Sikhism has never been united, we have been selling each other out from day dot, the Sikh empire collapsed because of our lack of being united, we did not get our own homeland because Sikhism was not united, the rule of Banda Singh Bahadur was shortlived because we were not united, if anything we are more united today, because people like you are asking questions, and demanding answers.
Sikhism is in its prime right now, at this very moment, and its all down to questions, the time that you cherish was a time when there were no questions, people just took whatever the whitebeards said and accepted it, without fail, without question, for to do anything else showed a lack of respect, but now, we question the whitbeards, we ask them to explain their stories and their sakhis, more and more people are asking questions and demanding answers that make sense, that add up, it is actually a golden time for Sikhism.
yes to varying degrees, but that is human nature for you, and its always been like that, right back to the day dot, right back to when the masands were doing exactly the same thing.
just as its always been
not really, as well as being different in my mind, I was different in my look too, so I spent most of my childhood in solitude, I just could not understand other people, and that never really changed as I got older, and now I spend most of my adult life in solitude too, you are the lucky one, you have your whole life ahead of you, you can do with it, whatever you wish, be whoever you want.
as I said, it was not in its prime at all, it was in its infancy, it was closed, it was difficult to understand.
yes, I remember watching the video of them all at Southall Gurdwara in the carpark doing Bhangra when Ghandhi was killed, we were a happy jolly lot.
we maybe moving towards that now, but that was never the case then, the only difference is, then you did not know, now you do. I would rather know than not know.
well they don't scare me, they amuse me, they make me laugh, what is there to be in fear of?
then do that, follow the advice of the Guru!
at what cost, well, as my various scars and mental ticks will prove, at huge cost, but to live intensely is to really live, it depends whether you wish to be another zombie, another animal dressed in ridiculous finery, or a man, if you wish to live as a man, yes, there will be costs, and they will have to be paid, but at least you will be free.
yeah, join the club, so am I, so just do the best you can, follow your gut, listen to your heart, and then tomorrow, try again, but use what today taught you,
such beautiful words in a world where everyone thinks they are perfect and unflawed, we are all hypocrites, its just that most find it hard to admit, as for the past, I have a brain full of ghosts from the past, I don't stay there, but I visit often
just before she died, the administrator of this site, whom I loved and had a lot of time for, wrote to me, she simply said, 'Harry, if you wish to live life with your left hand tied to your left leg, that is your choice and your decision, but I hope one day you untie yourself, its a lot easier to live untied.
and now, time for a song, listen to the words, and watch the screenplay, this is how I perceive life and society, brilliant video.
no, I have suffered more than a young chap like you, I am not wise, and my knowledge is limited, all I have is a thousand scars that make me understand why not to do, or do certain things, I am no better than a lab rat, trained using pain and pleasure, you could skip all that and just use your brain, don't worry about knowing what to do, just live, please, just go out there, out of the door, and live, and smile, and laugh, because really, its just a big joke a big bad joke that you cannot take too seriously, you must learn to laugh at it, and not worry about it, because whats the worst that could happen?