Waheguru Ji ka Khalsa Waheguru Ji KI fateh.
2nd July 2006 was the 400th Anniversary of the Establishment of the Akal Takhat by Guru hargobind Ji Sahib.
Not only was this HUGELY IMPORTANT step in Sikh history celebrated in a lukewarm manner by just holding a simple Akhand Paath in the Manji hall of Darbar sahib complex ( hundreds of akhand paaths go on here daily...) but the natics of the Politicians in control of our Gurdawras made a mockery of the Dignity and Maryada of the Akal takhat...by fighting, knocking off dastaars and brandishing naked swords at each other...
I can only repeat the call..... "O POLITICIANS...QUIT OUR GURDWARAS !!" as posted on the Front Page of the Saptahak / Rozana Spokesman.
Our Gurdwaras have become the POLITICAL STAGE for these {censored} to fignt thier petty battles. How FORTUNATE that we have SO MANY 300/400/500 SHATABDEES to Celebrate in our LIFE TIME....and how UNFORTUNATE that we have WASTED all of them on "petty political maneouvering by the GOLAK CHORS entrneched in our Gurdwaras..EACH "Shatabdee" has just been a means of wasting Golak Money on "Emphasising the POLITICIANS..and for their Personal GLORY...at the Recent 400 th Sri guru Arjun Ji Sahib Ji's Shatabdee in Taran taran..I saw More POSTERS of Badal and FAMILY ( son and wife) than posters on Guru Arjun Ji. IN fact More posters of GURU ARJUN JI were "TORN DOWN" by these people simply because they carried the words DGMC at the bottom !!!..
With Photos of NIHUNGS ( belongng to the Baba Harian Welan Wala among others) brandishing NAKED SWORDS INSIDE the Manji Sahib hall and in the PRESENCE of Sri guru garanth Sahib jee....how can we then turn around and tell the World that the SIKH SWORD/KIRPAN is NOT a WEAPON ?? That we be allowed to carry such on airplanes and all over ?? Isnt this a SAJASH to SABOTAGE the "campaign to allow Kirpans everyhwere " ?? It is..definitely it is. No one in his right mind will beleive us anymore....the evidence of "Sikh Violence" is too graphic !!! The Goras and others will just say..Come on Singh.you must be joking..you mean the Singhs slashing their swords in front of Guru Ji are just "playing" ?? and KNOCKING OFF another Singh's DASTAAR in front of Gur Ji is also a joke only ?? Then WHY you people get so angry if a Customs officer asks you to just remove your dastaar for small check up ??
And how quickly the Five " High Priests".... found fault with one party and sacntioned them....the sad episode of the SGPC NOT INVITING Prof Darshan Singh to its shatabdee stages and then crying "foul" when he attended the Govt Stage purely as Kirtaniya...and the calls to the FIVE to "excommunicate" the Ex'Jathedar for attending that Stage as Ragi is being heard all over...NO one in his right mind will beleive that the Five are Neutral and Panthic..they also have their own Dharra...
Dharam Pankh kar udriya..Guru nanank Ji in Asa Dee Vaar.....how TRUE. Guru Ji Please come and save us from ourselves.... SIKHI nu SIKHAAN KOLON BACHAO...SAVE SIKHI from the SIKHS....especially those sitting on its highest THRONES....
Sri Guru Hargobind Ji was on the Gurgadee of Satguru Nanak Ji for 38 years... the LONGEST of any Guru except the Founding aad Guru - Nanak ji Sahib. Guru Hargobind Ji's Father was Shaheed, His Son Guru Teg bahadur was Shaheed....and His Grand-son Guru Gobind Singh Ji was Sarbans Daani. ..entire family shaheed !!
After the Shahedee of Guru Arjun Ji, Guur hargobind Ji put on the Twin Swords of Miri and PIRI and put the Sikh kaum on a New Footing and ESTABLISHED the Akal takhat right in front of Darbaar Sahib Established by His father Guru Arjun Ji and and Grandfather Guru Ramdass Ji Sahib. This event of the Formation of the Akal Takhat is of such monumental proportions in Sikh history that it is often called the Turning Point or Corner stone or Milestone.
How then did the SIKH KAUM celebrate the 400th Shatabdee of this Turning Point in Sikh history....by a relatively LOW KEY simple Akahnd Paath over just three days...in a place where hundreds of such Akhand Paaths go on all the time.
In 1984 some POLITICIANS conspired to smash down the "physical Building" of the Akal Takhat....and this time it seems these same politicians conspired to Smash Down the Very PRINCIPLES of Akal Takhat...by staging the exact same drama as in 1984. The Building of AKal Takhat could be rebuilt..in fact it was twice over..BUT this Latest ATTACK on the Basic Principles, the Dignity and Maryada and SUPREMACY of Akal takhat will be very difficult to rebuild. 1984 pictures of the Army attack on Akal takhat splashed around the world to prove Sikhs are terrorists..and violent...this time around similar pictures flashed around the World...SIKHS with DRAWN SWORDS hacking at each other, throwing each others dastaars on the Ground with complete DISREGARD to Sri Guru Granth Sahib Jee's Prescence !! IS this any way to show the world the 400th Shatabdee of Akal Takhat ??
The 400th Shatabdee of Akal Takhat should have been such a huge affair...celebrated for at least ONE FULL YEAR...concurrently with the 400th Shatabdee of Sri guru Arjun Ji....a Truly UNIQUE opportunity to Show in a Practical manner the TWIN PRINCIPLES of MIRI and PIRI that showcase Sikhi and Gurmatt.
