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Gyani Sant Singh Ji Maskeen

Jun 1, 2004
Dear Giyani Sant Singh ji maskeen has passed away in Kanpur... May wahegur bless his soul.

My playful friends have gone to sleep in the graveyard.
In my double-mindedness, I shall have to go as well. I cry in a feeble voice. ||2||
Haven`t you heard the call from beyond, O beautiful soul-bride?
You must go to your in-laws; you cannot stay with your parents forever. ||3|| (Sri Guru Granth Sahib, Ang.23)

A Tribute to Maskeen Sahib by S. Tarlochan Singh Ji

Remembering Giani Sant Singh Maskeen

Sardar Tarlochan Singh, M.P.* * Chairman, National Minority Commission, New Delhi. 110003.

In a unique coincidence, Giani Sant Singh Maskeen wrote me a letter dated 12th Feb 2005 in his own handwriting, inviting me to attend the Annual Gurmat Samagam at Alwar on 3rd March 2005. In his letter he also wrote to inform me that due to the pre-scheduled programmes of Gurbani discourses at Amritsar he could not be present in a meeting called by me in Delhi. By the time the letter of Maskeen Ji was delivered to me he had already left for his Heavenly abode – as if he himself had fixed his date of last prayer.

At the time of partition of the Indian sub-continent in 1947, Maskeen Ji, like millions of Sikhs, was uprooted from the Western Punjab, now Pakistan, and finally settled in Alwar, where he spent 57 years of his life. Every year, since last four decades, a Gurmat Samagam had been held on 1st, 2nd and 3rd March under his personal supervision. Eminent Gurmat scholars/preachers, Keertan Jathas and thousands of devotees come to participate in the annual gurmat samagam from various part of the country. As per the tradition of Sikhism, Guru’s Langar, (free community kitchen), is being served uninterrupted for three days for one and all. Last year, I along with my wife Utamjit Kaur have visited Alwar, particularly to join the Gurmat Samagam, it was an exceptional experience. A moderate Sikh population is settled in the villages around Alwar city. At present two Sikhs Schools are functional and a big educational centre had already been erected under the able guidance of Maskeen Ji. Now I feel concerned about the completion of the community welfare projects. Will any reputed Panthic organization come forward to take charge of these institutions and to make the dreams of Maskeen Ji into reality?

During initial years of Gurmat Parchar he had to struggle hard to sustain with his mission because of his weak financial position, however, he was not a man to give up so easily. He used to walk miles to attend the religious congregation and to make discourses on gurmat in villages. Whatever little the sangat used to offer out of love and affection was his only source of income and he boldly faced all the challenges that came to his way and remained firm in his goal of spreading the message of holy Guru Granth Sahib for the benefits of all mankind. He always preferred to stay miles away from politics and factionalism. Wherever he went in India and abroad for Gurmat Parchar he never deterred to ask the Sikhs to adopt the proper system of management, as per the tenets of Gurmat, to maintain the gurdwaras and other panthic institutions. In our last meeting he presented me a book, which he authored on the subject of Gurdwara management. He was very much concerned about the election procedure to constitute the committees for the management of Gurdwaras, which has now become the root cause for the infighting among Sikhs all over the world.

It is beyond doubt that Giani Sant Singh Maskeen was the most venerated and best known religious scholar among the Sikhs due to the fact that he had the in-depth knowledge of Gurmat, comparative religion and the excellent art of delivery. He always fixed his annual programmes in advance and would stick to his schedules come what may. He had made a profound study of Sri Guru Granth Sahib and acquired in-depth knowledge of Vedas and Bhagat Vanis as enshrined in Sri Guru Granth Sahib from the Nirmalas Sant Balwant Singh Ji. Apart from Gurmukhi and Hindi he had a command over Farsi and often quoted Bhai Nand Lal Ji. During discourses he also used to quote from the religious texts of Hindu, Muslim and other world religions with all the useful relevant references. In his discourses Maskeenji particularly used to mention about Bhagat Vanis as enshrined in Guru Granth Sahib, which is full of reference to Rama, Krishna and other Hindu Gods and Goddesses, and often said that, to understand the message of Gurbani it is necessary to have basic knowledge of Indian culture and traditions. Though some Sikhs scholars who failed to understand his thoughtful analytical expression labeled him as pro-brahminical. If these ‘scholars’ continue to spread wrong notions, they could raise questions about the authenticity of Bhagat Vani, or about references to Islam in Guru Granth Sahib. If the critics had their way, tomorrow they may raise voices to remove the name of Ram, Allah from Guru Granth Sahib. Surprisingly, how little they realise that it is due to this uniqueness of Guru Granth Sahib that it has been revered as the holy text of the mankind all across the globe.

