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Hukumnama -Dated 22-11-2011

Oct 21, 2009
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November 22, 2011, Tuesday 05:30 AM. IST]
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soriT mhlw 3 Gru 1 iqqukI
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<> siqgur pRswid ]
</td> </tr> <tr style="mso-yfti-irow:2;mso-yfti-lastrow:yes"> <td style="padding:.75pt .75pt .75pt .75pt"> Bgqw dI sdw qU rKdw hir jIau Duir qU rKdw AwieAw ] pRihlwd jn quDu rwiK ley hir jIau hrxwKsu mwir pcwieAw ] gurmuKw no prqIiq hY hir jIau mnmuK Brim BulwieAw ]1] hir jI eyh qyrI vifAweI ] Bgqw kI pYj rKu qU suAwmI Bgq qyrI srxweI ] rhwau ] Bgqw no jmu joih n swkY kwlu n nyVY jweI ] kyvl rwm nwmu min visAw nwmy hI mukiq pweI ] iriD isiD sB Bgqw crxI lwgI gur kY shij suBweI ]2] mnmuKw no prqIiq n AwvI AMqir loB suAwau ] gurmuiK ihrdY sbdu n ByidE hir nwim n lwgw Bwau ] kUV kpt pwju lih jwsI mnmuK PIkw Alwau ]3] Bgqw ivic Awip vrqdw pRB jI BgqI hU qU jwqw ] mwieAw moh sB lok hY qyrI qU eyko purKu ibDwqw ] haumY mwir mnsw mnih smwxI gur kY sbid pCwqw ]4] AicMq kMm krih pRB iqn ky ijn hir kw nwmu ipAwrw ] gur prswid sdw min visAw siB kwj svwrxhwrw ] Enw kI rIs kry su ivgucY ijn hir pRBu hY rKvwrw ]5] ibnu siqgur syvy iknY n pwieAw mnmuiK Bauik muey ibllweI ] Awvih jwvih Taur n pwvih duK mih duiK smweI ] gurmuiK hovY su AMimRqu pIvY shjy swic smweI ]6] ibnu siqgur syvy jnmu n CofY jy Anyk krm krY AiDkweI ] vyd pVih qY vwd vKwxih ibnu hir piq gvweI ] scw siqguru swcI ijsu bwxI Bij CUtih gur srxweI ]7] ijn hir min visAw sy dir swcy dir swcY sicAwrw ] Enw dI soBw juig juig hoeI koie n mytxhwrw ] nwnk iqn kY sd bilhwrY ijn hir rwiKAw auir Dwrw ]8]1]
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<table class="MsoNormalTable" style="width:87.0%;mso-cellspacing:1.5pt" width="87%" border="0" cellpadding="0"> <tbody><tr style="mso-yfti-irow:0;mso-yfti-firstrow:yes;mso-yfti-lastrow:yes; height:18.75pt"> <td style="width:75.0%;padding:.75pt .75pt .75pt .75pt; height:18.75pt" width="75%"> mMglvwr, 7 m`Gr (sMmq 543 nwnkSwhI)
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pMjwbI ivAwiKAw :
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soriT mhlw 3 Gru 1 iqqukI
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<> siqgur pRswid ]
</td> </tr> <tr style="mso-yfti-irow:2;mso-yfti-lastrow:yes"> <td style="padding:.75pt .75pt .75pt .75pt"> hy hrI! qUM Awpxy BgqW dI ie`zq sdw r`Kdw hYN, jdoN qoN jgq bixAw hY qdoN qoN (BgqW dI ie`zq) r`Kdw Aw irhw hYN [ hy hrI! pRihlwd Bgq vrgy AnykW syvkW dI qUM ie`zq r`KI hY, qUM hrxwKs ƒ mwr ky mukw id`qw [ hy hrI! jyhVy mnu`K gurU dy snmuK rihMdy hn auhnW ƒ inScw huMdw hY (ik qUM BgqW dI ie`zq bcWdw hYN, pr) Awpxy mn dy ip`Cy qurn vwly mnu`K Btkxw ivc pY ky kurwhy pey rihMdy hn [1[hy hrI! hy suAwmI! Bgq qyrI srn pey rihMdy hn, qUM Awpxy BgqW dI ie`zq r`K [ hy hrI! (BgqW dI ie`zq) qyrI hI ie`zq hY [rhwau[ hy BweI! BgqW ƒ mOq frw nhIN skdI, mOq dw fr BgqW dy nyVy nhIN Fukdw (ikauNik mOq dy fr dy QW) isr& prmwqmw dw nwm (auhnW dy) mn ivc