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Keeping My Bodily Kesh (Hair) And Getting Used To The Gazes

For Sikh females: Do you keep all your body hair

  • Yes, always have

    Votes: 10 30.3%
  • Yes, but haven't always

    Votes: 13 39.4%
  • No, but I used to

    Votes: 2 6.1%
  • No

    Votes: 9 27.3%

  • Total voters

Mai Harinder Kaur

Oct 5, 2006
British Columbia, Canada
I suppose you are right.

No one is holding a gun to anyone's head when they take Amrit, and they are going in with both eyes open.

Or threatening to cut off their head if they don't.

I think these are just arguments put forward by nonkeshdhari Sikhs to justify what they are doing,

Each of us is where s/he is on this journey back home. There's no point in one criticsing another about where each is on the pa(n)th. I have my opinions from my own vantage point; you (whoever you are) have yours. At least one of us has found keeping kesh meaningful enough to die for. I think that it is time we stop bickering for a while and focus on the vital: mughals are again killing us.


How are we, as the Sikh Quam, going to react to it? Are we the Saadh Sangat or are we a bunch of quarrelsome children? How are we going to unite and stand as one against this murderous oppression?


1947-2014 (Archived)
Jun 17, 2004

I never felt I was being denounced, anyway in this thread. Maybe elsewhere. Certainly among traditional Islamic, Christian, perhaps even Judaic cultures, I am/would be. That is very odd. Maybe I was and was too dense to notice. All in all I am too busy to worry about being denounced. My bigger concern is that all women find their voice and are not psychologically, physically, economically and politically abused.
Mar 5, 2010
New York City
First of all one needs to know their Identity. I am a Sikh and I am aware of Sikhi. If someone is doing something I do not have to do the same. I am an individual with the capacity to think on my own what is right and what is wrong. Unfortunately many of us do not think this way. If we see someone doing something we do the same. Example: If you are standing in traffic and you see a person run a red light the reality is many more people stand on that light will do the same if there is no traffic coming. Sikhs should always remember who they are and what Sikhi teaches us.
If someone does something wrong because they are not aware that it is wrong, that is another thing. But if you know cutting any body hair is wrong and you still do it then what you are doing is wrong. If one calls themselves a Sikh then its his/her responsibility to follow Sikhi completely.

Waheguru Jee Ka Khalsa Waheguru Jee Ki Fateh

Mai Harinder Kaur

Oct 5, 2006
British Columbia, Canada
:crazy:Caspian, to carry your argument further,,why not roam about naked,because that is how God wished us to look,with all those beautiful hair all over our body. God would then be really proud of his creation.:eek:

What a lovely idea! A world so devoid of lust and violence that we no longer need clothing for either modesty or protection! :happy:

(I do still think about kechera, though.) OMG :shy:

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I am a new member and i want to say that this site is amazing. My story is very long and complicated but in a nutshell, im a british pakistani girl embrasing sikhism. I am currently married (to a pakistani man), and so it has been difficult. On this topic, i just want to know, i have been keeping my kesh for the past 8 months and as im from a culture that removes hair from intimate parts, it is becoming a little uncomfortable but i want to keep it for the love of sikhi. Have any other women experienced the same who used to remove hair? Also, more importantly, recently i have come to hear conflicting views on it, with some saying it is not a neccessity to keep hair. I would just like some clarification on the subject and if i will be punished for removing it or rewarded for keeping it. I am a member here but it is difficult to come here often because i would be in trouble if my husband found sikh sites, but if anybody wishes to e-mail me with help and advise i would really appreciate it. Personal email deleted. Many thanks


Mai Harinder Kaur

Oct 5, 2006
British Columbia, Canada
Dear all,

This budding Kaur is having a rough time in embracing Sikhi because of her culture. Please send her an e-mail both to give her information and also let her know there are people out here who care.




1947-2014 (Archived)
Jun 17, 2004
Please send shasha ji a message using the SPN private message system. I have removed the personal email address for privacy and security reasons.


1947-2014 (Archived)
Jun 17, 2004
shasha ji

It is not clear to me whether you are a Muslim trying to embrace Sikhi. Or whether you are a Sikh having questions on the issue of keeping pubic hair.

Nonetheless, we do not permit publication of personal email addresses because of a need to protect the safety and security on both ends. No one can predict who might contact you with evil intentions, to trick or blackmail, or even to engage in identity theft. At the same time, and I say this with respect, we don't know that you are who you say you are. We limit this to be able to prevent problems arising from the publication of your email address so all of the Internet can read it. It is safer for you and safer for others.
Thank you all for your messages, i was just about to go to sleep but part of me just wanted to browse here some more. I am Muslim but embracing Sikhi, and i totally understand why im not permitted to leave a personal e-mail add and thats fine, i just thought it would be easier to communicate if somebody didn't want to post their personal view / experiences. I would just like more information and what further steps i can take to embrace Sikhi.
Also, on a separate note, are converts seen as any different to those born Sikh? And would this affect being able to marry in future? Im trying to be as broad as possible without divulging too many details, i hope this is ok. Just another quick question, sorry, whilst im still with my husband im still wearing a hijab (headscarf) - it helps to conceal my uncut hair from family for now, would you say this is ok? Sorry for too many questions.
Thank u.


1947-2014 (Archived)
Jun 17, 2004
shasha ji

Welcome to SPN :welcome: and I don't think you are asking too many quesitons. Thank you for understanding my concerns about Internet safety and being gracious about my decision.

It is fine to bring up these issues and you will probably receive a warm welcome too! We all learn from each other, not only about how to practice Sikhi our faith, but also why we think and feel as we do.

I hope that you find your interactions with us positive and a learning experience. Sat Nam

Mai Harinder Kaur

Oct 5, 2006
British Columbia, Canada
When I was young, I used to get my share of unkind looks and even comments about my hairy underarms and legs. No more! I show neither in public any more and it doesn't seem to bother my husband, our dog and our bird. I am old enough to appreciate the fact that I will never have "old lady" hair. You know the style, quite short, worn in white curls.


1947-2014 (Archived)
Jun 17, 2004
When I was young, I used to get my share of unkind looks and even comments about my hairy underarms and legs. No more! I show neither in public any more and it doesn't seem to bother my husband, our dog and our bird. I am old enough to appreciate the fact that I will never have "old lady" hair. You know the style, quite short, worn in white curls.

Thanks to the Almighty! You mean you wont have blue rinse either? :carefreekaur:


May 26, 2011
Lol if we cannot cut our hair, why do we cut our fingernails/pull our teeth out?? I understand the 5 K's and one is "Kesh" and I do follow what the guruji said but kesh technically is the hair on your head and not armpit hair or other body hair neccisarily. :28:


May 9, 2006
A few pages back the thread talks about cutting fingernails.

We've all got to come to our own personal peace with (or without) hair as the argument will go on indefinitely, just like most arguments when it comes to religion and lifestyle.