I take it you still wear your turban, will you do something for me please, I want you to go look in the mirror, and look hard. What you see is a sikh man, you may not understand what exactly this means, I do not know your upbringing, but I was you once, uncool, awkward, desperate to be validated by my peers, and then in the end, desperate to be validated by anyone. There is nothing wrong at all with black culture, but then what is so wrong with sikh culture that you would want to look like an african?. I will tell you something, if you were to look deeply into the culture and history of your own background, it would blow your mind, the philosophies and spirituality, the sheer common sense, it is all there, and you already have the identity for it, Baba deep Singh Ji, Baba Banda Bahadur ji, many many heroes, much equality , much enlightenment, you have been lucky enough to be born a king of the world, you just need to educate yourself, there is no sin, there is no paap, you just get further away, or closer to the creator, it is in your hands, but the further you move away, the further you have to go to move back.
Brother be proud, all that you are being drawn to at present is temporary and pointless and will only give you moments of pleasure, the true hero does not dwell in the gutter of drink and drugs and women, the true hero stands proud and unbroken, yet experiences pleasure that would put your spliff and scotch to shame.
I know where you are at present, I know how hard it is to stop, just make small steps in the right direction, use your brain, think, see, what is the gutter offering you, what is sikhi offering you, make your own choice
You will never be too far to come back brother, but why make it harder for yourself