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Hair And General Sikh Philosophy Study

ਬੰਕੇ ਬਾਲ ਪਾਗ ਸਿਰਿ ਡੇਰੀ
बंके बाल पाग सिरि डेरी ॥
Banke bāl pāg sir derī.
You make your hair beautiful, and wear a stylish turban on your head.
ਇਹੁ ਤਨੁ ਹੋਇਗੋ ਭਸਮ ਕੀ ਢੇਰੀ ॥੩॥
इहु तनु होइगो भसम की ढेरी ॥३॥
Ih ṯan ho▫igo bẖasam kī dẖerī. ||3||
But in the end, this body shall be reduced to a pile of ashes. ||3||
SGGS page 659

Bhagat Singh, here's the same shabads again :)

You lay the foundation and build the
walls. But in the end, three and a half cubits will be your measured space. || 2 || You make your hair beautiful, and wear a
stylish turban on your head. But in the end, this body shall be reduced to a pile of ashes. || 3 || Your palaces are lofty, and
your brides are beautiful. But without the Lord.s Name, you shall lose the game entirely. || 4 || My social status is low, my
ancestry is low, and my life is wretched. I have come to Your Sanctuary, O Luminous Lord, my King; so says Ravi Daas, the
shoemaker. || 5 || 6 || I am a shoemaker, but I do not know how to mend shoes. People come to me to mend their shoes.
|| 1 || Pause || I have no awl to stitch them; I have no knife to patch them. || 1 || Mending, mending, people waste their
lives and ruin themselves. Without wasting my time mending, I have found the Lord. || 2 || Ravi Daas chants the Lord.s
Name; he is not concerned with the Messenger of Death. || 3 || 7 || ang 659

The Khalsa Panth does not mend the body we preserve it


Apr 24, 2006
The Khalsa Panth does not mend the body we preserve it

  • [SIZE=-1][SIZE=-1]
  • repair: restore by replacing a part or putting together what is torn or broken; "She repaired her TV set"; "Repair my shoes please"
  • sewing that repairs a worn or torn hole (especially in a garment); "her stockings had several mends"
  • repair: the act of putting something in working order again
  • heal or recover; "My broken leg is mending[/SIZE]
Sounds like you would need to mend to preserve.
  • [SIZE=-1][SIZE=-1]
  • repair: restore by replacing a part or putting together what is torn or broken; "She repaired her TV set"; "Repair my shoes please"
  • sewing that repairs a worn or torn hole (especially in a garment); "her stockings had several mends"
  • repair: the act of putting something in working order again
  • heal or recover; "My broken leg is mending[/SIZE]
Sounds like you would need to mend to preserve.

BhagatSingh ji

The ones that don't understand the Shabads to them it might seem that the Khalsa Panth mends. But just read the shabad again and apply your dictionary definition of mend once again and see if you understand it or read the shabad once again and understand mend as in the context of the shabad and then forsure with no problem you will be able to understand Bhagat Ravi Das ji's Shabads.

Also in no way am I mocking or being sarcastic in my post; just saying this so there is not confusion.
Dear All,

I have seen people keeping their hairs intact but they rarely recite lords name on the other hand there are people who cut hair but do recite banis daily. Which of the two set of people are more acceptable.


Reciting the Lords name can be done without anyone else noticing. Just don't "be" a Sikh. Be THE Sikh who lives the experience.

The one who lives by/in/with Guru ji teachings will be accepted.


Oct 19, 2008
From another post
Originally Posted by Caspian

Example 2

For this example ill paraphrase, if you actually want to read the evidence i suggest you google it (lol) but im sure this is common knowledge to most of you. One of Guru Nanak's contribution to the world was the idea of a "Universal Message" that did not only apply to Hindu's but to Muslims as well and others too. When asked if he was either a Muslim or a Hindu he replied by saying "Neither" or by saying "both" and even as a baby, when a muslim priest visited his house and presented him with a jug of water (symbolizing islam) and a jug of milk (symbolizing hinduism) to see which one he would place his hand in, he put his hands in both. Having said this, if, hypothetically, Guru nanak was alive today and someone were to ask him if he was a Muslim, Hindu or Sikh... would Guru Nanak still say he isnt any one of them? or all of them? I am aware our relegion does not suggest a muslim or hindu cannot achieve oneness with god, instead it suggests that anyone can do it, but I am afraid that by the simply creating "Sikhism" this alienates alot of people. Personally im inclined to believe Sikhism is more a way of life like Buddhism then a relegion in the same vein as Islam, Christianity or Hinduism but if a muslim can reach god and so can a hindu then of what importance are the 5 K's. If simply being the best person you can be, believing in god, and praying is enough then what purpose do the 5 K's have and Is that purpose ultimately trivial?

