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I Cannot Keep My Hair No Longer


Nov 22, 2010
Hi, Im a sikh man (aged 18) and I wanted to confess that I can no longer keep my hair. I don't feel comfortable with long hair, I feel woozy whenever I wear a pakta, I have eczema so keeping my hair under pakta traps heat to my scalp which excessively dries my scalp causes it to bleed and itch severely. I shave because it's the same scenario that when I keep the hair on my face, my face begins to itch and bleed and my eczema flares up but when I shave, my face stays soft and cool. I been wanting to cut my hair for a long time but I just hadn't because my mum would most probably refuse and I just had this gut feeling not too but now I can't handle it and been feeling like this for the last year. I know to cut my hair will be to take another step away from god but to feel this despair on my shoulders is a burden. In honestly I've broken mainly every rule in Sikhism except sex before marriage which I'll most probably break too :/. But due to the fact that I already shave which is cutting your hair I know I've already disrespected god so would cutting my hair disrespect him more. I just need real advice.


Aug 8, 2011
Re: I can not keep my hair no longer

But due to the fact that I already shave which is cutting your hair I know I've already disrespected god so would cutting my hair disrespect him more. I just need real advice.

Lets say there is a God who fashioned the whole universe. If this is the God you believe in then you or anyone of us is too small to disrespect Him.
You did nor create a {censored}roach but can you disrespected by it? I think no its too small in front of you.
To disrespect you, you need another human.
To disrespect God you need another God but there is only One.
Nov 23, 2010
Re: I can not keep my hair no longer

You haven't mentioned if youv'e been to a doctor about this problem. I started keeping kesh about two years ago and at first I had a problem with a rash on my chin. I started washing my face with dandruff shampoo and the problem went away. Check with a doctor. There might be a simple solution.


Jun 2, 2008
Re: I can not keep my hair no longer


Dont forget that his hukam is always there..... all we have to do is step in it... i understand that you have the problem on the scalp....

But if you REALLY....I mean REALLY want to keep it, then you will fin a way.

Harry Haller

Panga Master
Jan 31, 2011
Re: I can not keep my hair no longer

and if you don't then you won't..................

There are many reasons to keep your hair, being afraid of your mum is not the best one.

I sense the heart of a sparrow, and I do not mean to be less than complimentary, I myself had the heart of a mouse at your age, and in the end that is what I looked like.

No here is going to give you the validation you so need. I am afraid your on your own on this one.

What I would say, having read many posts like this, is whatever you do, be a man about it.

Good Luck, and for the record, I still look like a mouse


Jun 12, 2010
Re: I can not keep my hair no longer

Sat Sri Akal Sikhboy11,
I didn't see any Dr. or treatment kind of line in your post. I felt like you decided yourself ( most teens have similar reason, this or that).I think you have to go to Dr. may be he/she send you specialist or many things on internet (most teens always stuck with computers). In the pharmacy you can ask they are there to help us. For itchy scalp I personally use half lemon juice in head for 2-3 hours then wash my hair you even can't imagine how fast it works. Its faster then any strong medication and guess where I found from 'INTERNET' ( I had bad itch) You can repeat after two three day. Itchy is not that bad thing. I think any one should not take BIG ANDLAST STEP when you have chance to take primary small steps.


Mar 30, 2011
Re: I can not keep my hair no longer

Oh damn, I hate this "I don´t do it because of my mother" excuses so much !Dont blame everything on your mother like she is the devil or something or forces you! Damn get it , your MOM loves you and everytime wants the best for you! Parents always wants the best for their children- and if you have a LITTLE respect, you try to understand the point of what they are saying - but many people dont even try to understand - they just cry all day long.

Brother tell me , the real reason why you want to cut your hair? It isnt just the excema and your" mom" it is much more - please tell me everything . Open your heart ( no homo)
we all got burden etc.. and its the bestto talk about it and stop bottling everything up.Here you are anonymous so go on. In my eyes you still doesnt have understand whats so important about kesh and Sikhi. I dont want to offend you it is just my oopinion you know?

