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General Male Sikh Nurses

Hardas Singh

(previously Satyadhi)
Feb 19, 2007
I want to be respectful of my colleges policies, but I can't disobey my Gurus. I asked the women who heads the nursing orientation if i would be allowed to maintain my hair and she told me that it is up to the individual hospitals and health agencies where students are assigned clinicals. What if one of these agencies refuses to allow me to carry out my clinical? To make matters worse my parents won't let me where a turban anyway, and would be overjoyed if I shaved off my beard, so they are not going to back me up if I'm told to shave and cut my hair.

There really is not much time to wait until I am scheduled for my clinicals and ask each agency if they will allow me to perform my clinicals because missing one clinical could have a significant impact on my grades and possobly get me expelled from the program.

I guess I could cut my hair and shave my beard until years later when I get my own house and have a steady job with a hospital that permits me to maintain my kesh, but the idea of cutting my hair makes me feel physically nauseous and weak. I'd be such a failure as a Sikh.

How should I handle this problem sangat ji?


1947-2014 (Archived)
Jun 17, 2004
Hardas Singh ji

My husband was hospitalized in May and the head nurse on his floor was a Sikh. He was not keshdhari. But this is the part I find interesting.

It was a Catholic Hospital -- and many of the male nurses were either Orthodox Jews or Muslims and wore symbols of their faith.

My suggestion following from this observation -- and I find this to be true of schools as well. Look for a hospital that is affiliated either with a religion or is affiliated with a private university. My experience has been that religiously affiliated organizations, colleges and universities in particular, are willing to let members of other faiths wear religious symbols. But your supervisor is right -- you have to do some background checking.

You may experience more difficulties with hospitals that are part of large corporate chains. You are writing from the US so without knowing where exactly you are I would not be able to make more specific suggestions. Also -- if you want to wear a turban, wear it. It actually improves your chances of finding a clinical because it is neater than having your hair exposed. It is more convincing to the hospital authorities and looks more dignified and official. Your parents might even buy into the idea of a turban if you explain it to them in that way.

Hardas Singh

(previously Satyadhi)
Feb 19, 2007
The college already has deals set up with certain health agencies for students to practice clinicals. One of the health agencies is Catholic, but most likely all students will have to visit multiple hospitals and agencies on the list.

I'm comfortable at my college, and I was planning on finishing my associates while taking nursing courses. I could look for a different college, but there is no guarantee that I would be accepted and my parents would probably refuse to support me and I'd be forced to get a job and save up money so I could move out on my own which would greatly lessen my chances of becoming a nurse practitioner.


1947-2014 (Archived)
Jun 17, 2004
I added more to my post at the bottom just as you were posting your reply. My guess is that you will be OK and wearing a turban will help not hurt.+

Hardas Singh

(previously Satyadhi)
Feb 19, 2007
I even wrote to SALDEF (the Sikh legal organization) for advice on how I should handle this situation if a problem arises. I haven't recieved a reply yet because I only wrote them the other day. Nevertheless, I don't really want to take legal action against anyone, and I know my parents wouldn't ever back me.

Perhaps I'm exagerating, and no problems will arise, but if a problem does arise then I really won't have any time to fight it.

:unsure: I just hope one day I can look like :happysingh:

I guess I should make some calls then.

I'm in Virginia Beach, Virginia.

I've tried everything to convince my parents to let me where a turban, they just made me get rid of my turbans. I'll have to wait until i move out before I can wear a turban.
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