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United Sikhs King's College Students To Feed The Hungry On The Streets Of London


1947-2014 (Archived)
Jun 17, 2004
Press Release

[SIZE=+2]King's College Students to Feed the Hungry on the Streets of London [/SIZE]
London, UK - As the chilling wind of winter blows in, UNITED SIKHS volunteers and students of the King's College Sikh Society will walk on the streets and under the bridges of Central London to feed the hungry and homeless on 20th November 2009 at 6pm. The hot food prepared by the volunteers of The Central Gurdwara London comprising, lentils, rice, hot pudding and fruits will give warm comfort to many in the cardboard city of London. The details are on the poster here.

See a clip of the Feed the Hungry on the streets of London event in Paril 2009 at Feed The Hungry on Vimeo

During the Feed the Hunry walkabout, our volunteers will also be collecting donations, from the more fortunate office workers traveling home during the rush hour on the streets of London, for the Internally Displaced Persons in Pakistan who are facing daily dangers from bomb blasts. Read about our Pakistan Idp Relief project at UNITED SIKHS::Recognize the Human Race as One

Issued by:

Harbans Kaur
Sikh Aid coordinator


May 17, 2005
London, UK
I was makering my way back home from work a few weeks ago, and was leaving London Bridge tube to go and catch my train. When I spotted a large Sikh youth with a placard held high. Now I'm not tall enough to see over the heads of crowds but I caught the word water on the card, and whenI got nearer I saw that there where about three Sikh youths there. I wanted to to stop and ask what kind of Seva they where perfomring, but ahhh home was calling, my kids and wife where awaitng my arrival so that I could get them feed(yes I do all of the cooking at home), I wished I had stopped, I think that perhaps these Sikhs were from UCL coming from perhaps BOSS and based at Guys Hospital.

I have had some dealings with these people before, and they do great seva, do support them I know I shall be.
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