My advice: Stop feeling guilty we ALL make mistakes! And after we made a mistake we learn out of it ! You are sounding like someone who already gave up the way of god , because he made some mistakes - but you know what? NO ONE is perfect here and there we all break "rules" .


Dec 3, 2011
Re: I can not keep my hair no longer

Hi, Im a sikh man (aged 18) and I wanted to confess that I can no longer keep my hair. I don't feel comfortable with long hair, I feel woozy whenever I wear a pakta, I have eczema so keeping my hair under pakta traps heat to my scalp which excessively dries my scalp causes it to bleed and itch severely. I shave because it's the same scenario that when I keep the hair on my face, my face begins to itch and bleed and my eczema flares up but when I shave, my face stays soft and cool. I been wanting to cut my hair for a long time but I just hadn't because my mum would most probably refuse and I just had this gut feeling not too but now I can't handle it and been feeling like this for the last year. I know to cut my hair will be to take another step away from god but to feel this despair on my shoulders is a burden. In honestly I've broken mainly every rule in Sikhism except sex before marriage which I'll most probably break too :/. But due to the fact that I already shave which is cutting your hair I know I've already disrespected god so would cutting my hair disrespect him more. I just need real advice.

In my opinion, all the advice in other posts is strong and should make you think.
I reckon that you have done a lot of thinking and got some medical excuses, and now you just need a justified ''Yes, go ahead'' on here so that this hurdle can be taken.
Sorry, to tell you - but no one is going to say ''Go ahead'' and no one is going to say ''Don't you dare'' !!!!!

I will say this though- For your medical explanation there are many treatments available that you can use starting with just an antifungal shampoo like Nizoral, twice a week. Then you can work your way UP the ladder if it doesn't resolve trying creams, lotions of which some would be anit-itching, anti-fungal and slight steroid for the reddened areas.

After a few courses of medications from your doctor, your doctor can decide if you need to stay on a suitable attained regimen or if you need to ''go ahead'' and do something else.

-This something else may be CUTTING your HAIR or some other alternative approach like herbal and homoepathy.

- ONLY the DR can decide if this is necessary.

A good Dr stays within the protocol and will issue treatments that can help the patient continue HIS NORMAL lifestyle. This NORM is no lifestyle changes except for diet, therefore no changes in physical appearance, daily activities, work, and pleasures be they 'nocturnal'' or sport !!:grinningsingh:

If Dr decides that is the next option, only then are you justified on Medical Grounds to have your hair removed.
Any other justifying is NOT MEDICAL.

Have a think of WHY you really want to do it and HOW it will really affect you and everyone.

A word of advice also- people with eczema and psoriasis issues are ALSO susceptible to developing SENSITIVE skin issues in NEWER HAIRY areas that are CUT or SHAVED!!!!
-SO, BE AWARE!!!!!-

Gyani Jarnail Singh

Sawa lakh se EK larraoan
Jul 4, 2004
I drank too much tea....I cant stand it any longer..I GOT to GO !! Any suggestions ? You see my mum just poured soapy water on the bathroom floor..and its all in a mess...and she will hate IT..iF I go In and DO IT NOW....my dads in the other bathroom and he takes a he.ll of alonnnnnnnnnnnnng time in there...I REALLY CANT HOLD IT ANY LONGER....please advise me...I am holding it just because of my mum and my dad.............The "problem" of Hair or Not hair is exactly the same....DO IT and Flush away the soap...Dont do it and suffer..Do it and knock on dads door to hurry up..or do what ???? difficult decisions...oh..hwy does hair grow..oh why do we have to GO ??/ life s a mess of decisions...I wish i didnt have hair and i didnt have to Go...then it would be sheer bliss..ha ha


(previously Lion_Prince_Jatinder)
Jun 29, 2004
west london
I seen some guys that do some kinda ponytail thing, if you't want to wear your patka?


Wear a turban, that might be better than a patka, you tried that?

And you broken every rule in sikhism, what rules? dude you sound like a christian and his RULES!! lolz
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