"word for plural of sikh, if there is one sikh then also it's a "sikh" and if there are ten then also they are referred to as "ten sikh" in punjabi usage, the same is true for the word khalsa so i think the debate again comes to starting point again....."
I don't want to be impolite but you need to brush up on your english skills.
There is no such thing as 10 sikh, it would be 10 sikhs or 10 sikhaan noo/ne....
This debate ended a while back and I fail to see why this is so hard for you to accept, when it is quite crystal clear to others and myself.
Sikhs of the the Punjab
Sikhs of Canada
Sikhs of the USA
And dont tell me you've never heard the sentence: Sikhaan noo Sikhee daan, kes daan, visaah daan..... (its in the ardas...for goodness sakes)
Sikhaan daa man neevaan, mat uchee, mat daa raakhaa aap Waheguru!!!!!.....
Here it is is in THE GURU's WORDS liked you asked for:
sikhaan: is a plural form of sikh in punjabi.
sikhs: is a plural form of sikh in english.
There are no such plural forms for the word Khalsa. Thus, they are NOT the same.
A sikh can be someone of any faith! A sikh can be a christian, a muslim, a buddhist, jewish, etc. It just mean pupil.
But when our 10th guru uses the word Sikhs he's specifically referring to the sikh khalsa panth (the hybrid).
Don't tell me that youve never heard the word Sikhs before. Ardas is something heard everyday and for someone with so much knowledge of scripture I would suspect more, but hey we all make mistakes, no hard feelings.
Like I said before you will need to dig deeper into linguisitics if you want this 'common sensical' debate to continue.