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Canada Hindu Groups Oppose McGuinty Tax Credit

Jan 6, 2005
Metro-Vancouver, B.C., Canada
Hindu groups oppose McGuinty tax credit

By Tom Godfrey,Toronto Sun

First posted: Wednesday, September 14, 2011 05:24 PM EDT | Updated: Wednesday, September 14, 2011 06:43 PM EDT

A majority of Ontario Hindus are outraged by Liberal Premier Dalton McGuinty’s plan to issue a $10,000 tax credit to firms that hire immigrants, according to Hindu leaders.

The Canadian Hindu Advocacy, in a statement, denounced the tax credit proposal saying community members are against the idea.

The group blasted “Ontario Liberals and their divisive plans to provide training tax credits for new immigrants.” The community has traditionally voted for the Liberal Party in Ontario and federally, officials said.

“Our community believes in the wholesale overhaul of an incompetent immigration policy,” said spokesman Ron Banerjee, who added Canada’s immigration policy — the responsibility of the federal government — has resulted in the entry of “poorly-qualified newcomers.”

Banerjee contended “the poorly qualified newcomers’ are “responsible for employer contempt for foreign professional credentials.”

“Until these circumstances are remedied, divisive and self-defeating policies will only exacerbate an already disastrous situation,” the statement said.

He said McGuinty’s controversial promise may drive members of his community to support PC Leader Tim Hudak.

An official of the Hindu Society of Ottawa Carleton argued that “poor quality immigrants are being selected for Canada.”

“This community has had enough of this government,” the official said. “It is anyone but McGuinty for us.”

Hudak, who is the grandson of immigrants, has harshly criticized the Liberal plan.

“You know who this program offends the most? New Canadians who are working hard and want to climb the ladder,” the Tory leader said at a campaign stop.

“They don’t want a special deal. They don’t want a sweetheart handout from Dalton McGuinty, to pay a company $10,000 to hire them. They want a fair shake.”

There are more than 500,000 Hindus living in Canada, with the vast majority in the Toronto area.

Law professor Sharry Aiken, who specializes in refugee and immigration issues, said the incentive is a good way to help out a group that has traditionally faced higher unemployment levels than other segments of the population.

source: http://www.torontosun.com/2011/09/14/hindu-groups-oppose-mcguinty-tax-credit


ੴ / Ik▫oaʼnkār
Dec 21, 2010
Free spending Liberals playing with your hard earned money lol. Just like the $4Billion Gun Registry in Ottawa. What a joke!
Time for change.

Sat Sri Akal.

Gyani Jarnail Singh

Sawa lakh se EK larraoan
Jul 4, 2004
Why only "HINDUS" opposing..what about the SIKHS ? Are there not just as many SIKHS in the Toronto area as well...what their beef ??
And why the RACIST stance..shouldnt it be CANADIANS PROTEST ?? and not Hindus..sikhs..muslims..bengalis..gujratees, punjabis..protest ?? blah blah why the DIVISION ??
and these people are so quick to call Goreh racists... I dont get it...can somebody please explain the rationale a bit more for my simple mind....


1947-2014 (Archived)
Jun 17, 2004
Gyani ji

I can do some background research on this if you like. But I suspect that the Hindu groups that allegedly oppose the tax credit are the same groups that take an arch conservative stance on everything multicultural, oppose accommodations for religious minorities including Sikhs, have written (like that Banerjee fellow) in the conservative press against the kirpan and the burqa. And so I am not surprised. They frequently post of the growing Sikh separatist menace. They loathe the World Sikh Council and describe it as a terrorist front. Speak in supportive tones for the Bloc Quebecois. Decry the multicultural identity of Canada. It is baffling. I do not know if I am right, but that is my current guess.

BTW I have no opinion of the tax credit, as I am not a Canadian citizen. The pieces simply fall into place for me as I have covered the Canadian press coverage of immigration policies and the backlash against open expression of religious identity for minorities for 5 years now. It's politics. Follow the money.
Jan 6, 2005
Metro-Vancouver, B.C., Canada
SPNADMIN Ji has hit the nail oh the head! Thanks ! That was my intent in posting the news article. Canada has branches of RSS in almost each province, undermining the Sikhs at each opportunity, while the Sikhs are busy fighting among themselves! I hope the following will help to understand this matter further.A veteran Canadian journalist and human rights advocate, Haroon Siddiqui is editorial page editor emeritus and columnist for the Toronto Star:

The people behind the prayer protest

August 27, 2011

Haroon Siddiqui

The group demanding an end to Muslim Friday prayers at a Toronto school is militantly anti-Sikh and anti-Muslim.

Canadian Hindu Advocacy’s director Ron Banerjee has said: “In its entire history, Islam, the Islamic civilization has invented and contributed less to human advancement than a pack of donkeys.”

He wants to “fight the Islamization of our society” and, lately, of the Toronto District School Board (TDSB). He’s demanding that Valley Park Middle School in Flemingdon Park stop giving space to Muslim students in the cafeteria after lunch on Fridays.

