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UK Indian General Who Led Golden Temple Raid Stabbed In London !

Chaan Pardesi

Oct 4, 2008
London & Kuala Lumpur
Indian general who led Golden Temple raid stabbed in London

While Lt-Gen Brar is thought to still be a target for Sikh extremists, there is no evidence they are behind this attack
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The Indian general who led a 1984 raid on Sikh militants in Amritsar's Golden Temple has been stabbed in London.
Lt-General Kuldeep Singh Brar sustained serious but not life-threatening injuries when four men attacked him.
The 78-year-old is thought to still be a target for extremist Sikhs, but there has been no suggestion yet as to the identity of his attackers.
Lt Gen Brar's Operation Bluestar left around 1,000 people dead.
The army raided the Golden Temple in the Sikh holy city of Amritsar in June 1984 to flush out armed Sikh militants who were fighting for an independent homeland of Khalistan.
Reports on the exact number of people killed vary but it is thought about 1,000 people were killed in the ensuing struggle, including women and children on pilgrimage and soldiers.
Lt Gen Kuldeep Singh Brar was one of the key architects of the operation.
He was attacked on Old Quebec Street in the Oxford Circus area of London on Sunday night by unknown assailants, with no suggestion so far that his attackers were Sikhs.
After spending the night in hospital he was released on Monday.

Chaan Pardesi

Oct 4, 2008
London & Kuala Lumpur
The indian Government is trying again to discredit the Sikh community.

The real motive of this allegation which appears very dubious is to sabotage the impending Sikh case in the British parliament for which over 100,000 signatures have been gathered and which is about to be heard at the next opening abt the atrocities commited by the indian state against bthe Sikhs.

It was probably self inflicted wound to claim some compensation and notiriety with it!Anyone that lives in London knows that they do not walk up Oxford Street that late at night without attracting some thing undesireble.Esspecially two oldies!.

Any local to London knows that the slightest hint of an incident in the City areas results in an instant cordoning-off of the area, which incidentally has one of the highest numbers of surveillance cameras in Western Europe, not to mention pedestrian footpaths.So we hope that the Metropolitan Police will have access to sufficient evidence to get to the heart of the matter. At this time, they are reporting no arrests although inquiries continue.They have NOT said any SIKHs were onvolved, but the INDIAN PRESS is running wild associating it with SIKHS!!

It is remarkable to think that in this day and age, this news story is being published by both the Indian press, the bewildering Sikh TV stations and now the BBC with most of the news article leading on the fact that General Brar has long been a target for ‘Sikh extremists’. Sikhs like fools are falling for the indian tricks and taking the issue as relief in their quest for "revenge"!

I imagine ONLY one of three scenarios took place.It is NOTHING more and Sikhs should paying attention to it and give it the importance the Indians are seeking!

1]an arranged incident to self inflict injury and gain notoriety!And continue in Z-protective category

2] must have been a random opportunistic crime to rob,but perhaps they then got scared, felt the jitters and fled.

3]]Imagine , the anger of Sikhs against this man; four Sikhs attack him, with intent, WOULD have ensured their job done properly!

If we go for scene three, FOUR SIKHS V an 80 year old man!!!
It certainly does not say much about the four Sikhs and their machoism.An 80 year old triumphs over Four Sikhs....shows Sikhs in bad impotent light!

Esspecially if Sikhs, like fools own up to the incident!

The Indian government is out again making Sikhs look bad in its propoganda, and it now rests with Sikhs to show the world that they are no such walk-over fools... up to Sikhs to fall for it or rise above it and maintain non commital!

If Sikhs really wanted to end this man, he has been comming to London for years....why should Sikh act now against an 80 year old?Makes no sense.

Either way,he is not something to be proud of even as the most lowest form of life element one can find in him!

He has been on NDTV claiming that he was the victim of intended assasination attempt by "FOUR BIG" guys..who he "fought" with unexplained strength; and then this 80 year old put the four to flight!

He believes it must be "Sikhs", though he has shied from saying that outright! He bases his assumption on the fact many people have written various messages on his face book page and thretened him and taken oath to rid of him!!That would put all Sikhs with dignity on the wanted list then!
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Jan 6, 2005
Metro-Vancouver, B.C., Canada

Special to the tribune

Shyam Bhatia in London

Op Bluestar architect attacked in London


Lt Gen KS Brar targeted outside a hotel; discharged after treatment

Operation Bluestar architect Lt General KS Brar has been stabbed and wounded on a central London Street. His injuries were said to be not serious, but he was rushed to a central London hospital where he was treated and discharged.

