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India Mann’s Key Aide Joins SAD


Apr 3, 2005
Mann’s key aide joins SAD
Tribune News Service

Chandigarh, August 12
The SAD (Amritsar) led by Simranjit Singh Mann today suffered a jolt in the Majha region with its general secretary Bhai Ram Singh joining the SAD in the presence of Chief Minister Parkash Singh Badal here today.

Bhai Ram Singh joined the SAD along with three SAD (Amritsar) SGPC candidates - Amarjit Singh Bhola, Manjit Singh and Manjinder Roranwala, all from Amritsar district.

With Bhai Ram Singh joining the SAD, the party has the support of both former claimants to the Damdami Taksal headship. Baba Harnam Singh Dhumma, who heads the 300-year-old seminary once led by Bhindranwala, had got the better of Bhai Ram Singh during the war of succession following the death of Baba Thakur Singh in December 2004.

Sources said SAD youth wing president Bikram Singh Majithia played a crucial role in bringing Bhai Ram Singh and his supporters into the SAD fold. Bhai Ram Singh said he had decided to join the SAD to be part of the development process.

Badal claimed many Sikh leaders in rival factions felt disgusted with the open interference of the Congress in SGPC affairs and had come out in support of the SAD.



Jul 14, 2011
There is a mistake in the above news article. It is not Jathedar Ram Singh of Damdami Taksal but genereal secretary of Akali Dal Maan who has switched over to Akali Dal Badal party. Here is the link-

http://newspaper.ajitjalandhar.com/ (look at first page of yesterdays edition, August 13)

Simranjit Singh Maan would definitely be the best choice for SGPC. However it seems Badal will just distribute liqour and drugs and this way win the votes required. What's sad is that Congress has more chance of winning than Sardar Simranjit Singh.

I dont understant the current voting system of the SGPC. Why is it conducted in the same way as a general election? No political party should have a stake in these elections. It should be an independent institution with spiritually inclined members. Currently members are politically motivated and therefore will compromise religion for politics.

I dont see this trend changing in the forseeable future. The voting system needs to be changed. Sarna or Badal will never bring the panth chardikala.

We need to go back to system where Panj Piare have authority in the panth. Just as in Baba Banda Singh Bahadur ji's time. Jathedar ji had to report to Panj Piare. This combination of Jathedar and Panj Piare bought victory to the panth.

Currently Badal has power over Akal Takht and SGPC this is totally wrong.

Satguru Mehar Karan

Gyani Jarnail Singh

Sawa lakh se EK larraoan
Jul 4, 2004
NO POLITICAL "PUNJABI?SECULAR"PARTY is tkaing part in SGPC elections EXCEPT the Badal Party. Badal party has 2 sets of Constitutions....ONE is for the SIKHS..and states the Akali dal is the same one as in 1920...formed to safeguard Sikh Interests...SECOND Constitution is for the BJP and Hindus Muslims etc..which states the Akali dal badal is for ALL PUNJABIS...all Can be members...IT shows the DISHONESTY of the Powers that are in INDIA that wnat BADAL to keep on controlling Punjab and SGPC..becasue he is the BEST DESTROYER so far after Partap singh Kairon...of Sikhs, Sikhi and Punjab. Kairon only concnetrated on Sikhs and Punjab..Badal added the sgpc and takhats etc to the KILL....thats why Manmohan gareed to badals demands and sgpc eelctions are ON despite a thousand shortcomings complaints fake votes, etc etc... EVERYONE in POWER in india wnats BADAL to carry on destroying the Sikhs and Punjab...the RSS..the Congress..the Judiciary..whatever and whoever....all agree badal is BEST DESTROYER !!!


Apr 3, 2005
Re: Mann’s Key Aide Joins SAD

NO POLITICAL "PUNJABI?SECULAR"PARTY is tkaing part in SGPC elections EXCEPT the Badal Party. Badal party has 2 sets of Constitutions....ONE is for the SIKHS..and states the Akali dal is the same one as in 1920...formed to safeguard Sikh Interests...SECOND Constitution is for the BJP and Hindus Muslims etc..which states the Akali dal badal is for ALL PUNJABIS...all Can be members...IT shows the DISHONESTY of the Powers that are in INDIA that wnat BADAL to keep on controlling Punjab and SGPC..becasue he is the BEST DESTROYER so far after Partap singh Kairon...of Sikhs, Sikhi and Punjab. Kairon only concnetrated on Sikhs and Punjab..Badal added the sgpc and takhats etc to the KILL....thats why Manmohan gareed to badals demands and sgpc eelctions are ON despite a thousand shortcomings complaints fake votes, etc etc... EVERYONE in POWER in india wnats BADAL to carry on destroying the Sikhs and Punjab...the RSS..the Congress..the Judiciary..whatever and whoever....all agree badal is BEST DESTROYER !!!

Almost everybody is taking part.Its just the matter whether they are taking indirectly or directly.In college elections many parties have their direct affilated organisation others have indirect.everybody knows that congress
indirect candidates wins most of DSGMC elections,One of the biggest reason for no justice for 1984 victims
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