He does not live in the area but claims to have “received many complaints from terrified Hindu students and parents (who) felt that the TDSB was so thoroughly infected with Islamist sympathies that they would suffer consequences for speaking up.”

He does not say how many parents complained. Nor does he identify them. When I asked him that by email, and also inquired how many members his organization has and who funds it, he did not respond.

“Frankly, I don’t believe what he says,” principal Nick Stefanoff says. “I’ve not had a single complaint from any non-Muslim parents. We have dozens of Hindu students and we have a great relationship with them and their parents. When the Indian cricket team played Sri Lanka in the World Cup final (in April in Mumbai), Hindu and Muslim kids came to the school at 4 a.m. to watch it together. They had a great time.”

He says that several of Banerjee’s assertions are wrong — that other kids are denied access to the cafeteria (the prayer is held after lunch when the place is vacant); that prayer is interfering with classes (all classes start on time); and that “secular education” is compromised (class content is decidedly not affected).

“I think he just makes it all up,” says Stefanoff. “He never asked me a thing. Why doesn’t he come and talk to me?”

Banerjee has speculated that the praying students may be subject to “inflammatory preaching” against Hindus. There’s no such evidence. And he himself has been quoted as conceding that “there’s no evidence that this has occurred.”

Yet he plans to picket the school just when the Muslims begin praying in the new school year. “Let’s see how much praying they can do with our loudspeakers. . . . If our loudness disrupts their prayers, so be it.”

Banerjee’s views echo those of extremist Hindus in India, a minority there. For example, he thinks India’s ruling secular Congress Party, “which depends heavily on Muslim votes,” is “a curse” on that country. Congress led India’s struggle against British colonial rule and has been elected more times than any other party since 1947.

Joining Banerjee’s crusade are the fundamentalist Christian Heritage Party, the Jewish Defence League (JDL) and the Canadian Muslim Congress. The latter is notorious in the Muslim community for attacking fellow-Muslims and being the darling of Islamophobes and right-wing media.

In January, when the JDL made common cause with a racist British group, the English Defence League, Banerjee was at their Toronto rally, which was opposed by the Canadian Jewish Congress. Bernie Farber, then CEO, said: “When extremists come together, we all too often get a combustible reaction. . . . Using the tactics of hooligans, whether from the right or the left, is appalling.”

Banerjee is also in bed with a handful of Canadians who are fans of Dutch anti-Muslim politician Geert Wilders. When they held a rally for him in Toronto last year, Banerjee spoke in glowing terms about Wilders.

Regarding Sikhs, Banerjee applauded the separatist Parti Québécois for championing the banning of kirpans from the Quebec National Assembly. He said kirpans “can be used as deadly weapons and there have been documented cases of Canadian Sikhs injuring others using kirpans.” He, of course, did not mention that there are infinitely more documented cases of people injuring others with knives, sticks and guns.

Banerjee describes his group as the voice of “real Hindus.” Other times he claims it to be “the leading” voice for Canadian Hindus. This annoys the large and well-respected Canadian Hindu organizations, whom he keeps attacking:

“Canadian Hindu temples and groups have proven themselves unable or unwilling to protect Hindu lives, rights or property. The Canadian Hindu Advocacy was formed to address this, and our national advocacy shall continue to provide real leadership to our oppressed community, which is by far the most victimized in Canada.”


source: http://www.thestar.com/opinion/edit...siddiqui-the-people-behind-the-prayer-protest


ੴ / Ik▫oaʼnkār
Dec 21, 2010
Gyani ji

I can do some background research on this if you like. But I suspect that the Hindu groups that allegedly oppose the tax credit are the same groups that take an arch conservative stance on everything multicultural, oppose accommodations for religious minorities including Sikhs, have written (like that Banerjee fellow) in the conservative press against the kirpan and the burqa. And so I am not surprised. They frequently post of the growing Sikh separatist menace. They loathe the World Sikh Council and describe it as a terrorist front. Speak in supportive tones for the Bloc Quebecois. Decry the multicultural identity of Canada. It is baffling. I do not know if I am right, but that is my current guess.

BTW I have no opinion of the tax credit, as I am not a Canadian citizen. The pieces simply fall into place for me as I have covered the Canadian press coverage of immigration policies and the backlash against open expression of religious identity for minorities for 5 years now. It's politics. Follow the money.
spnadmin ji I did not want to go there but you are 100%+ right.

Hindus are very jealous of the growing constituency of Sikh politicians and organizations in Canada and also muslim collective voting successes.

So not having achieved much success they are claiming to be the "Higher people" versus the rest of the immigrants and claim to be more Canadian. They want Canada to adopt the Indian way of treating Sikhs and Muslims and let them be left alone as the "intelligentsia" and harder working and mainstream Canadians.

I do believe Canadian politicians have generally recognized their ways but the Canadian people can be manipulated for sure.

Sat Sri Akal.
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