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If You Tell Me To, O My Friend, I Will Cut Off My Head And Give It To You

Aug 18, 2005
Fremont, California
If You tell me to, O my Friend, I will cut off my head and give it to You. - Panna.Page 1094 Vaar of Maaroo, Fifth Mehl, Dakhanay, Fifth Mehl

mwrU vwr mhlw 5 fKxy mÚ 5 (1094)
Vaar of Maaroo, Fifth Mehl, Dakhanay, Fifth Mehl:
Harsimrat Kaur Khalsa
Guru Granth Parchar Mission of USA, Inc.
(510) 432-5827
<> siqgur pRswid ]
One Universal Creator God. By the Grace of the True Guru:”
qU cau sjx mYifAw fyeI issu auqwir ]
“If You tell me to, O my Friend, I will cut off my head and give it to You.”
This Shabad begins with the word “You” to point to the main focus away from self centeredness. We all live in the “I” society where success for survival depends on the fittest and strongest. Without this ego implanted in us, there would be no desire for taking care of ourselves and those close to us. Natural instinct is in animals and humans; young children as well as adults are not willing to share until they have reach satisfaction and enough security to know that giving up a little does not mean giving up your entire means of survival. We don’t really own anything; although things are in our physical legal possession. Everything comes into this world and leaves it. Where does it go? Nothing in its current physical state is permanent; it just gets recycled in the universe. We also change second after second, slowly and unnoticeably get taller and older. When we are young we want to grow up quickly. When we get old we want to age slowly or become young again. From the day we are born, we are curious and experiment around us. The first few years of life, we interact and share mostly with adults until after the age of three years; then adapt to share and interact with children are own age. Our perception of space, time, numbers, and more complex phases of life develop as we are exposed to opportunities to live in. One of the strongest passions for babies and children is curiosity. When we get older, this curiosity continues. If we are deprived of educational stimulation, then our desire to learn will die. The brain is the headquarters of all bodily functions and thought. if you don’t use it (your brain), you lose it. When one becomes aware of danger to the body, the first instinctive priority is to protect the head, then the organs of the trunk, then the outer limbs.

Who is Guru Arjan Dev Ji addressing as “My Friend”? sjx here means faithful friend to the end. Casual friends remain close only while in steady communication or local. The more time spent with a friend, the closer the bonding is, and the more appreciated the friend becomes. Old friends of long-term relationships are harder to break and are given first priority of importance in one’s life. Friendship is determined by the amount of caring time and or effort spent towards one another. It is also measured by commitment and trust. Guru Arjan Dev Ji had thousands of friends, and everyone was considered His friend, even his enemies, though He was careful not to fall prey. We try to do lots to our close friends to show appreciation, even to the point of asking what they would like as a gift, or even to surprise one with a special gift. Guru Ji offered to cut off His head and offer it to (God) His best friend and Lord who never leaves or forsakes anyone. It is impossible to cut your own head off and at the same time hand it over to someone. Was Guru Ji literally implying to commit suicide in His bani?

The head, being the central command station for thought and voluntary and involuntary movement is the most important part of the body. If trauma comes to the mind then the entire body suffers. If proper education fills the mind, then one is able to adapt to change around them. Problems would then be seen as challenges of Hukam that one needs to face and make logical decisions how to react. The mind filled of negativism would result in lack of confidence, confusion, poor learning sleeping disorders, memory problems, growth deficiency, high blood pressure, stroke, and many other diseases. On the other hand, the mind full of Guru Ji’s wisdom triggers positive vibrations that promote healing, peace of mind, good health, and productivity. Guru Ji had no intention to cut off His head. This is only symbolic of surrender of one’s preconceived perception of life to the perception of the Guru wisdom from God.

