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Mar 28, 2006
Sword/Kirpaan: an emblem of manliness and self-respect. One of the five 'K's.

A Sikh sees AkaalPurkh in all, everywhere. He/she considers own self as dust of others feet. This vision makes him/her a Saint. Sikhs are given a DIVINE MISSION to upkeep the dignity of others. They are guardians of TRUTH AND HONOR. This makes him/her a Soldier. Kirpaan is a reminder for this aspect of Sikhi. About the use of this emblem, Guru Ji has also given very clear instructions(Jafarnaama)- one must use all the other means to solve any types of conflict before using the sword/Kirpaan.

Always remember -Sikh's practical life should be:
Sikh da mukh vi Vaheguru Bole
Sikh de chit vich vi ohee Akaalpurkh Vaheguru da vaas(one pointedness)
Sikh da vishvaas vi usi te(unshakable faith)
Sikh nimaana ban ke jeevay
Sikh is kind and generous to all
Sikh has unlimited tolerance
Sikh believes in mutual respect
Sikh believes in -justice for all...............

in all a Sikh leads a righteous way of life, while living this way let us not let the ego come in our way by any means.

Ego brings injustice.
Ego makes us unkind
Ego makes us think we are better than others
Ego brings intolerance........

Dhan Dhan Siri Guru Gobind Singh Ji says in Jafarmana:

When all other means have failed,
It is but lawful to take to the sword.

just a few thoughts from me neech

humbly asking for everybody's forgiveness


1947-2014 (Archived)
Jun 17, 2004
After so many weeks, Surinder ji, your words needed to be said. They are not the forum rules. They are the essential rules.
Jan 6, 2005
Metro-Vancouver, B.C., Canada
Kirpan (Sword) in Skhism - A Symbol of Benevolence and Dignity
by: Dr. Sawraj Singh, MD, FICS

URL of this page: http://www.indolink.com/displayArticleS.php?id=022405023333

Kirpan, which can be literally translated into sword, has a much deeper meaning in the Sikh religion. It consists of two words, Kirpa and Aan. The word Kirpa means benevolence and the word Aan means dignity. Therefore Kirpan is a symbol of benevolence and dignity.

Guru Gobind Singh made Kirpan as an integral part of the 5 k’s. The Kesh, meaning hair symbolizes devotion, asceticism, and renunciation. The hair is associated with spirituality in many other religions. But Guru Gobind Singh made Kangha (comb) also one of the five k’s, which symbolizes order and organization as well as purity and cleanliness. Karha the iron bangle around the wrist is the symbol of universality. Kachara the underwear is the symbol of piousness and sexual purity.

It is Kirpan, which imparts uniqueness to the Sikh religion. Guru Gobind Singh in the worship of Kirpan calls it a symbol of justice, equality and struggle against oppression and discrimination and exploitation. The Guru Hails Kirpan as the liberator and sustainer of mankind and the destroyer of the oppressors and the exploiters. He also sees Kirpan as a symbol of bravery and knowledge because it can dispel cowardice and ignorance. He sees celestial beauty in the shining Kirpan.

The Guru asks us to worship Kirpan as one of the aspects of God. As opposed to the Judeo Semitic concept of creation, which considers the creation as a separate act of God that created the universe in 6 days, from Monday to Saturday and then rested on Sunday, the Sikh religion sees the creation as an uninterrupted and constant act. The Sikh religion believes that the creation has 3 aspects symbolized by Barhama, Vishnu and Mahesh (Shiva). Barhama symbolizes creation, Vishnu symbols sustenance and Shiva symbolizes destruction. Destruction is an integral part of construction because without destroying the worn out old, room cannot be created for the emerging new.

The outlook and attitude of the Sikh religion to Kirpan is fundamentally different than the others who generally view sword as a symbol of power and domination. The sword can generate and encourage arrogance. Arrogance always leads to ignorance. Kirpan constantly reminds the Sikhs of the power of the Almighty. Therefore Kirpan should promote humility. As arrogance and ignorance like each other’s company similarly humility and knowledge go together.

It is very important in the contemporary world that we use our power as Kirpan and not as a sword. Whereas Kirpan was used by Guru Gobind Singh to liberate the oppressed people, the sword of the colonialists was used to enslave the other people and nations.

The judicious use of force can help us to change the outdated old world order, which has outlived its usefulness and has become redundant and irrelevant.

The only way peace and harmony can be kept in the world and prosperity maintained is by upholding principals of equality, fairness, justice, benevolence and showing respect for other peoples beliefs and values. We can only suppress others temporarily until they are strong enough to fight against the oppressor. On the other hand benevolence, compassion, universal concern and universal well-being are principles which can lead to a lasting peace and progress. This is the global perspective of Guru Nanak. What we should understand is that Guru Gobind Singh raised Kirpan not only to uphold the principles of Guru Nanak but also to give a practical shape to those principles.