Maskeen Ji’s sudden departure a year agostunned one and all; thousands of Sikhs from across the world came to take part in his funeral procession. On the day of his funeral, Ragis in Darbar Sahib sung Shabad Keertan on sad tunes. This shows how much love and respect the Sikhs had for Maskeenji.

A year go the Sikh masses praised SGPC for making excellent arrangements for the last rites. Though Maskeen Ji had already been the recipient of the highest honour “Panth Ratan” during his lifetime, on the day of his Bhog ceremony he was honoured by SGPC with “Gurmat Vidya Marthand” posthumous award. Bibi Jagir Kaur, President SGPC also announced Bhai Gurdas Gold posthumous Award, worth rupees one lakh, for Maskeen Ji and also presented a cheque for rupees ten lakh to the wife of Maskeen Ji for his outstanding contribution in the cause of Sikhism and gurmat way of life. Now she too has cast away her mortal coil and joined the Holy spirit.

In my tribute last year, I made a proposal that a responsible premier Institution of the Panth should collect and preserve all the priceless recordings of Giani Sant Singh Maskeen Ji’s discourses for the use and benefit of the future generation. Those who are interested in making thorough research study of his contribution should be allowed to copy from the original version in order to create more preachers on the line of Maskeen Ji. Only this way the message of Gurmat can be spread among the people of various faiths. I also stress on the need that the learning of the Vedas, Holy Koran and the Farsi Language should be made compulsory for all the preachers in order to deliver the correct interpretation of gurbani as Sri Guru Granth Sahib Ji is replete with all such references.

I also recall Dr. Manmohan Singh, Prime Minister of India’s tribute to Maskeen Ji in which he expressed his gratitude to Maskeen Ji’s in-depth knowledge of Gurmat and his outstanding contribution in spreading the message of humanity through gurbani. I also made an appeal to the leaders of the panth that the interest of 13 million strong population of the Sikhs of Rajasthan should always be taken into account while discussing Panthic Matters because Maskeen Ji had been a great moral support for them.

With the passing away of Maskeen Ji, the Sikh Panth has lost two of its Precious Jewels in a couple of months, first it was Yogi Harbhjan Singh Ji who sowed the seeds of Sikhism in America and later the death of great preacher Giani Sant Singh Maskeen Ji. Indeed it is difficult to fill-up the void created by the death of these two great personalities of the Sikh Panth.

Without mentioning about his fearlessness this article will remain incomplete. I remember that in 1984 when the Indian Army attacked and sieged Sri Darbar Sahib and many other gurdwaras, he endured great mental agony due to this act of sacrilege. When the curfew was lifted he made an emotional electrifying speech (on the first diwans held at Gurdwara Shahidan) to rejuvenate the mentally demoralized Sikhs due to the army attack on their holiest shrine. Professor Darshan Singh Ji, another outstanding personality of Sikh Panth, recited Gurbani keertan to provide the healing touch to the broken hearts of the Sikhs. It was these two personalities who helped the Sikh Panth, through the healing message of Gurbani, to successfully counter and to emerge triumphant of the most difficult period in the recent history.

Young Simardeep Singh from Amritsar has made a laudible power point presentation on Maskeen Sahib which can be downloaded below.
Power Point presentation on Maskeen Ji
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Jun 1, 2004
“Panth Rattan” Giani Sant Singh Maskeen who passed away today: the 18th February 2005 at appox. 8.00 AM I.S.T. due to a massive heart attack while attending a marriage function in Etawah in Uttar Pradesh, India.

Giani Sant Singh Maskeen was a colossal striding across the contemporary Sikh Society for nearly five decades. He was a dedicated Sikh Missionary of great knowledge, zeal and repute who was renowned worldwide. A fearless preacher, very outspoken and having a rational outlook, he preached according to the concepts of Gurmat and Gurbani. He was one of the few towering personalities to whom the Sikhs looked up to.

He was successful in disseminating Sikhi in America, Europe, the Middle East and South East Asia. He also established a meditation center at his home town Alwar in Rajasthan, India where a Samagam (function) is held every year on the eve of Hollah Mohallah and which is attended by the scholars, preachers and learned people of the Sikh Community. The Khalsa School he established at Alwar has been a great success.

He authored more than a dozen books and innumerable audio cassettes and CDs, which have impacted the thinking and way of life of the Sikh Community. His daily discourses of Guru Granth Sahib on National TV network were beamed worldwide. His words provided guidance to many a wavering mind.

