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KIll The Wolf

Harry Haller

Panga Master
Jan 31, 2011
I have to kill the wolf today, its been fun, the car is great, because of the had gasket issues, I have always sensibly avoided the V8 4.6, but what the hell, head gasket shmed shmasket, tommorow I have to go see my mum and dad, I am not seeing them like this, so I have the rest of the day to get the howling out of my system and be true again,

I have decided on plan B, its a crazy plan, but I am curious to see where it takes me, starting tommorow I will try and get through the week with no intoxicants or impurities at all, that means no howling, no anti depressants, no booze, no sugar energy drinks, chocolate, red meat ( i eat a lot of red meat), so its just water and simple food all week, maybe some fish, chicken, no sauces, I might even make a bit vat of dal, plenty of fruit, veg, and another thing, I have just realised I spend all my time working, but not in the home, so more time at home, domestic work is as important as work work, although not as interesting, its going to be an interesting week, I am looking forward to it.


May 9, 2006
Brother, I love you, and seeing you so wildly up and down like this is painful. Perhaps you might be bipolar or something. I really think you should see a psychiatrist, even if it's just to get some reassurance that you're on the right track yourself. I'm sorry to be a wet blanket.

Harry Haller

Panga Master
Jan 31, 2011
sis, I love you too, but to be honest, I have no complaints about my life, or about the way I live it, every day is an adventure, and there is gallows humour to be found in almost everything. I have always felt I am on the outside looking in, and the more time I spend on the outside, the more I think I could never be part of what I observe looking in.