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Sikh News Hitman 2 Killing Of Sikhs In A Level


Apr 24, 2006
Has anyone heard of it? I thought it was racist behaviour against sikhs.
Some say that it is just a game and there are sikhs that are evil but sikhs are almost never portrayed as good in any film, video game etc.
What do you guys think?


May 28, 2006
It's pretty rubbish, really.

You've gotta remember that 47 is a contract killer. He doesn't have any ethical motivations behind killing his targets: he gets hired and he does the job, no questions asked.

If the target happens to be a Singh, I'd say "woohoo...Singhs get to be in a video game at last!"

Unfortunately, you always get the grumpy ones, too.


Apr 24, 2006
yes finally sikhs are in games but they shud portray sikhs as good ones too otherwise its an attack dont u think?

i agree with on wut u said tho
even in bollywood sikhs are never portrayed how they really are
i mean look at how sikhs helped the muslims and hindus be4 and look how they repay us
first the physical attacks such as attak on golden temple and now the media attacks even sarbloh warriors was considered racist even when there are good muslims and hindus in the game bbc declared it sikh kill muslim type
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May 28, 2006
BhagatSingh said:
yes finally sikhs are in games but they shud portray sikhs as good ones too otherwise its an attack dont u think?

No, I wouldn't want the game designers to show favouritisim towards Sikkhs.

Just about every community depicted in that game is depicited as being dark and dangerous, as per the style of the game.

I'd rather that the Sikkhs be on the same level as everyone else. Believe it or not, having them as a group of bad guys in a popular computer game alongside other characturised ethnic groups is actually a sign that Sikkhs are becoming accepted as members of the global community. Those who wonder who these "Sikkhs" are will be more likely to look up 'Sikkh' on the internet and find out about it.

Remember: working smart is more important than working hard :wink:

i agree with on wut u said tho
even in bollywood sikhs are never portrayed how they really are
i mean look at how sikhs helped the muslims and hindus be4 and look how they repay us
first the physical attacks such as attak on golden temple and now the media attacks even sarbloh warriors was considered racist even when there are good muslims and hindus in the game bbc declared it sikh kill muslim type

You know, most minorities are treated with disdain. Whether it's coloured people in the West, non-Muslims in Islamic countries, or Sikkhs in India; minorities always have a rougher ride than any other. But that doesn't mean that we should just get pissed off and demand our own country or some rubbish like that.

We stay.

We fight.

Not with swords, but with laws. With education.

Manmohan Singh is a living example that things are changing. The turn-out in the Royal Albert Hall a few years back for the 300 year anniversary of the Khalsa and the Sikkh displays in museums and Sikkh programming that year in the U.K. is another sign that the Sikkh community and its history is being increasingly honoured.

I'm not saying that the journey is complete. But I am saying that the journey has most definitely begun.


Sep 16, 2004
Dear Friends

I agree that Hitman hardly tend to follow any moral what so ever in the game and even in the first part HITMAN 1 game starts and ends in Church /cathedral and with exceptional blood shed ! ( Although I enjoyed playing that :) )

But I apprectae the argument that as people know little about sikhs and in such case in widely poular games their potryal in negative shade may cause harm as it might become the first exposure of millions to sikh for first time in life and that should be positive if possible

Jatinder Singh