With deepest of anguish....
2nd July 2006 was the 400th Anniversary of the Establishment of the Akal Takhat by Guru hargobind Ji Sahib.
Not only was this HUGELY IMPORTANT step in Sikh history celebrated in a lukewarm manner by just holding a simple Akhand Paath in the Manji hall of Darbar sahib complex ( hundreds of akhand paaths go on here daily...) but the natics of the Politicians in control of our Gurdawras made a mockery of the Dignity and Maryada of the Akal takhat...by fighting, knocking off dastaars and brandishing naked swords at each other...
I can only repeat the call..... "O POLITICIANS...QUIT OUR GURDWARAS !!" as posted on the Front Page of the Saptahak / Rozana Spokesman.
Our Gurdwaras have become the POLITICAL STAGE for these {censored} to fignt thier petty battles. How FORTUNATE that we have SO MANY 300/400/500 SHATABDEES to Celebrate in our LIFE TIME....and how UNFORTUNATE that we have WASTED all of them on "petty political maneouvering by the GOLAK CHORS entrneched in our Gurdwaras..EACH "Shatabdee" has just been a means of wasting Golak Money on "Emphasising the POLITICIANS..and for their Personal GLORY...at the Recent 400 th Sri guru Arjun Ji Sahib Ji's Shatabdee in Taran taran..I saw More POSTERS of Badal and FAMILY ( son and wife) than posters on Guru Arjun Ji. IN fact More posters of GURU ARJUN JI were "TORN DOWN" by these people simply because they carried the words DGMC at the bottom !!!..
With Photos of NIHUNGS ( belongng to the Baba Harian Welan Wala among others) brandishing NAKED SWORDS INSIDE the Manji Sahib hall and in the PRESENCE of Sri guru garanth Sahib jee....how can we then turn around and tell the World that the SIKH SWORD/KIRPAN is NOT a WEAPON ?? That we be allowed to carry such on airplanes and all over ?? Isnt this a SAJASH to SABOTAGE the "campaign to allow Kirpans everyhwere " ?? It is..definitely it is. No one in his right mind will beleive us anymore....the evidence of "Sikh Violence" is too graphic !!! The Goras and others will just say..Come on Singh.you must be joking..you mean the Singhs slashing their swords in front of Guru Ji are just "playing" ?? and KNOCKING OFF another Singh's DASTAAR in front of Gur Ji is also a joke only ?? Then WHY you people get so angry if a Customs officer asks you to just remove your dastaar for small check up ??
And how quickly the Five " High Priests".... found fault with one party and sacntioned them....the sad episode of the SGPC NOT INVITING Prof Darshan Singh to its shatabdee stages and then crying "foul" when he attended the Govt Stage purely as Kirtaniya...and the calls to the FIVE to "excommunicate" the Ex'Jathedar for attending that Stage as Ragi is being heard all over...NO one in his right mind will beleive that the Five are Neutral and Panthic..they also have their own Dharra...
Dharam Pankh kar udriya..Guru nanank Ji in Asa Dee Vaar.....how TRUE. Guru Ji Please come and save us from ourselves.... SIKHI nu SIKHAAN KOLON BACHAO...SAVE SIKHI from the SIKHS....especially those sitting on its highest THRONES....
Sri Guru Hargobind Ji was on the Gurgadee of Satguru Nanak Ji for 38 years... the LONGEST of any Guru except the Founding aad Guru - Nanak ji Sahib. Guru Hargobind Ji's Father was Shaheed, His Son Guru Teg bahadur was Shaheed....and His Grand-son Guru Gobind Singh Ji was Sarbans Daani. ..entire family shaheed !!
After the Shahedee of Guru Arjun Ji, Guur hargobind Ji put on the Twin Swords of Miri and PIRI and put the Sikh kaum on a New Footing and ESTABLISHED the Akal takhat right in front of Darbaar Sahib Established by His father Guru Arjun Ji and and Grandfather Guru Ramdass Ji Sahib. This event of the Formation of the Akal Takhat is of such monumental proportions in Sikh history that it is often called the Turning Point or Corner stone or Milestone.
How then did the SIKH KAUM celebrate the 400th Shatabdee of this Turning Point in Sikh history....by a relatively LOW KEY simple Akahnd Paath over just three days...in a place where hundreds of such Akhand Paaths go on all the time.
In 1984 some POLITICIANS conspired to smash down the "physical Building" of the Akal Takhat....and this time it seems these same politicians conspired to Smash Down the Very PRINCIPLES of Akal Takhat...by staging the exact same drama as in 1984. The Building of AKal Takhat could be rebuilt..in fact it was twice over..BUT this Latest ATTACK on the Basic Principles, the Dignity and Maryada and SUPREMACY of Akal takhat will be very difficult to rebuild. 1984 pictures of the Army attack on Akal takhat splashed around the world to prove Sikhs are terrorists..and violent...this time around similar pictures flashed around the World...SIKHS with DRAWN SWORDS hacking at each other, throwing each others dastaars on the Ground with complete DISREGARD to Sri Guru Granth Sahib Jee's Prescence !! IS this any way to show the world the 400th Shatabdee of Akal Takhat ??
The 400th Shatabdee of Akal Takhat should have been such a huge affair...celebrated for at least ONE FULL YEAR...concurrently with the 400th Shatabdee of Sri guru Arjun Ji....a Truly UNIQUE opportunity to Show in a Practical manner the TWIN PRINCIPLES of MIRI and PIRI that showcase Sikhi and Gurmatt.
With deepest of anguish....