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India Indian Father Beheads Daughter Over 'affairs'

Jan 6, 2005
Metro-Vancouver, B.C., Canada
Indian father beheads daughter over 'affairs'

Agence France-Presse - June 19, 2012 8:02 AM

JAIPUR - An Indian father cut off his daughter's head and paraded it around his village after becoming enraged over her relationships with men, police in the western state of Rajasthan said Tuesday.

Oghad Singh, a marble mine worker, used a sword to behead his 22-year-old daughter Manju, who was married three years ago but had become estranged from her husband.

"The accused was disturbed with his daughter's extra-marital affairs so he took this extreme step," Rahul Katkey, superintendent of police in Rajsamand district, 330 kilometres (200 miles) from Jaipur, told AFP by telephone.

Singh walked out of his home on Sunday evening holding his daughter's head in one hand and the bloodied sword in the other before a neighbour persuaded him to give himself up in the remote village of Doongar Ji Ka Gurha.

Police said that in his statement Singh said he had repeatedly pleaded with her to end her affairs and stay at home, and that he showed no remorse after killing her.

Katkey said Singh, who was immediately arrested, told officers that he had murdered his daughter in a fit of anger as she was "causing insult to him in society".

In another case in the western Indian state of Gujarat, a father burnt alive his 20-year-old daughter because she had eloped with her boyfriend, the Press Trust of India (PTI) news agency reported on Tuesday.

The girl died on the spot and the father later surrendered to police in Surat district, which is 285 kilometres (177 miles) from capital Gandhinagar, PTI said quoting local officials.

India has seen an upsurge in such killings that mainly involve young couples who marry outside their caste or against their relatives' wishes and are murdered to protect what is seen as the family's reputation and pride.

Many cases go unreported, with police and local politicians turning a blind eye to what some see as an acceptable form of traditional justice by families seeking to protect their honour.

© Copyright (c) AFP

source: http://www.{censored}/news/Indian+father+beheads+daughter+over+affairs/6805877/story.html


Dec 3, 2011
Well has he set a good example ?
Are other fathers going to have a liitle more faith in their daughters actions ?

I don't honestly think so, sadly this story is just going to become a statistic, like the rest of them.
These kind of actions are not going to stop, especially in remote villages.

To chop her head and then calmly parade it around town just shows that not only was this predetermined but this man has most likely killed someone else before and that he enjoyed it in a sad and sick way.

Educating and recognising people that would be detained under mental health acts here in the west is what is needed over there before these would be patients commit horrendous crimes and acts.

Sadly, there is very little hope of this happening.


Dec 22, 2009
Well has he set a good example ?
Are other fathers going to have a liitle more faith in their daughters actions ?

Faith? What if She was Sleeping around while Married? That's Not good for Anyone, & if She was still living w/ him, she should have Divorced One dude, & Married the Other.

I don't honestly think so, sadly this story is just going to become a statistic, like the rest of them.
These kind of actions are not going to stop, especially in remote villages.

To chop her head and then calmly parade it around town just shows that not only was this predetermined but this man has most likely killed someone else before and that he enjoyed it in a sad and sick way.

Impossible to Know or Tell, Unless you've met a Person, or witnessed either the Parade or Him.

Educating and recognising people that would be detained under mental health acts here in the west is what is needed over there before these would be patients commit horrendous crimes and acts.

Sadly, there is very little hope of this happening.

The West & East Both have their Merit Points & their Downfalls.


Dec 3, 2011
Navdeepji, I'm sorry you feel that my points don't hold any validity.
Maybe my angle of approach is not easily understood.
I will make a few points in bold to the ones you raised.

Well has he set a good example ?
Are other fathers going to have a liitle more faith in their daughters actions ?

Navdeep) Faith? What if She was Sleeping around while Married? That's Not good for Anyone, & if She was still living w/ him, she should have Divorced One dude, & Married the Other.
The point is that his actions are not going to teach anyone else anything at all.

I don't honestly think so, sadly this story is just going to become a statistic, like the rest of them.
These kind of actions are not going to stop, especially in remote villages.

To chop her head and then calmly parade it around town just shows that not only was this predetermined but this man has most likely killed someone else before and that he enjoyed it in a sad and sick way.

Navdeep) Impossible to Know or Tell, Unless you've met a Person, or witnessed either the Parade or Him.

It's not impossible to know this, actions can dictate most people quite well. The person does not need to be met or witnessed to understand what the intentions were. The fact is that he felt embarrassed and humiliated by her actions, it was probably the gossip of the village.
Also, the fact that he paraded her chopped head was an action by someone that was proud of their achievement, and they clearly intended to clarify the gossip of the village.

Educating and recognising people that would be detained under mental health acts here in the west is what is needed over there before these would be patients commit horrendous crimes and acts.

Sadly, there is very little hope of this happening.

Navdeep) The West & East Both have their Merit Points & their Downfalls

Yes the grass isn't greener on any side and never will be. What i'm clarifying here is that laws are in place in the west in order to protect the general public.
There are lots of people sectioned under mental health acts before they are able to cause others any sort of harm.


Dec 22, 2009
Perhaps Lucky Ji, But I Still think it's Impossible to know if He's Murdered Someone before. Or that He did it Gleefully, Pride & Happiness are two different things. He was probably Proud to have held up the Morals of that Place, but happy to kill his Own kid? Probably Not.

In Any Case, he went a little far, & it's Very Unfortunate what Happened.

Harry Haller

Panga Master
Jan 31, 2011
he went a little far, & it's Very Unfortunate what Happened.

Bhenji, do I detect a small amount of sympathy for the man concerned

I'm sure indian fathers have Plenty of Beef w/ their Sons too.

Most fathers that behave like this are cowards, they would never attack a son, a son is more likely to fight back..........
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