v`sdw hY, nwm dI brkiq nwl hI auh (mOq dy fr qoN) ^lwsI pRwpq kr lYNdy hn [ Bgq gurU dI rwhIN (gurU dI Srn pY ky) Awqmk Afolqw ivc pRBU-ipAwr ivc (itky rihMdy hn, ies vwsqy) sB krwmwqI qwkqW BgqW dI crnIN l`gIAW rihMdIAW hn [2[hy BweI! Awpxy mn dy ip`Cy qurn vwly mnu`KW ƒ (prmwqmw auqy) XkIn nhIN b`Jdw, auhnW dy AMdr loB-BrI Zrz itkI rihMdI hY [ gurU dI srn pY ky auhnW (mnmuKW) dy ihrdy ivc gurU dw Sbd nhIN iv`Jdw, prmwqmw dy nwm ivc auhnW dw ipAwr nhIN bxdw [ mnmuKW dw bol BI ru`Kw ru`Kw huMdw hY [ pr auhnW dw JUT qy T`gI dw pwj au~GV hI jWdw hY [3[hy pRBU! Awpxy BgqW ivc qUM Awp kMm krdw hYN, qyry BgqW ny hI qyry nwl fUMGI sWJ pweI hY [ pr, hy pRBU! mwieAw dw moh BI qyrI hI rcnw hY, qUM Awp hI srb-ivAwpk hYN, qy rcnhwr hYN, ijnHW mnu`KW ny gurU dy SbdW dI rwhIN (Awpxy AMdroN) haumY dUr kr ky mn dw Purnw mn ivc hI lIn kr id`qw hY, auhnW ny (hy pRBU! qyry nwl) sWJ pw leI [4[hy pRBU! ijnHW ƒ qyrw hir-nwm ipAwrw l`gdw hY qUM auhnW dy kMm kr dyNdw hY, auhnW ƒ koeI icMqw-i&kr hI nhIN huMdw [ hy BweI! gurU dI ikrpw nwl ijnHW dy mn ivc prmwqmw sdw v`isAw rihMdw hY, prmwqmw auhnW dy swry kMm svwr dyNdw hY [ ijnHW mnu`KW dw rwKw prmwqmw Awp bxdw hY, auhnW dI brwbrI jyhVw BI mnu`K krdw hY auh ^uAwr huMdw hY [5[hy BweI! gurU dI Srn pYx qoN ibnw iksy mnu`K ny BI (prmwqmw dw imlwp) hwsl nhIN kIqw [ Awpxy mn dy ip`Cy qurn vwly mnu`K &zUl bol bol ky ivlk ivlk ky Awqmk mOq shyV lYNdy hn [ auh sdw jnm mrn dy gyV ivc pey rihMdy hn (ies gyV qoN bcx leI koeI) Twhr auh l`B nhIN skdy, du`K ivc (jIvn bqIq krdy Aw^r) du`K ivc (hI) Zrk ho jWdy hn [ jyhVw mnu`K gurU dI Srn pYNdw hY auh Awqmk jIvn dyx vwlw nwm-jl pINdw hY, (qy, ies qrHW) Awqmk Afolqw ivc sdw-iQr hir-nwm ivc lIn rihMdw hY [6[hy BweI! gurU dI Srn pYx qoN ibnw (mnu`K ƒ jnmW dw gyV nhIN C`fdw, auh BwvyN bQyry AnykW hI (im`Qy hoey Dwrimk) krm krdw rhy [ (pMifq lok) vyd (Awidk Drm-pusqkW) pVHdy hn, Aqy (auhnW bwbq inrIAW) bihsW (hI) krdy hn [ (XkIn jwxo ik) prmwqmw dy nwm qoN ibnw auhnW ny pRBU-dr qy AwpxI ie`zq gvw leI hY [hy BweI! gurU sdw-iQr pRBU dy nwm dw aupdyS krn vwlw hY, aus dI bwxI BI prmwqmw dI is&iq-swlwh vwlI hY [ jyhVy mnu`K dOV ky gurU dI Srn jw pYNdy hn, auh (Awqmk mOq qoN) bc jWdy hn [7[hy BweI! ijnHW mnu`KW dy mn ivc prmwqmw Aw v`sdw hY, auh mnu`K sdw-iQr pRBU dy dr qy sur^-rU ho jWdy hn [ auhnW mnu`KW dI vifAweI hryk jug ivc hI huMdI hY, koeI (inMdk Awidk auhnW dI ies ho rhI vifAweI ƒ) imtw nhIN skdw [ hy nwnk! (AwK—) mYN auhnW mnu`KW qoN sdky jWdw hW, ijnHW ny prmwqmw (dy nwm) ƒ Awpxy ihrdy ivc vsw r`iKAw hY [8[1[
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English Translation :
<table class="MsoNormalTable" style="width:87.0%;mso-cellspacing:.7pt" width="87%" height="47" border="0" cellpadding="0" cellspacing="1"> <tbody><tr style="mso-yfti-irow:0;mso-yfti-firstrow:yes;height:12.0pt"> <td style="width:88.0%;padding:.75pt .75pt .75pt .75pt; height:12.0pt" width="88%">
</td> </tr> <tr style="mso-yfti-irow:1;height:1.5pt"> <td style="width:88.0%;padding:.75pt .75pt .75pt .75pt; height:1.5pt" width="88%">