His demise has created a vacuum, which would be very difficult to fill. The Sikh Community needed him at this crucial juncture when western influences are making inroads into the Sikh Culture. The loss of Giani Sant Singh Maskeen is indeed, a great loss to the worldwide Sikh Community.
Jun 1, 2004

Maskeen was an epitome of learning

GIANI Sant Singh Maskeen, who died following a massive heart attack at Etawah in Uttar Pradesh yesterday, was not only an exemplary preacher, interpreter of religious scriptures but also an epitome of learning. His limited formal education notwithstanding, Gianiji had studied various granths in depth.

Born in Lak Makwat tehsil of Ban district in North West Frontier province in 1931, Giani Sant Singh Maskeen had to skip his matriculation examination because of partition. His parents moved to Alwar in Rajasthan where he joined the sacred company of various religious heads, preachers and saints. His interest in religious studies did not wane even after he got married to Bibi Sundar Kaur in 1958.

Though his family got into motor parts business, Giani Sant Singh Maskeen dedicated his life to religion. He leaves behind besides his widow, three sons and two daughters.

Interestingly, Giani Sant Singh Maskeen had immaculate familiarisation with the works of some of greatest Urdu poets, including Ghalib and Iqbal. His knowledge of Bhagwad Geeta, Quran and holy scriptures of other religions made it easier for him to interpret Guru Granth Sahib and recitations of various other saints, including Sufi saints. Bhai Gurdass, Guru Ravi Dass, Bhagat Kabir and Sheikh Farid often used to get mention in his discourses. He also used to refer to work done by various religious scholars. For example, he had gone through all 23 interpretations of Japuji Sahib, including by Bhai Nand Lal, Acharya Rajnish, Giani Gurdit Singh and Bhai Veer Singh.

He was a globe-trotter and delivered discourses on various aspects of Gurbani at gurdwaras and religious congregations on important occasions. Known for his candid comments, Giani Sant Singh Maskeen was bestowed with the tile of "Panth Rattan" by the Shiromani Gurdwara Parbandhak Committee. In fact it went to his credit that coming from a Hindi belt, he turned out to be an undisputed number one interpreter-cum-preacher of Gurbani.

Though just a matriculate, he authored a number of books on various religious scriptures. His Gurbani interpretation programmes were regularly serialised on various channels. One of the channels used to telecast his discourses every morning.

Some of his famous books included Guru Chintan, Ras Dhara, Shabad Guru, Ratnagar and Amrit Manthan. Giani Sant Singh Maskeen also frequented Chandigarh and other areas in Punjab and Haryana every year.

As a mark of respect to him, both the Shiromani Gurdwara Parbandhak Committee and the Delhi Sikh Gurdwara Management Committee closed their offices for two days. He will be cremated at Alwar on Sunday.

- Prabhjot Singh

Sher Singh

Nov 10, 2004
Truly sad, but we musnt be put down, he soul lives on with the Eternal Lord!
and also an add-on, we have his video and audio recordings still available!!



Aug 13, 2005
New Delhi
Dear Waheguru123ji, Gyani Sant SinghJi Maskeen is relative to all Gursikhs, He is surely known and admired by all Gursikhs, who wanted a spiritual Life. He is among with us till we live. He was the Real Gyani of Sikhs of the new era.
Aug 18, 2005
Fremont, California
He taught me how to read the difficult Shabbad, like Slok Seheskrits and Gatha ang 1353-1361, rag Tlang Mehela 1 Farsi Shabad ang 721, Jaidev Pada ang 526, and the Sweyas starting ang 1387. I will miss him. He completed my first Sehaij Paath. I am a white American Sikh.

I do not understand his kathaa, because I do not understand modern Punjabi. I am only accustomed to old Gurmukhi. But I have heard mixed opinions that he is either a great preacher or a paraya, because some people complain that he was twisting Hindu Interpretations in the Guru Granth Sahib. I will not judge him, but it's best to say "I appreciate the good he has done." and let's keep peace in the Sangat. Many preachers mix up Baba Ji Saint kache banee and Hindu stories because the sangat likes to hear it, and they make more money. Some preachers are spnosored by the Indian Hindu Religious politicians to Hinduize Sikhs.
Since I don't understand Sant Maskeen modern Pujabi, I can at least say I was glad to have him as a teacher who was willing to take time out to help me. Some other preachers are greedy and don't have time. A few other teachers helped me too, such as former head granthi of Harmandar Sahib Giani Jagtar Jachak, Giani Gubachan of Thailand, and Giani Kuldeep Singh of Fairfax, Virginia USA.


Oct 2, 2005
Bibi Jee Gyani ji never refered to im self as a "sant" his name was Sant Singh Maskin, first name Sant. Gyani Jee never did parchar of kachi bani. i met Gyani Jee before he left UK for last time. Its always been a pleasure meeting him and I feel lucky I was given chance to talk with him.

