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General Khanda Symbol On Bones? Need Help!


May 2, 2011
Hello SPN. I am not here on leisure but alternatively I need some help trying to find some answers. On another forum we are trying to figure out what this image might mean. Another user from this forum found this arrangement on his land and we're trying to figure out what it could mean. The reason I come to this forum is that some of us have felt that the image on the back of the skull looks like a khanda. Hence me asking for your help. We're not sure if its actually a khanda so I was hoping you would be able to help me out. If it is a khanda, does it have any significance of having it on the back of the skull? Is this a tradition? Is it related to sikh?

If we are completely off the mark, feel free to tell me. Points in any direction would be helpful. The images that you see are what it looked like the next day. The day this user found this arrangement , it did not have this symbol and looked completely different.




1947-2014 (Archived)
Jun 17, 2004
jf17me ji

You did not tell us about the point of origin of the skulls. That would make a difference in case these are animist inscriptions as found in tribal areas of many countries. Perhaps with some kind of intent to appease nature, spirits, etc.

I also don't have the energy to search the net and try to come up with some possible and logical hypotheses. What sort of skulls are these?

The actually do not seem to be single skulls, but the top part of an animal skull in the center, with jawbones from another animal jammed into the center skull.

The designs on those skulls do not look like khandas to me. The modern khanda is either 1) a double-edged sword with a convex blade used in Khande de pahul or the Sikh baptism, or it is 2) an emblem, as found on the flag or Nishan Sahib which flies at every gurdwara. The latter khanda is composed of 1 double-edged sword in the center, encircled by by the chakkar (another weapon used in Sikh History) and flanked by two daggers or kirpan.


Someone could also be trying to start a hoax, or some kind of Internet folly, on the heels of the recent "miracle" of an image of a khanda on a damp rumala used to cover Sri Guru Granth Sahib Ji in a Malaysian gurdwara. Your best bet is to try to find out where those photos came from in the first place. :)


May 2, 2011
Ah yes, my apologies. What I know about its point of origin is that its on an island in British Columbia, Canada. Its a small, secluded island with a very low population. That is literally all that I know.
I was aware that the khanda had swords within it, we just haven't had much luck with other symbols.
The other reason we believed it might have been sikh is for the simple reason that most of the Canadian Sikh population does reside in British Columbia. Just a random observation I found while searching for some information.

Thank you very much for responding! We did consider it a hoax as well too, but we want to be sure is all. Your answers are greatly appreciated :)


1947-2014 (Archived)
Jun 17, 2004
Ah yes, my apologies. What I know about its point of origin is that its on an island in British Columbia, Canada. Its a small, secluded island with a very low population. That is literally all that I know.
I was aware that the khanda had swords within it, we just haven't had much luck with other symbols.
The other reason we believed it might have been sikh is for the simple reason that most of the Canadian Sikh population does reside in British Columbia. Just a random observation I found while searching for some information.

Thank you very much for responding! We did consider it a hoax as well too, but we want to be sure is all. Your answers are greatly appreciated :)

I actually think this is some sort of hoax. The skull looks like someone jerry-rigged a skull, by placing the top of an animal skull in the center, and then jamming the jawbones of another animal into either side. As in a 3-jawed creature. Could be antler bones. The drawing is very crude, therefore not likely to be by local aboriginal shaman/artisans. Also it would be a beadbi for a Sikh to scribble some designs on a skull and then treat it as an object having any religious or spiritual significance, as per the Sikh Rehat Maryada.

I could go into this part in greater depth later if you like. Suffice it to say, so many BC Sikhs do have a great sense of humor. I know many personally.

Also not many BC Sikhs, if any at all, would be found as your describe the skull's origin
on an island in British Columbia, Canada. Its a small, secluded island with a very low population. That is literally all that I know.

Either you are trying to get some play from this ...apologies but I have to say it .. or someone is playing a joke on you.


1947-2014 (Archived)
Jun 17, 2004
This is actually kind of cute


This is a before picture. This is what the user first discovered on his property. The other two images in my first post were discovered the next day. Same place, just re-arranged. Not sure if that helps at all

If the skulls were undecorated in the before, and decorated in the after image, then you have a problem with chain of custody. Who was in charge of the skulls after they were first discovered?

:whatzpointkudi: :whatzpointkudi: :whatzpointkudi: :whatzpointkudi: :whatzpointkudi:


May 2, 2011

Here is the link to the actual thread. I'm not sure if you need to be a member to view. the only reason the user hasn't ruled it to be a hoax is for the fact that he lives in such an un-populated area. So we're more confused and intrigued than worried or anything in that nature.

I apologize if you think i'm a troll of some kind. I found an interesting topic and wanted to explore and maybe help the user find some answers. I am legit. I figured that if I posted in a forum I would get a rather quick answer to my question. I think we'll be looking for other similar symbols to see if we can find anything else (provided it isn't a hoax)

As for your question, I believe the user has just left it where it was. So its still on his property. So I can only assume that he is in charge of it.

Thank you so much


1947-2014 (Archived)
Jun 17, 2004
Here is the link to the actual thread. I'm not sure if you need to be a member to view. the only reason the user hasn't ruled it to be a hoax is for the fact that he lives in such an un-populated area. So we're more confused and intrigued than worried or anything in that nature.

Right here we have a problem. As a rule, Sikhs do not live in unpopulated areas. Most of us live worldwide in large metropolitan areas. In larger rather than small concentrations, if in agricultural communities, so we can get to gurdwara. japposatnamwaheguru:

In your place I would try to help my friends over come their fears. Someone with a blue magic marker and an imagination was at the bottom of this. icecreammunda


May 2, 2011
Haha well then. Thank you very much! You have answered alot of questions for me. I thank you also for being patient with me as I do not know alot (obviously) about Sikhism. And with that I shall carry on my way!

Thank you again :)


1947-2014 (Archived)
Jun 17, 2004
You are welcome. I think uni just let out in Canada. So there will probably be more stories like this in the weeks coming up. welcomekaur


ੴ / Ik▫oaʼnkār
Dec 21, 2010
spnadmin ji perhaps move such things under creative arts, hoaxes, entertainment, curious, etc.

The marker work/photoshop/etc is pretty nicely done and so is the bones re-arrangement.


  • Creativity: 7 out of 10
  • Uniqueness: 5 out of 10
  • Reality: 0 out of 10
  • Spiritual or religious association: 0 out of 10

Sat Sri Akal.:mundabhangra::singhbhangra:


May 9, 2006
As an ex-Pagan I can say it doesn't look like a symbol I've ever seen before.

It looks a little bit like what you see on top of some Egyptian god's heads.

Cool pictures tho. :)
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