</td> </tr> <tr style="mso-yfti-irow:2;mso-yfti-lastrow:yes"> <td style="padding:.75pt .75pt .75pt .75pt"> You always preserve the honor of Your devotees, O Dear Lord; You have protected them from the very beginning of time. You protected Your servant Prahlaad, O Dear Lord, and annihilated Harnaakhash. The Gurmukhs place their faith in the Dear Lord, but the self-willed manmukhs are deluded by doubt. || 1 || O Dear Lord, this is Your Glory. You preserve the honor of Your devotees, O Lord Master; Your devotees seek Your Sanctuary. || Pause || The Messenger of Death cannot touch Your devotees; death cannot even approach them. The Name of the Lord alone abides in their minds; through the Naam, the Name of the Lord, they find liberation. Wealth and all the spiritual powers of the Siddhis fall at the feet of the Lord’s devotees; they obtain peace and poise from the Guru. || 2 || The self-willed manmukhs have no faith; they are filled with greed and self-interest. They are not Gurmukh — they do not understand the Word of the Shabad in their hearts; they do not love the Naam, the Name of the Lord. Their masks of falsehood and hypocrisy shall fall off; the self-willed manmukhs speak with insipid words. || 3 || You are pervading through Your devotees, O Dear God; through Your devotees, You are known. All the people are enticed by Maya; they are Yours, Lord — You alone are the Architect of Destiny. Overcoming my egotism and quieting the desires within my mind, I have come to realize the Word of the Guru’s Shabad. || 4 || God automatically does the work of those who love the Name of the Lord. By Guru’s Grace, he ever dwells in their minds, and He resolves all their affairs. Whoever challenges them is destroyed; they have the Lord God as their Savior. || 5 || Without serving the True Guru, no one finds the Lord; the self-willed manmukhs die crying out in pain. They come and go, and find no place of rest; in pain and suffering, they perish. But one who becomes Gurmukh drinks in the Ambrosial Nectar, and is easily absorbed in the True Name. || 6 || Without serving the True Guru, one cannot escape reincarnation, even by performing numerous rituals. Those who read the Vedas, and argue and debate without the Lord, lose their honor. True is the True Guru, and True is the Word of His Bani; in the Guru’s Sanctuary, one is saved. || 7 || Those whose minds are filled with the Lord are judged as true in the Court of the Lord; they are hailed as true in the True Court. Their praises echo throughout the ages, and no one can erase them. Guru Nanak is forever a sacrifice to those who enshrine the Lord within their hearts. || 8 || 1 ||
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<table class="MsoNormalTable" style="width:87.0%;mso-cellspacing:1.5pt" width="87%" border="0" cellpadding="0"> <tbody><tr style="mso-yfti-irow:0;mso-yfti-firstrow:yes;mso-yfti-lastrow:yes; height:17.25pt"> <td style="width:77.0%;padding:.75pt .75pt .75pt .75pt; height:17.25pt" width="77%"> Tuesday, 7th Maghar (Samvat 543 Guru Nanakshahi)
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