"Yes, your mind will tell you it's at 60% or 50% or 80%, or that someone else is at 60% or 50% or 80%... don't buy into that. The mind, the intellect does not know the truth. It's thinks it does, it may even have a bare bore skeleton of the truth, some words, some theory, but not the truth itself. The truth is only available to the God inside you, that which makes all perception, understanding, thought, intellect possible.
Do not dwell on these words either, do not think about them, they are not the truth."
I feel you are possibly contradicting yourself , having stated that your are 80%.
I also feel that at different stages in your life you become more able to accept all the wonderful things you mention, I do not feel that at any time, you can simply follow words and they become reality, in the same way that a newborn child could not possibly understand, and this has nothing to do with age, I think you need to have enough life experience to really understand the words, and not only act on them , but be able to put them into context, so that what you are receiving is wisdom, not rhetoric. A true sikh would be able to put those words into some sort of order that would bring about understanding, translated or not, and with enough experience to get the jist of what you are saying, but lacking enough to actually see the beauty in those words, I fall short.
I think the past is important, it lies like a well worn road behind us to show us what our actions have given us, of course the past and future have no bearing when you are truly in tune with the creator, however, many of us are not, and we have to look to see where it is we went wrong, and to somehow better ourselves until we are able to absorb the words that you are clearly able to