Lt General Brar,78, who won the Vir Chakra for his role in the 1971 India-Pakistan war, was in London on a private visit when he was stabbed just before 11 pm last Sunday night (yesterday) on Old Quebec Street, just off Marble Arch and Oxford Street in the British capital.

This is a popular area in central London, filled with pubs, restaurants and large department stores. Lt General Brar is thought to have been coming out of a restaurant when he was attacked. Lt Gen Brar, a Z-category protectee, was reportedly stabbed by four bearded men. He was with his wife when the incident took place.

Confirming that Lt General Brar had been attacked, a spokesman for Scotland Yard told The Tribune, "There is an ongoing investigation about a man who was assaulted on Old Quebec Street, W1, at 22.40 on Sunday night. Emergency services were called for a man in his 70s who was suffering from a knife wound.

"He is in a serious condition in hospital, but the injury is not life threatening."

A spokeswoman for the Indian High Commission said, "He (Lt General Brar) was on a private visit and was attacked by some people. He was injured, hospitalised and has been discharged."

The Indian High Commission has refused to comment on who might be responsible for the attack. But there is inevitable speculation that the perpetrator is linked to Khalistani extremists who have become more active in recent months in the UK. They have not forgiven Lt General Brar for his role in flushing out the extremists from the Golden Temple way back in 1984, which resulted in the death of extremists leader Jarnail Singh Bhindranwale. Also killed in the operation was retired Major General Shabeg Singh, Lt General Brar's former superior officer who had joined the militants.

Brar was commanding 9 Division based in Meerut in 1984 when he was asked to cancel his pending leave and help co-ordinate Operation Bluestar, together with Lt Generals Krishnaswamy Sundarji, then head of Western Command, and Ranjit Singh Dayal.

Operation Bluestar was controversial because of the casualties involved and also because of the decision to enter the premises of the Golden Temple just after Guru Arjan's martyrdom day.

Justifying the operation, Lt General Brar later was quoted as saying, "It is very easy to say that we could have laid siege, we could have postponed it for a day or two, or carried out the Operation without the loss of life.

It is only we, who were there at that time, who know what our limitations and needs were."

Bluestar got underway on the night of June 5, 1984, when six infantry battalions and a squad of commandos under General Brar's command stormed the premises of the Golden Temple. Four out of the six commanders were Sikhs and they were repeatedly asked not to fire in the direction of the Hamindar Sahib even if they received fire from that direction.

It took six days and the use of several tanks to complete the operation, resulting in damage to the Akal Takht, which has subsequently been rebuilt.

Commenting on the damage, Lt General Brar later said, “It is unfortunate that there were so many casualties, as well as destruction, which we tried to avoid to the maximum. I am a Sikh myself, and I can assure you that there was no indiscriminate killing during the operation, and at all times our endeavour was to save life and property."

He added, "We tried to avoid the operation totally by requesting the inmates to surrender so that there wo

uld be no bloodshed, but it seems that they were determined not to do so. As you know, the charisma of Bhindranwale was such that the people had almost begun to accept him as the 11th Guru and were prepared to sacrifice their lives at his call."

Lt General Brar has family members living in London. Among them was a maternal uncle, who died of cancer in 1997 and who initially opposed his nephew's role in Operation Bluestar. General Brar visited his dying uncle in hospital and said in a subsequent interview that his uncle had "tears rolling down his cheeks" and now understood his actions.

Sources said External Affairs Minister SM Krishna, who is in New York, called up the Indian High Commissioner J Bhagwati to know about the condition of Lt Gen Brar, who has been on the hit-list of various extremists and militant organisations.

No word on perpetrators
The Indian High Commission has not commented on who might be responsible for the attack on Lt Gen Brar

But there is speculation that the perpetrator is linked to Khalistani extremists.

Brar’s injuries were said to be not serious. He was hospitalised and later discharged

Key Bluestar Planner
Lt Gen Brar, then a Maj Gen and GOC 9 Division, helped coordinate Operation Bluestar, together with Generals Krishnaswamy Sundarji, then head of Western Command, and Ranjit Singh Dayal. Bluestar was controversial because of the casualties involved and also because of the decision to enter the Golden Temple complex just after Guru Arjan's martyrdom day.



