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Khalsa Ji ! Ban The Facebook Page AGAINST Guru Gobind Singh Ji

Chaan Pardesi

Oct 4, 2008
London & Kuala Lumpur
admin note

moved from announcements section

Do Not Share The ''Gobind Rai hate'' link.

The more the link is clicked, the more the page gets promoted. So the best thing to do is not to share the link.

The more we share this link and ask friends to report it, the more traffic the page gets, before Reporting it.

FB doesnt analyse the comments. it just counts the comments. the more the comments, the more secure the page becomes.

Therefore, one plays into their hands. It is better to completely ignore the page.

This thread is now under discussion in Leaders and Mentors to decide whether to continue it. I will keep all informed. spnadmin



Dear all,

Some nasty and lowlife individual has sat up a page where he has abused Guru Gobind Singh Ji.We cannot accept such rubbish being exhibited all over the world.It does not matter who the culprit is, it matters that YOU as A SIKH voice against it.This is a deliberate and serious provocation, but let us act responsibly and voice agaisnt it.

I call upon all Sikhs to stand up and call for the ban of a FACEBOOK page that has been sat up some panthic Dokhi and sick person demeaning and abusing Guru Gobind Singh Ji.

Go to the page and REPORT it for Religious and ethnicity hate crime so that this page can be deleted and the person who sat it up identified and exposed.If one can report it to the police all the better.

The REPORT is under the Picture of the Guru sahib Ji.After clicking another window will ask what crime it is, please click the ' against the religion or ethnicity'.

It is absolutely disgusting that such people exists and have no fear of Waheguru.

Please do not indulge in swearing on the page.Please act responsibily and get this page banned or deledt for good.

Your effort counts,the more of us report the more effective it would be.

The link is @ https://www.facebook.com/pages/I-Hate-Gobind-Rai/183216771724717

Please , please do NOT indulge in swearing , but responsibily report it and get it deleted or banned.Wherever possible report to the police as a hate crime against an entire community.

Let us all join in UNISON voice as ONE PANTH and reject such rubbish.

Wear The dastar, be a Sardar, stand out as the BEST of the REST-EK PASSE SARDAR KALLA, dooje passe SARBAT DA BHALLA.


1947-2014 (Archived)
Jun 17, 2004
There is more you can do to fight Anti-Sikh pages at facebook. Contact SALDEF, the Sikh American Legal Defense and Education Fund. SALDEF is a civil rights and legal advocacy group that has been dialoging with facebook for several months regarding hate pages. You do not have to be a resident of the US to follow up.

This is a SALDEF petition online that you can sign

Tell Facebook to Remove Anti-Sikh Pages

With the help of vigilant community members, SALDEF has identified a disturbing trend on Facebook, a popular social networking site. Forty-five(45) Anti-Sikh or Anti-Turban groups are currently reaching a combined audience of over 3 million individuals. These pages may have been created as attempts at humor but they have serious implications for the global Sikh community.

The petition

To whom it may concern,

I am writing to express my concern about the recent increase in Anti-Sikh and Anti-Turban pages on Facebook. The pages contain offensive wall posts, pictures attempting to link Sikhs to terrorism, and imagery of Sikh Gurus and Sikh historical figures. I am concerned about these pages not only because they hurt the sentiments of our community but also because they increase the possibility of bias or violence against Sikhs.

By way of background, Sikhs are members of the world's fifth largest religion and are easily distinguishable by their religiously mandated articles of faith. Sikh men and some women wear daastars (Sikh turbans) to cover their uncut hair. There are over 25 million Sikhs worldwide.

I implore you to consider taking the following steps to address this serious matter:

1. Remove the Anti-Sikh / Anti-Turban fan pages. View the list of offensive pages here.

2. Provide a written justification for any pages which are not closed down.

3. Continue to work with the Sikh American Legal Defense and Education Fund (SALDEF) to define standards for appropriate content to prevent the creation of future Anti-Sikh pages

Complete the form and sign online at this link


You can also report a specific incident/page by filling in the form and submitting it at this link



Apr 24, 2006
This is a deliberate and serious provocation, but let us act responsibly and voice agaisnt it.
It is absolutely disgusting that such people exists and have no fear of Waheguru.
Really? Is that how it is?

Some chap made a page where he thinks Guru Sahib was and I quote "he was a terrorist and a characterless man." and you think this pathetic act is somehow deserving of our attention and valuable time?

By giving them attention, you (you as in anyone who is giving that page any attention) send the message that what this person says has some value to it and that what they are saying is at least controversial. Why else would you care what they thought otherwise?

I don't know but I think sometimes it might help to avoid taking on the victim mentality. Just saying...


Apr 4, 2011
The more we pay attention to anything for this matter (good or bad) the more value we add to it. Dont be afftected by this and this poster will soon know how much of an ignorant fool he is.

This reminds me of a shabad/verse in SGGS forgive me if i am wrong. "manus jath karthooth pasu kee"


Cleverness is not wisdom
May 2, 2010
The guy who set this up is a 4%$££1&6 @?53h073 !
A complete nobody

if we forget about it the page will die eventually
There are anti-sikh, anti-brown, groups out there and they speak out on the web

That is a fact of life

If some one calls a Guru a donkey does that make Guru a donkey?

What you know is all that matters


1947-2014 (Archived)
Jun 17, 2004
Yes...is that a bad thing? Personally, I don't think it would be....

IMHO it is a good thing and a recipe for a speedy death of a bad thing. My own approach when I find out about these pages: I do not comment, I do not report. Instead I write to SALDEF using the link I posted for individual incidents. They have a standing relationship with facebook executives. The more information they have the more we help them to be effective.


Nov 5, 2009
Bangalore, India
Respected Chaan Pardesiji,
Thanks a lot for bringing the abuse to the attention of SPN members. This abusive act needs to be condemned irrespective of one's community. Let's show our unity against this nonsense.



ੴ / Ik▫oaʼnkār
Dec 21, 2010
Really? Is that how it is?

Some chap made a page where he thinks Guru Sahib was and I quote "he was a terrorist and a characterless man." and you think this pathetic act is somehow deserving of our attention and valuable time?

By giving them attention, you (you as in anyone who is giving that page any attention) send the message that what this person says has some value to it and that what they are saying is at least controversial. Why else would you care what they thought otherwise?

I don't know but I think sometimes it might help to avoid taking on the victim mentality. Just saying...
Bhagat Singh ji, you are so right.

  1. Dogs bark to get attention, solution is ignore
  2. The biggest insult is to ignore someone or something, DO IT.
I don't go looking for such garbage. As is said, you play in mud, you get mud on you. Seek and be in better company.

Sat Sri Akal.

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