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India Jathedar Akal Takht Snubs His Predecessor Vedanti

Jan 6, 2005
Metro-Vancouver, B.C., Canada
Jatehdar Akal Takht snubs his predecessor Vedanti

Jagmohan Singh
Tuesday, 18 January 2011

AMRITSAR: Jatehdar Akal Takht (highest Sikh Temporal seat) Gyani Gurbachan Singh in a statement issued here Tuesday snubbing his predecessor Gyani Jogidner Singh Vedanti suggested him to keep his mouth shut over the Sikh religious issues.

In a release issued, Gyani Gurbachan Singh describing his predecessor as retired Jatehdar who has no importance in the Sikh circle asked him not to issue any statement over the decisions taken by Akal Takht.

It may be mentioned here that Vedanti for the last few days in his statements to media criticized his successor Gyani Gurbachan Singh for brining changes in the Nanak Shahi Calendar (separate Sikh calendar). [Ref: Vedanti releases ‘original’ Nanakshahi Calendar - http://www.tribuneindia.com/2011/20110118/punjab.htm#3]

Gyani Gurbachan Singh said that Vedanti should know his limits and esteem of Akal Takht, therefore shouldn’t issue vague statements to create confusions in Sikh community across the world.

source: http://www.punjabnewsline.com/content/jatehdar-akal-takht-snubs-his-predecessor-vedanti/27730
Jan 6, 2005
Metro-Vancouver, B.C., Canada
Sikh high priests divided on calendar issue
Akal Takht Jathedar invites suggestions in writing
Perneet Singh
Tribune News Service

Amritsar, January 18
A day after former Akal Takht Jathedar Joginder Singh Vedanti released the “original” Nanakshahi Calendar, the Akal Takht Jathedar, Giani Gurbachan Singh, today appealed to the Sikh high priests as well as former Jathedars not to create any controversy on the issue, while stating that anybody having any suggestion could submit the same in writing to Akal Takht or the SGPC.

Though Takht Damdama Sahib Jathedar Balwant Singh Nandgarh and the Takht Patna Sahib Jathedar, Giani Iqbal Singh, hold contrasting views on the calendar and have been airing these in the media as well, the Akal Takht Jathedar stepped in to douse the flames of controversy only after Jathedar Vedanti, in an apparent act of defiance, released the “original” Nanakshahi Calendar for the New Year near the Golden Temple yesterday. Giani Gurbachan Singh today claimed that the basic character of the calendar had not been tampered with at all and no amendments had been made to it.

“However, in view of some issues emerging from it, a few corrections have been made for the unity of the community. These corrections, too, have been made with the consensus of various committees formed on the issue as well as the Sant Samaj,” he said. According to him, Jathedar Vedanti’s utterances “don’t have any importance”, but added that such statements did create a dilemma in the community.

However, like Jathedar Vedanti, Jathedar Nandgarh is also supporting the “original” Nanakshahi Calendar of 2003. Talking to The Tribune, Jathedar Nandgarh said,”I had warned them not to make amendments to the original calendar in haste. I had asked them to call Pal Singh Purewal, architect of the Nanakshahi Calendar, and other experts and discuss with them the changes they wanted to make, but nobody paid heed to me. I would have no problem with the amendments had they called Purewal and convinced him with their arguments.” The Nanakshahi Calendar was a symbol of the separate Sikh identity which came into being after a thorough discussion in the community and consent from all quarters, he added.

On the contrary, the Takht Patna Sahib Jathedar, Giani Iqbal Singh, said the “amended” Nanakshahi Calendar had been adopted with the consent of the Jathedars of all five Takhts and those opposing it were “playing into the hands of anti-Panthic forces”.

Meanwhile, politics over the issue is also hotting up. DSGMC chief Paramjit Singh Sarna and former Akali minister Manjeet Singh Calcutta have, in a joint statement, advocated the need for maintaining the “original” form of the calendar and implementing it with the consensus of the entire community. Similarly, the Dal Khalsa, a radical organisation, has praised Jathedar Vedanti and Jathedar Nandgarh for taking a stand in support of the “original” calendar.


Gyani Jarnail Singh

Sawa lakh se EK larraoan
Jul 4, 2004
They have lost the plot..and are now floundering in the self created MUD.

Did Vedanti and also Ragi drashan Singh just "lose" the POST ( of Jathedar) or they lost their BRAINS ?? when they became Seva Mukt/ex-jathedars ?? From the news item it seems that they are deemed to have become brain- mukt simultaneously they became seva mukt. Will the present Jathedars also suffer the same fate...?

They have realised their Hukmanmahs are not worth the paper they are printed on...