Harry Haller

Panga Master
Jan 31, 2011
Damn he escaped...shud have been torn to pieces the same time !!

On the one hand, we act surprised that some would associate this attack with Sikhs, and then on the other hand we get quotes like this. Do educate me as to what is particularly Sikhi about tearing an 80 year old man to pieces, and what would it achieve?

I personally would be happier to see him a court, under oath, and sharing the truth with us all.

Chaan Pardesi

Oct 4, 2008
London & Kuala Lumpur
As long as Sikhs do not play by the rules and expect others to play,no matter how and what the provocation was. We will not been seen as the victims and deserving justice when we have individuals who make such childish, uncivilsed and provocative comments and "celebrate" with no rationale reason.

The Rajoana case was one example when we could have ushered the whole of India to stand with Sikhs on ground of human rights and hanging, but no.....that did not materialise because ...we had similar provocative slogans from similar mentalllity people , and the rest of india stood by and watched.Slogans like Raj karega Khalsa, Khalistan Zindabaad put an end to any support we were to get based simply upon the grounds of hanging being an uncivilsed issue and abuse of human rights.

Now we get such people again saying the most impotent things like he should have died, he got away ..we are happy....even though there is NOTHING to suggest that Sikhs were ever involved in this incident, which happening at 10.30 at night in that part of London could have simply been an attempt to rob Brar , seeing an older couple walking about!Absolutely NOTHINg to do with Sikhs, but ...who would pump inteligence into the heads of Sikhs and say, that this could have been a simple robbery attempt and let us Sikhs not help the Indian government turn this into their favour by associating with our selves...but ....if only Sikhs had the intelligence which we all claim we posses...we would have not seen 1984.
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Gyani Jarnail Singh

Sawa lakh se EK larraoan
Jul 4, 2004
On the one hand, we act surprised that some would associate this attack with Sikhs, and then on the other hand we get quotes like this. Do educate me as to what is particularly Sikhi about tearing an 80 year old man to pieces, and what would it achieve?

I personally would be happier to see him a court, under oath, and sharing the truth with us all.

THATS EXACTLY what ChanPardesi referred to as Foolish Sikhs falling for this cheap TRICK (staged incident). Four so called well a med strong and q wound so small hes hospitalized only overnight !! 80 year old man fights off 4 well armed BIG men...who can beleive this Tall fairy Tale...SIKHS who fall for it are no credit to us..This radha Soami is making all fools...Like the tailor who killed 7 at one stroke !! (he really killed 7 flies but pretended he killed 7 strong men ha ha)lollol

Chaan Pardesi

Oct 4, 2008
London & Kuala Lumpur
It may have been elsewhere I made the same point .If FOUR SIKHS had GONE with INTENTION to Brar,He would not be living after 10.30 Sunday night!

No Sikh with an intent to kill would have allowed him to live beyond that point!

Read between the lines, FOUR SIKHS were "made" to run off by an 80 year old man ?

How could the Sikh community be seen by the indians -that Four Sikhs ran off from an 80 year old!!More than a joke!A sardar joke would come out of this ..just wait around ...

I do not think any Sikh knew he may have been comming to London over the years and this time neither either.

Anyone living in London would be sensible NOT to walk that part of Oxford street at that time, unless they were young and or in a large group.I have never walked that area after 11 pm; and that too at Xmas when thousands are out>He may have not known the safety aspects and got struck by an opportunistic criminal/s....and now is minting it out against the sikhs, because thousands have written obscenities against him!

This is very good time to sabotage the Sikh parliamentary hearing that is due to heard and debate the killings in 1984 in the British parliament.If sikhs are associated with such attacks, then the British MPs are less likely to support the sikhs cause, that is all...being instigated by Indian RAW agencies.Anything exposed in London will carry its weight across the world...that is what the Indians are afraid of...it does not need rocket science and sikhs need to be cleverer than that and not fall for it!
Jul 18, 2007
There's definitely more for Brar to gain from this, as said before one 78 year old fends off four big guys and recovers overnight - sounds like Brar should be hired by the London Met as a special Robocop to tackle all crime in London! If only!

