005
Dear all readers - Just be warned that not all members of this forum are sikhs. We welcome all non-sikhs to this forum, though there are certain members who are posing to be Sikhs and try to redefine Sikhism.

I am not against non sikhs members, I actaully welcome them. What I am trying to tell that there are some non sikhs who are pretending to be Sikhs.

This situation is not so different in the real world either. There are some keshdharis who are trying to merge with the Sikh population and then dilute their beliefs. As in the old saying...if you can not defeat them, join them (and then defeat them from inside).
"There are some keshdharis who are trying to merge with the Sikh population and then dilute their beliefs."
"...if you can not defeat them, join them (and then defeat them from inside)."

Ah yes,
"Henny-penny the sky is falling!"

We should have our own Mccarthur trials!
-If someone does not conform to the norm...label him non-sikh....then fry him....right?

I've heard rhetoric like this many times before... !
As long as sikhs have their baani ... they are untouchable!
No one can manipulate the divine truth that is written....

The way I see it is that everyon is entitled to their opinion...THEIR ARE VERY FEW PERFECT SIKHS AMONGST US! IF ANY?
The dynamic of sikhi is that everyone is entitled to put their own "spin" on interpretation... providing it falls within the domain (morality) of gurbaani!
Dec 8, 2005

Thanks for a saner voice



This is called fascism .

This is how Nazis started there movement.

They used the church for there activities and in the end got labelled as evil by the very same church.

It also reflects that you are a scared variety who hides behind the symbolism of sikhism .

You lack the courage to carry out a debate or have a alternative interpretation of sikhism using the logical view .

If I may say to make it sound simple :-

You read Gurbani like a muslim . That is its text.

I read Gurbani like a christian. That is its spirit.

Does this comparison make you understand something.

I am sure you are a arts student and not a science student.

Please read up some physics and maths for they are contemporary then the whole picture will become clear to you. as to why we interpret the same gurbani in a different way.

Regards and love


hps62 ( the learning Sikh )
Jul 10, 2006
BaljeetSingh said:
Dear all readers - Just be warned that not all members of this forum are sikhs. We welcome all non-sikhs to this forum, though there are certain members who are posing to be Sikhs and try to redefine Sikhism.

I am not against non sikhs members, I actaully welcome them. What I am trying to tell that there are some non sikhs who are pretending to be Sikhs.

This situation is not so different in the real world either. There are some keshdharis who are trying to merge with the Sikh population and then dilute their beliefs. As in the old saying...if you can not defeat them, join them (and then defeat them from inside).

Thanks ..Noticed a few already.

"Sabh Sikhan Ko Hukam hai Guru Manio Granth."
Jul 30, 2004

Das read this thing that Guru dressed an {censored} in hide of lion and when it made voice Guru and Sikhs got the truth.So from what they say we can understand.

It is better that by this forum,we may know what is in thier mind.There is no need to be forcing cencership.If we have such mentallty then Khalsa state can never be deomcratic,rahter can never be formed as our faith is based upon dialogue.


Jun 24, 2005
Well....Please do not blame me if you can not read my post. I never said anything against any other religion or to non keshdhari sikhs...

I am not going to repeat what I said in my original post. Please reread it and then please weigh your replies...


Jun 1, 2004
Dear Baljeet Singhji,

There is nothing new in what you are saying... There are fakers everywhere even in our daily life... important to find your way through all of those fakers... Tackle them with sikh philosophy and they will take a narrow lane into obscurity... many people have frequented this forum from time to time... it will remain the same in the future as well... we have find way to tackle them with the strength of Gurmat... :)