It takes lots of courage to be willing to adjust our thinking for our own benefit and others. The older we get, the more difficult it becomes to change our habits and ways of thinking. Our flexibility for broadening the horizons for new information and new secrets of life get narrower as we age. Sometimes refusal to adjust our thinking is caused by ignorance, insecurity to change, peer pressure, or brainwashing by exploiters who teach against Guru Granth Sahib’s wisdom. Feeling the need for change is painful at first. It takes a warrior to change in our ways that we are so sure are correct. In the end, everyone longs for true vision, the whole and complete truth of life.

nYx mihMjy qrsdy kid psI dIdwru ]1]
“My eyes long for You; when will I see Your Vision? ||1||”
The eyes are one of the first organs we rely on when it comes to recognizing and defining what we face. Optical illusions are proof that what the eye captures is not the complete image. The brain interprets the image according to what the individual has been exposed to throughout life-good times, sad times, fun, displeasure; and most of one’s reactions are subconscious triggering certain psychological and psychiatric impulses how to react to what is envisioned by the eye. Reactions vary: avoid, approach, ignore, pay attention, forget, remember, block out, emotion, resist, flee, become curious, inform others, trust, doubt, be indecisive, try, or give up. nIhu mihMjw qaU nwil ibAw nyh kUVwvy fyKu ] (1094, mwrU, mhlw 5) “I am in love with You; I have seen that other love is false.” People enjoy gazing at what they love. They never turn their eyes away from each other when they express their love. Guru Ji longs to gaze into eyes of His beloved Lord God to see God’s love and to express His love to His Creator.

What is the vision of God that Guru Ji’s eyes long to see? Simply, Guru Ji is admitting that the physical eyes cannot see the complete truth. drsnu dyiK jIvw gur qyrw ] pUrn krmu hoie pRB myrw ]1] “Gazing upon the Blessed Vision of Your Darshan, I live. My karma is perfect, O my God. ||1||” The only way to get the vision of God is by the mind, not the eyes. The mind requires the vibrations of truth stimulate upon hearing and understanding the banis in the Guru Granth Sahib. This acute vision does not come automatically in one quick sweep. It takes time to nurture the mind and body through regulated doses of Gurmat Gian diet. You can eat as much as you like but you must be hungry for it and be willing to make the sacrifice by not relying on your old ways full of negative vibrations. Do not be afraid to learn. Guru Ji has no intention of taking fun out of your life if you study Gurbani. God is not looking for religious candidates, but people that long to see God’s vision, to learn to be spiritual. Spiritual does not be a rigorous discipline of rituals and living like a hermit excluding true pleasures of life. To be spiritual means to live truthfully. ikv sicAwrw hoeIAY ikv kUVY qutY pwil ] “So how can one become truthful? And how can the false veil of illusion be torn away?”

In conclusion, we have a choice of what we want to see in our Lord Creator Friend, Husband and Lover. People always want to see the face of anyone popular or successful. Lovers always gaze into each other’s eyes, embracing at the heart. We have this opportunity to meet our Lord the same way. Extend your hands and arms toward Him. Open your third eye, gaze into the Guru Granth Sahib. Don’t hide Him under the Ramala. Read and study His love letter to you, and you will also see His vision according to your capacity. Be patient: it takes time. The reward is great and infinite. You will want to share it with others so they can experience the love of God. You will also be willing to cut off your head to see Him. This is the cure for humanity. Cutting off our preconceived false ideas of reality and spirituality begins when we open Guru Granth Sahib to study and not just recite. sc KMif vsY inrMkwru ] (8, jpu, mhlw 1) “In the realm of Truth, the Formless Lord abides.”

muMdwvxI mhlw 5 (1429) Mundavani, Fifth Mehl:
Qwl ivic iqMin vsqU peIE squ sMqoKu vIcwro ]
“Upon this Plate, three things have been placed: Truth, Contentment and Contemplation.”
AMimRq nwmu Twkur kw pieE ijs kw sBsu ADwro ]
“The Ambrosial Nectar of the Naam, the Name of our Lord and Master, has been placed upon it as well; it is the Support of all.”
jy ko KwvY jy ko BuMcY iqs kw hoie auDwro ]
“One who eats it and enjoys it shall be saved.”
eyh vsqu qjI nh jweI inq inq rKu auir Dwro ]
“This thing can never be forsaken; keep this always and forever in your mind.”
qm sMswru crn lig qrIAY sBu nwnk bRhm pswro ]1]
“The dark world-ocean is crossed over, by grasping the Feet of the Lord; O Nanak, it is all the extension of God. ||1||”



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