Sikhs needs to stop using so much "josh" emotions and instead concentrate on understanding Gurbani which says practice sehaj, patience, don't react so quickly and say all sorts of comments in anger because you haven't understood the repercussions yet.

In this day and age we are 10 steps behind the forces who want to silent us forever, we need to understand the bigger picture and see what traps are laid out for us instead of realising too late. Brar has lived and still is living a life in fear, hiding, denial, which is torture itself, killing him will not give us any satisfaction nor do any credit to our name.

We have bigger issues like fighting for human right violations in India and securing firm grounding for these rights for the future.
Jan 6, 2005
Metro-Vancouver, B.C., Canada
Indian general stabbed and wounded in London

The Associated Press
Updated: 5:32 a.m. Tuesday, Oct. 2, 2012 | Posted: 5:30 a.m. Tuesday, Oct. 2, 2012

- A retired Indian army general who helped lead a deadly 1984 raid on Sikhism's holiest shrine in India has been stabbed and wounded in London, in what he claims was an assassination attempt.

Lt. Gen. Kuldeep Singh Brar, 78, was set upon by four men and slashed in the neck as he walked with his wife near London's busy Oxford Street shopping area on Sunday. He was treated in a London hospital and released.

London's Metropolitan Police force said it was treating the attack as attempted murder and appealed for witnesses. Police say they have not established a motive for the stabbing.

But Brar linked the attack to his role in the storming of the Golden Temple in Amritsar to flush out Sikh militants, an operation in which more than 1,000 people were killed.

Brar said he was attacked as he and his wife walked back to their hotel from a restaurant.

"Suddenly four bearded tough looking men, Sikhs wearing black jackets and black clothes pounced on me, one of them pushed my wife to the side, she fell down and started screaming for help," Brar, speaking with bandages on his face, neck and arms, told New Delhi Television.

"Three of them charged at me, one pulled a 'kirpan', a dagger or a knife — can't remember exactly what it was now — at that time there was a scuffle, and he tried to assassinate me and he slashed my neck with the knife.

"I fought back. Being an army man, I knew how to defend myself, I kicked, and boxed and warded off the attack, but in the meantime they had already slashed my neck," he said.

Brar said the attackers ran off after his wife's screams drew people in the vicinity.

India's External Minister S. M. Krishna, who is in New York, told reporters that the Indian government would take up the investigation into the attack on Brar with British authorities.


Associated Press writer Nirmala George in New Delhi contributed to this report

Copyright The Associated Press

source: http://www.krmg.com/ap/ap/crime/indi...-london/nSRJf/


Jun 13, 2012
Nagpur, India
On the one hand, we act surprised that some would associate this attack with Sikhs, and then on the other hand we get quotes like this. Do educate me as to what is particularly Sikhi about tearing an 80 year old man to pieces, and what would it achieve?

I personally would be happier to see him a court, under oath, and sharing the truth with us all.
Harry Ji, in India you can see any in court throughout your life without being punished ..... so...

Harry Haller

Panga Master
Jan 31, 2011
Harry Ji, in India you can see any in court throughout your life without being punished ..... so...

Yes, I know, and I know its frustrating, but given my understanding of Sikhism, the taliban style chest beating, wailing, burning of flags, dolls, seems to be frowned upon, is it not better to not deviate from the celestial path and leave justice to God?

In any case, given that 4 large Sikh men with kirpans were sent fleeing by the brave General (being an unlikely event) I am sure he is, right now, wondering, who were they? and has he become expendable?, and that thought alone, at his age, is probably torture enough.

Chaan Pardesi

Oct 4, 2008
London & Kuala Lumpur
"Suddenly four bearded tough looking men, Sikhs wearing black jackets and black clothes pounced on me, one of them pushed my wife to the side, she fell down and started screaming for help," Brar, speaking with bandages on his face, neck and arms, told New Delhi Television.

"Three of them charged at me, one pulled a 'kirpan', a dagger or a knife — can't remember exactly what it was now — at that time there was a scuffle, and he tried to assassinate me and he slashed my neck with the knife.""

This man is telling little porkies...tough looking, bearded, black jackets..then interestingly HOW did he see through the jackets that they were wearing BLACK clothes??

