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General Is Preaching Allowed On This Forum?


Oct 29, 2010
Each post is moderated quickly to suit the Singh Sabha movement and it seems the Anglo-saxons run this forum with sikh slaves

they talk about a sikh homeland but with the fanatical AKJ and illiterate BHindranwala the thicko jatts will get no where with their khali-stan (empty land)

dasam sri guru granth sahib ji sarbloh guru granth sahib ji are all guru granths

and the singh sabhia are bigots and snakes made by the british imperialist

4 orders and nirmal udasi nihang sewa panthi

punjabis smell of cow dung and betrayed the sikh kingdom


Jun 1, 2004
So, your Guru teaches you to use this kind of language? He would be really proud. This sort of juvenile behavior works on other forums and you know i talking about whom! Persons found spreading hatred against other religions and fellow human being are advised to go back to their beloved forums and play cry baby! :geeksingh:


PS: nirmal_data aka gurbarakal ji, if you think you can get away with multiple ids then you are mistaken. You will be banned shortly.

Gyani Jarnail Singh

Sawa lakh se EK larraoan
Jul 4, 2004
The reason the {censored}roaches love to crawl out of their fav "hell hole forums" is that deep inside they know and realsie..that over there inspite of all the freedom to have as many Fake multiple ids..and total freedom to be as vukgar and hatred filled as one pleases..its all just...talking to FELLOW {censored}ROACHES !!!..all equally filthy and its SOOOOOO BORING......and so the various escapades to SPN....and when they are recognsied as VERMIN and SWATTED..they run away crying b.loody murder..ha ha ha


1947-2014 (Archived)
Jun 17, 2004
Each post is moderated quickly to suit the Singh Sabha movement and it seems the Anglo-saxons run this forum with sikh slaves

Moderation note: I have been looking on and off all day and cannot find any Anglo-Saxons. I check with all leaders and mentors. Nothing has turned up yet. Will continue my search.

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Gyani Jarnail Singh

Sawa lakh se EK larraoan
Jul 4, 2004
How could an AS find herself....she has to look in the mirror..not on spn..he he he..i know who they are looking for !!..and why ?? let them look all they wnat...becasue the AS is now under a cloak...ha ha
May 24, 2008
Gurbakal aka Nirmal Daata Ji ,
For your kind information Singh Sabhias saved Sikhism from being absorbed by BRAHMINISM of which all the so called Udasis , Nirmalas are slaves . Singh Sabha Movement is the best thing to have happened to Sikhism post Guru period even bigger & greater than the formation of Sikh Empire by Maharaja Ranjit Singh because it enabled countless people to look at Gurbani the way Gurus wished away from Vedanta eyes .


May 10, 2010
Ancient Greece
Well, sans the Singh Sabha movement, Punjab would have been a Christian-Hindu state and the few hundreds of Sikhs who would still be left would be worshiping the idols of the Gurus rather than The Guru Granth Sahib Ji.
And, talking about 'Khalistan', it wouldn't come by empty talks or by reading the p****graphic mythological stories from the Dasam(?) Granth. It would only be possible if we take the Gospel of Sri Guru Granth Sahib in every nook and corner of India and the World.


Jun 12, 2011
Seriously? I feel like I just wasted a minute of my life reading the Original Post.

I'm leaving this thread now to go find out why "Sikhs are terrible at PR." Could it be because people from some so-called Sikh websites spew hatred and crazy talk for the world to see?

When I search with a search engine for Sikh message boards, I'm so glad that SPN comes up as one of the first. Some other sites are so full of negativity and childish behavior, I'm afraid what opinion the visitors will get of Sikhi.

Randip Singh

May 25, 2005
United Kingdom
Each post is moderated quickly to suit the Singh Sabha movement and it seems the Anglo-saxons run this forum with sikh slaves

they talk about a sikh homeland but with the fanatical AKJ and illiterate BHindranwala the thicko jatts will get no where with their khali-stan (empty land)

dasam sri guru granth sahib ji sarbloh guru granth sahib ji are all guru granths

and the singh sabhia are bigots and snakes made by the british imperialist

4 orders and nirmal udasi nihang sewa panthi

punjabis smell of cow dung and betrayed the sikh kingdom

Hilarious? How old are you?

Nevertheless entertaining post that made me laugh. You must grow up.:interestedmunda:

Gyani Jarnail Singh

Sawa lakh se EK larraoan
Jul 4, 2004
Randip Ji..you are not the only one laughing..seriously i thought this poster meant to post this in the JOKES SECTION..I hope the "Anglo-Saxon" Masters or the Nordic Warriors Thor or soemone like that..move this post to jokes section..gur bar akal sounds like gabbar singh from the Movie I watched ages ago..


