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I Feel Sikh Women Have Become Weak Today


Apr 18, 2009
Sat Sri AKal jee,

The heading seems to be quite disturbing at one sight. But the reality is even more disturbing than what is being written.

I have read different articles and people views but are we really trying to understand the fact why we as SIkhs are going down ( I am sure if the things which are going today then definitly we will become extinct very soon ) . But we need to dig down the reason for this outfall. The media to blame for portraying Sikhs in Bad Image. But did sikhs really come back with a solution no ? WHen Movies like SIngh is kingh are made depicting singh guys with outline beards why the Sikh community not come together in protest of the same ? Why SIkh Guys have become a but of Joke and Laugh only ?

Glamour Plays a Big role in this . Look at Neha Dhupia She is from a Sikh Family with no shame she put up in abikini and people love it and she likes it beacuse she gets the money people attraction . We also love it. We feel she has achieved a lot. Our Gurus preached good art . music and other forms of activities that enhances the good side of the mind. Does the semi nude girls show some talent in movies and then why do sikh parents not stop their girls from enacting such things ? We are free and free to do anything , but we should always do what goes weel with nature ?

SIkh girls / Mothers today have forgotten the role played by Mata Gujri jee.

They would not even know this name. Then How will they imbibe those values given to us in our religion in their SIkh children ?

Sikh girls marry or like to marry non sikh mona guys take out any matrimonial it will automatically tell you the reality.

I ask all the sikh girls that after marriage they follow the Non sikh Guys religion and his traditions after marriage or maybe even before? HAVE THEY GOT THESE GUTS TO CONVERT THOSE FELLOWS TO SIKH TURBANED MEN . WE SHOULD remember the teachings which were done by Mata Gujri jee to Chote sahibjade when they were made prisoners by Muslim Kings.

A sikh girl who becomes a mother has a major role in shaping all these things. SInce , today Sikh boys cutting their hair and Girls not willing to marry sikh guys , the onus is on parents and especially Sikh Women. It has not happened in one day but is constantly happening if we do not improve ourselves.

It is not only sikh girls but the sikh guys who go for drugs and drinks and all those bad things which should be shunned and their identity maintained....For which we need to bring those lost persons back to their original identity.

Then all those sikh girls and boys including me who owe a lot to our gurus . Let us remember those sacrifices done by our gurus .

Let us try to on our ends how much we can to maintain the identity of Sikh . Just a simple thing like putting SINGH or KAUr after our name . MAny other things can be done.

Waheguru je ka khals waheguru je ke fateh
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