He waffles from Kirpans to knives..Yesterday the wife said she only saw they wee bearded , now he says SIKHS...if there was any reward for TOP LIAR of the Century he must have earned it by now!

This man knows Sikhs every where hate him,they write obscenities on his facebook/blogs.[not something I would condone].he has nothing left within the sikh community..so make up such liars against the community.Interestingly now police says there was ONLY ONE camera in that spot......

I dont think any Sikh knew he was in London, because had Sikhs known..thousands of Sikhs would have decended onto that spot to confront him,not 4.

Sikhs be aware ....Indian govt is OUT to malign us in UK-make us look terrorists....beware .

Gyani Jarnail Singh

Sawa lakh se EK larraoan
Jul 4, 2004
He has ID the "attackers" as LONG BEARDED.."Khalistanis"....lol..Back Home the Punjab Congress chief Capt Amarinder and his wife and others blame it on BADALlol because he authorised the Darbar sahib Martyrs MEMORIAL...which allegedly gives khalsitanis strength..lol.blah blah...ALL "LINKS" in one big CHAIN built and maintained to STRANGLE SIKHS !!:interestedmunda::interestedmunda::interestedmunda::interestedmunda::interestedmunda:


Dec 3, 2011
If it had really been a sikh with the intent to kill, then this man would have been history.
If a Singh had pulled his kirpan out then he would NOT slash the neck, it would be a direct stab- no doubt.

I know this is not the full story, as they are making it out to make sikhs look like the attackers.
Most likely, these guys were muggers and I doubt there would have been four, as most work in pairs- I mean why would 4 hang on the same street if 2 could be on another ?

There would have been some words exchaged or demand for money in which case they would have slashed so as to cause injury to scare victim. ( most muggings in UK where mugger has a weapon- it is mainly for scare tactics, you get very few murders commited by muggers)
The mugger will threaten and demand. If you come across resistant then the mugger may demonstrate that he is not joking with the knife and he is serious.- In which case holding knife at victims ear or neck is common along with a small slash !!

Every cop from the UK, will be smart enough to know that Brar is not telling the full story.
We are no detectives on here, but we have a good hunch if a crime is being described properly.

These attackers were NOT sikhs- End of story.


Dec 3, 2011
Now, I may have lived in the north of England but I was very well travelled and knew the big cities like London, Leeds, Birmingham, Manchester.etc. quite well.
From seeing the initia lpost, he was on Old Quebec Street in London.
This street is famous for a casino and some fast food places. So it would also have plenty of street crime as most passers by in the area would be carrying loose cash as opposed to credit cards, since most would be going or coming from the casino.

I don't think that there is any well renowned,famous or recomended restaurant in that area, so it would be very very unlikely that a tourist would make a special journey to dine in that street. However, if some one had arranged to meet him there then that is a different story.- but I doubt that someone would want to meet on a Sunday night after 9pm!!!
If the hotel they were at was in walking distance,then again that's a different excuse.

I'm surprised that there is no mention of money taken, perhaps it was a huge sum of cash !! - which is what Brar is too scared to even explain......considering a casino is on the doorstep!!!...
... There are numerous possiblities if what ''really'' happened, but the chances of the attackers being sikhs are very very low and should be put completely out of the equation.
4 singhs on Old Quebec st at 10.30pm would be a target themselves for being mugged!!
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Gyani Jarnail Singh

Sawa lakh se EK larraoan
Jul 4, 2004
the story ahs more holes than the SIEVE used to filter the famous Punjabi CHAH !! Get a hold of yourself !! as Gurbani declares man of 70's above is SENILE...feet shaking..hands trembling and brains muddled...walking along a dark street way past normal hours far form his hotel and all.....carrying the burden of all the murder and mayhem he was responsible for in 1984....i am sure he is scared even of shadows...and lieing through his rotten toothless gums...:whatzpointsing::whatzpointsing::whatzpointsing::whatzpointsing::whatzpointsing:


Jun 13, 2012
Nagpur, India
These are the people who entered our home & over powered us for no reasons. There were many ways of dealing this matter like stopping the food supplies etc ... but they opted the most severe way. They not only hurt the Sikh emotions, killed 100's innocent Sikhs but also badly damaged our home. How can Sikhs excuse or forget such r*8kals. They should be punished & i hope someone - someday will rise to send these culprits the place they deserve - HELL !
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