Literally THOUSANDS of ORIGINAL ADESH were distributed in DELHI to STOP the GGS Parkash Ushtav from being celebrated on January 5th, HUGE BANNERS were put up in all major Gurdwaras to ORDER the GGS Parkash ustav be clebrated on jan 11th...HUNDREDS of thousands of sangats gathered at all these Gurdwaras and celebrated the GGS Parkash Ushtav on january 5th !!

ADESH issued days before the Fatehgarh Shaheedee Jordmela to NOT POLITICISE it...clealry failed so MISERABLY that no such ADESH was even issued for the MUKTSAR SHAHEEDEE JORDMELA !! Questions were raised HILARIOUSLY as to whether the Jathedars realsied their FUTILITY OR whether they considered the Muktsar shaheeds LESS IMPORTANT thna the Fatehgarh shaeeds..becasue an ADESH for one was issued but ignored for the other one !! Everyone was LAUGHING except the one on whom the JOKE FELL. (Jathedars)

BUT the underlying motive of all this is just to CONFUSE and DIVIDE the SIKHS..and in that the Jathedars have succeded very well. PERIOD. MISSION ACCOMPLISHED. Just in case the SIKHS defy logic and REUNITE on the Calendar Issue..then there are always other issues...Raagmaala...DG...SRM....take your pick....and IF all those fail to work up enough disunity...then there are the Ram rahims, the sacha saudas, the ashutoshs to arrange soem naam charch and get the Sikhs all worked up and be read the Riot Act..SUCH ACTS happen because the SIKHS have employed CATS to GUARD the MILK. Warr khet nu khayeh...or as Guru nanak ji observed in Asa KI Vaar...Rajeh sheehn MUKADDAM KUTTEH are guarding the Sikh Golucks.
Jan 6, 2005
Metro-Vancouver, B.C., Canada
Calendar row: Jathedar slams Vedanti for airing views, spreading doubt

Express News Service Posted online: Wed Jan 19 2011, 01:12 hrs

Amritsar : Akal Takht Jathedar Giani Gurbachan Singh today said his predecessor Giani Joginder Singh Vedanti should show restraint on the subject of Nanakshahi Calendar. Gurbachan Singh took exception to Vedanti’s remarks about the calendar made on Monday.

The Jathedar said Vedanti himself had been on the supreme ‘temporal seat of Sikhs’ for long and must be well-versed in the Sikh Maryada (code of conduct) and should abide by the same.

In a written statement issued here, Jathedar Gurbachan Singh said Jathedar Vedanti had violated the Maryada by releasing the Calendar in defiance of the Takht, which does not behove him. "You had been on the post for eight long years and know about the Sikh Maryada," wrote Jathedar Gurbachan Singh, adding that no arbitrary ‘amendments’ were made in the calendar, only some ‘improvements’ were made as per the wishes of the Sikh Sangat.

"All decisions from the Takht are taken after consultations with the jathedars of five Sikh Takhts, keeping in mind the larger interests of the Panth," he said, adding that Jathedar Vedanti’s statement on the issue that only the original version of the Calendar should be followed has no significance as he is no more on the seat of Jathedar. "After retirement, any judge cannot pass any judgment," Gurbachan Singh said, adding that Vedanti should not give any statement on the matter and create doubts in the minds of the people over the issue.

Jathedar Vedanti had flayed the ‘amendments’ made in the Calendar yesterday saying the same were leading to confusion over dates of Gurpurabs and other Sikh historical days. He said it was during his tenure as jathedar that the Calendar was adopted in 2003 following prolonged debates within Sikh society and any changes made were ‘useless’. Jathedar Gurbachan said that the originality of the Calendar has not been tampered with. "The improvements in the Calendar were made after an 11- member committee of experts made suggestions," said the Jathedar.

On the other hand, Sikh thinkers and former SGPC Secretary and Minister Manjit Singh Calcutta, who is close to Delhi Sikh Gurdwara Management Committee Chief Paramjit Singh Sarna, supported Vedanti saying the Nanakshahi calendar had been amended with ‘ulterior motives’ by the Jathedars. He said the issue should not be made personal and the focus should be to maintain the originality of the calendar.

Dal Khalsa General Secretary Kanwarpal Singh also released a statement here that Jathedar Vedanti had rightly taken up the matter to sustain the original version of the Calendar.

source: http://www.indianexpress.com/news/Calendar-row--Jathedar-slams-Vedanti-for-airing-views--spreading-doubt/739174/


1947-2014 (Archived)
Jun 17, 2004
Here we have the crux of the problem

The Jathedar said Vedanti himself had been on the supreme ‘temporal seat of Sikhs’ for long and must be well-versed in the Sikh Maryada (code of conduct) and should abide by the same.

adding that Jathedar Vedanti’s statement on the issue that only the original version of the Calendar should be followed has no significance as he is no more on the seat of Jathedar.

"All decisions from the Takht are taken after consultations with the jathedars of five Sikh Takhts, keeping in mind the larger interests of the Panth,"

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