1947-2014 (Archived)
Jun 17, 2004
Believe it or not....the poster's opinion is not all that unique... shared by more than one realizes. I was not surprised.


Jun 12, 2011
Believe it or not....the poster's opinion is not all that unique... shared by more than one realizes. I was not surprised.
Spnadmin ji,

No doubt there are many groups with different opinions in the world of Sikhi. Maybe I'm naive or something, but I don't understand why a rational person would dislike the type of Sikhs we have here at SPN. You seem intellectual, spiritual and altruistic. Your spiritual/religious beliefs seem pure and sensible. What's not to like?

Harry Haller

Panga Master
Jan 31, 2011
Spnadmin ji,

No doubt there are many groups with different opinions in the world of Sikhi. Maybe I'm naive or something, but I don't understand why a rational person would dislike the type of Sikhs we have here at SPN. You seem intellectual, spiritual and altruistic. Your spiritual/religious beliefs seem pure and sensible. What's not to like?

everything, if you are NOT intellectual, spiritual and altruistic, and your spiritual beliefs are impure and senseless


1947-2014 (Archived)
Jun 17, 2004
Thanks all! Harry ji
everything, if you are NOT intellectual, spiritual and altruistic, and your spiritual beliefs are impure and senseless

I am rolfmao! :cheerleader:
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Harry Haller

Panga Master
Jan 31, 2011
Spnadmin ji,

No doubt there are many groups with different opinions in the world of Sikhi. Maybe I'm naive or something, but I don't understand why a rational person would dislike the type of Sikhs we have here at SPN. You seem intellectual, spiritual and altruistic. Your spiritual/religious beliefs seem pure and sensible. What's not to like?

Actually its worse than my previous post, having just read the article on arranged marriages, and the flak that dear Nikky is getting, I wonder sometimes whether this is the only place in the world where the sane can debate matters sanely!

Soon I will be in India, where I will meet members of my family I have not seen for years, and be introduced to friends and associates of my family, I have already decided not to mention my renewed interest in sikhi, for the simple reason that out there , most people are suckered by the whole arranged marriage/drinking at weddings/wheres my dowry/theres my dowry why isnt it bigger/lets invent our own sikhi to suit our own agenda type of thing,

I feel the only place I can share my views and indeed validate my views is this forum, start a conversation about god, and unless you are speaking to an enlightened fellow, you would be surprised how abrahamic, god comes across from sikhs who should know better

it is a sad fact today, that most sikhs , in my humble view, do not even know the point or the goal of sikhism, they think it is about the turban, or the few jingles as Gyaniji calls them, that they know, if I was to take a survey on sikhism from people I know that are sikhs (not my parents though) the following would surface

sikhs believe in 1 god
sikhs do not drink
sikhs wear 5 k's
sikhs should marry own caste
Sikhs should drive a mercedes
Sikhs should give to charity, and everyone should know
Sikhs should serve the finest langars/weddings that money can buy
Sikhs can do what they want, as long as society does not find out, and if they do, deny everything!
Sikhs should ensure they gossip about anyone found lacking in the above

apologies for any offence caused, none intended


Apr 24, 2006
Harry ji,
Sikhs can do what they want, as long as society does not find out, and if they do, deny everything!
Hahaha, true. I think this is true of everyone, not just Sikhs or certain type of Sikhs. Let us inquire into it together.

Is it because society is so hell-bent on judging things as right and wrong, good and evil, then inflicting pain and suffering on to those whom it perceives are wrong and evil?
I think so. Just look at it from the point of view of Mughals who inflicted pain and suffering inflicted on the Sikh martyrs. I specifically use this example because we hold Sikh martyrs in high esteem. It becomes easy to see what mere judgement can do.

The pain and suffering need not be torture. It can be like a small poke.

And people do not want pain and suffering and so they don't want society to know. Then we only share with them, things that they consider good. And in turn they judge us as good.

Like so:
Sikhs should give to charity, and everyone should know
Everything we do is to get us away from pain and/or suffering.

Who is this society? Society is made up of individuals. So society's mentality comes from individual mentality but as a collective. So then the individual is hell-bent on judging things as right and wrong, good and evil, then inflicting pain and suffering on to those whom it perceives are wrong and evil.

Is this how an individual (no matter how rational) can dislike someone's spirituality? I think so that is if this individual perceives the other as wrong and evil. This could arise from either rationality or emotions.

And we can easily look at others and say he is "hellbent on judging things as...". but we never see it in ourselves, that I am also doing such things.


Jun 12, 2011
Wow, that was awesome, Bhagat Singh ji. Thank you.

I think a lot of what people do comes from insecurity. I guess one could say that insecurity is a fear of suffering.
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