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I Thought This Was Cool


Mar 12, 2006
London Uk
lol too cool, shows that you dont have to be sikh to be good

This raises a question....Do you need religion to be good?
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Jun 12, 2006
Well, I don't think there is anything wrong with religion. Sometimes I think it acts like a mirror. So if your heart is good, it will reflect how you see and act on a religion. The opposite is also true. Thats why you get say, Bin Laden and Muhamad Ali coming from the same camp whereas one is a twisted {censored} the other demonstrated bravery and honour that all men can admire.

Again sometimes religion can be a good guideline for those whose life has taken a twisted path, i.e. Sajjan Thug, Bidhi Chand and all the other hardened crooks that sometimes find God (usually in prison!) and change their lives for the better.

But yep, religion can also bring out the most narrow minded and hypocritical side of man too.

Just my opinion, not trying to offend anyone.


Jun 12, 2006
Yes, you're probably right Kaur. I often reflect that Sikhs are seriously lacking any consistent positive presence in the media, at least here in the UK. The papers usually report a negative or a controversial image, like the Behzti thing, or a gang clash in Southall, sort of like "look at these animals" type of thing.

I hope progressive Sikhs will soon get some form of representation in the media. We need to master this form of communication as it is the one most people have easy access too and takes the least effort to absorb (i.e. compared to reading a book).

There I go musing again.


Mar 12, 2006
London Uk
its no ones fault really, sikhs were at the wrong plce wrong time, those white people are ignorant they dont know what sikhism is! Its coincidence

from religion, i dont actually become a member of a religion, but rather learn from their teachings to see what their is! Its about the individual, how they conenct themselves to god. People are different, and god can be personal!
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Jun 12, 2006
its no ones fault really, sikhs were at the wrong plce wrong time, those white people are ignorant they dont know what sikhism is! Its coincidence

You're surprisingly quite relaxed about attacks on Sikhs? Nope, me personally having witnessed enough of that growing up in England back in the 80's, think its disgusting. Plus I think you're wrong, plenty of facist jerks know very well that Sikhs are not Muslims and still do that crap. Not saying that all white people are like that though.

But I agree on religion being a personal matter between man/women and God. But you still need group level cooperation.
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