Salam and Hello, I would like to pose a question on interfaith marriage. I have heard from many people that marriage between a muslim & sikh is very much frowned upon. I would like to respectfully ask why? I have respect for all religions. I myself am a muslim. I would traditionally not be considered a good muslim given that i don't stictly follow the scriptures of the holy book. I do however believe i am a good person. I always try to do the right thing, make the world better for people who i come across and ofcourse my friends and family. I show respect and love to all. I do recognise the difference between right and wrong and always try to do the right thing. These are my beliefs and i live life according to them ... I believe all people are equal and their beliefs should be respected.Now ... here is my dilemma, i am deeply in love with a sikh girl and vice versa. Please let me clarify that when i mean love i dont mean physical attraction. This is someone who no matter what the situation makes me very happy and vice versa. Someone who completes my life. We both consider each other to be our soul mates. We are very equal in terms of our education, jobs and social standing and have very complimentary values.Everyone tells me that sikh muslim marriage cannot happen, why? i would like to find out first hand from people on this forum. I would like to encourage and logical and robust debate. Please give me the respect i will always give you regardless.Thank you.