Anyways, im just trying to expand my knowledge so im lookin forward to reading replies from a different perspective as mine. Ive thought bout this issue alot so i even have my own answer for it, but it doesnt satisfy me so im hopin you guys can explain this matter to me :p.

- Gurinder

Waheguru Ji Ka Khalsa, Waheguru Ji Ki Fateh!

Haha - what a nice story - self contradictory eh!

1. Fact of Science-:
  1. Nail and Hair are made from same dead cells ( part that doesn't hurt)
2 facts for Khalsa -:
  1. Cannot cut hair
  2. Can cut nails
2 facts for Common Sense-:

  1. Hair = Direct corelation to Sexual Desire
  2. Nail = Direct corelation to work/Kirat
Relative Facts-:
  • Hair for Identity? - Hair on face and Pagg enough, why not cut hair from any part of body?
2 facts to being a Khalsa/Sikh -:
  1. Not do adultry
  2. Kirat of five nails
  • 95% of time nails are in opposition to kirat karni!
  • 95%; people that do not cut hair from any part of body and take oath of such, provides Guru Sahib 95% probability that those people are going to be above excesive sexual desire - by accepting the natural norm! You would have to acknowledge that, many people postpone Amrit until after kids/marriage or into old age - this is a big factor!
You have to remember - Khalsa is a institution of which rules as per Guru Sahib's hukam are followed = pure and above irrationality. This is where one is ought to be as a Sikh ( learned person). I could go on and on into little bits and peices like why khalsa and all that, which is kind of rlative but out of scope for this question!

I'm sure your woudl not provide your kids with this answer at age 6! lol

Waheguru Ji Ka Khalsa, Waheguru Ji Ki Fateh!


Apr 24, 2006
95% of time nails are in opposition to kirat karni!
95%; people that do not cut hair from any part of body and take oath of such, provides Guru Sahib 95% probability that those people are going to be above excesive sexual desire - by accepting the natural norm!
more nonsense.

acutally no. I have no idea what that person is saying.


Oct 19, 2008
then what makes sense - cutting hair? - I agree that cutting hair overall has no relation to spirituality, but for khalsa/sikh it is a factor included.

Satjot Kaur

Jan 6, 2008
The reason that was given to me that made sense is that hair grows to a certain length and stops, whereas nails just continue to grow. If hair is not cut, the body is not forced to use the nutrients to replace hair as fast, and can use those nutrients and that energy for other things.


Apr 24, 2006
then what makes sense - cutting hair? - I agree that cutting hair overall has no relation to spirituality, but for khalsa/sikh it is a factor included.
Ax0547 ji and sangat ji, read what has been posted so far and then reply. I want to hear your views after you read what has already been said.

Satjot Kaur

Jan 6, 2008
I did read through much repetition, and through escalating anger. I saw many quotations of what gurus have said being slung about like cannon ammunition.

Thank you for wanting to hear my view. What I see is that your ego has become quite inflated, and is expressing itself in both anger and self-righteousness. It is my view that you are having difficulty seeing past your ego to even see who is responding to you, much less what is being said.

It looks to me as though you need to do some yoga sets and meditations to help quiet your ego before continuing with this discussion. Again, thank you for asking for my view of what has been said so far.
Last edited:


1947-2014 (Archived)
Jun 17, 2004
Ax0547 ji and sangat ji, read what has been posted so far and then reply. I want to hear your views after you read what has already been said.

ਥਿਰੁ ਘਰਿ ਬੈਸਹੁ ਹਰਿ ਜਨ ਪਿਆਰੇ ॥
thhir ghar baisahu har jan piaarae ||
Remain steady in the home of your own self, O beloved servant of the Lord.

ਸਤਿਗੁਰਿ ਤੁਮਰੇ ਕਾਜ ਸਵਾਰੇ ॥੧॥ ਰਹਾਉ ॥
sathigur thumarae kaaj savaarae ||1|| rehaao ||
The True Guru shall resolve all your affairs. ||1||Pause||


Apr 24, 2006
I did read through much repetition, and through escalating anger. I saw many quotations of what gurus have said being slung about like cannon ammunition.

Thank you for wanting to hear my view. What I see is that your ego has become quite inflated, and is expressing itself in both anger and self-righteousness. It is my view that you are having difficulty seeing past your ego to even see who is responding to you, much less what is being said.

It looks to me as though you need to do some yoga sets and meditations to help quiet your ego before continuing with this discussion. Again, thank you for asking for my view of what has been said so far.
Haha, I will.
I disagree on the anger bit. :D <- This was me during all that.


May 19, 2006
sarbat khalsa is a congregation of all... and whatever they decide is the rule.... now if we add up decision of all sikhs regarding their hairs( I am not going by SGPC /political definition of sikhs)... we should all agree that cutting or keeping hairs does not really matter....
personally , Tenth guru ji ordained it for khalsa ... and not for all sikhs......Khalsa panth within sikh religion.
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