Gyani Jee had much gyan and his katha was such that everyone in darbar would listen carefully. He was well respected in panthic circles and dedicated his life to Sikhi.

Gyani Jee did Not do kachi bani. He was against pakandi baba, majority of whom are sponsored by intel agencies and greed drives them to do false parchar. I have herd stories of Gyani Jees early days when he had to walk milies from one gurdwara to another because he did not have enough money for Bus. He was a truely blessed individual.

As you do not understand Panjabi I would suggest you read Gyani Jees books which have been transllated in english.


Jan 22, 2005
Gianiji is Panth Rattan. There are only three people I can think who can give guide to the young generation Prof. Darshan Singh, Veer Jasbir Singh Khannawaleh and cassetes of Gian Sant Singh Maskin. Most of the other I have found are donghi. They have no interest in sikhi but in pocketing money.
Regards Sahni Mohinder


Jun 1, 2004
As you do not understand Panjabi I would suggest you read Gyani Jees books which have been transllated in english.

rsingh ji, could you please tell us more about such english translations? We are looking to open a section dedicated to gurbani interpretations by Gyani's and if the hard work of translations has already been done then that would help up immensly in quickly starting up the new proposed section for the benefit of congressioin which is not conversant with punjabi/gurumukhi but can benefit and explore sikh philosophy through from Gyani Ji's interpretations. Please help us out in this matter.

Best Regards


Feb 28, 2006
As long as rating among two is concerned I gave 1st rank to Bhai Jasbir Singh Ji Khalsa Khanney Waley and then Prof Darshan Singh Ji.

No doubt Gyani Sant Singh Ji Maskeen are the Panth Rattan. Also Bhai Sahib Jasbir Singh Ji Khanney waley are listening to Gyani Ji alot.

I fully agree that All among three are most most respectable spirtual personalities.


Gyani Jarnail Singh

Sawa lakh se EK larraoan
Jul 4, 2004
Gyani Sant Singh Ji maskeen is one of the greatest...but his katha is too much interspersed with Puranic/Mahabharta/Vedic/mythological examples and such...and a lot less of Gurbani and Sikh references..
I have one of the biggest collections of his tapes in excellent quality - 80 one hour tapes - 4.5 Gigabytes of MP3 Material ( on one DVD)

Jarnail Singh Gyani
Jul 30, 2004
Gyani Jarnail Singh said:
Gyani Sant Singh Ji maskeen is one of the greatest...but his katha is too much interspersed with Puranic/Mahabharta/Vedic/mythological examples and such...and a lot less of Gurbani and Sikh references..
I have one of the biggest collections of his tapes in excellent quality - 80 one hour tapes - 4.5 Gigabytes of MP3 Material ( on one DVD)

Jarnail Singh Gyani


Respected Gyani Sahib,

If you see Guru Granth Sahib Ji also.

We will find various mentioning of mythology of Islam or so called Hindus to let us understand the crux of verse.
Sgpc code also does not prohitibits such verse from other faith which can be used to suport out views.

Forgive das if wrong is writtan.


Feb 28, 2006
Please try to understand what Gyani ji wish to say.

Bhul Chuk Muaf

vijaydeep Singh said:

Respected Gyani Sahib,

If you see Guru Granth Sahib Ji also.

We will find various mentioning of mythology of Islam or so called Hindus to let us understand the crux of verse.
Sgpc code also does not prohitibits such verse from other faith which can be used to suport out views.

Forgive das if wrong is writtan.
Dec 8, 2005
Gyani Jarnail Singh said:
Gyani Sant Singh Ji maskeen is one of the greatest...but his katha is too much interspersed with Puranic/Mahabharta/Vedic/mythological examples and such...and a lot less of Gurbani and Sikh references..
I have one of the biggest collections of his tapes in excellent quality - 80 one hour tapes - 4.5 Gigabytes of MP3 Material ( on one DVD)

Jarnail Singh Gyani

Would you like to share the stuff then consider me also as one contender.

Thanks & regards,

Gyani Jarnail Singh

Sawa lakh se EK larraoan
Jul 4, 2004
Waheguru ji ka khalsa waheguru ji ki Fateh.


The FILE is HUGE..4.5 GIGABYTES !!! and takes about 8 hours to download over a BROADBAND CONNECTION.( I MB Line) Ordinary Emails cannot handle such big files - even Google will only allow a download of about 1 MB per day ( and 4.5 GB is 4500 MB).( 9 VCD)

The Original Web Site that Hosted this collection for downlaods is currently DOWN. When It is Up and running again..I will let you have the Address..BUT that will also NEED a BROADBAND CONNECTION..not a 56K DIAL UP one !!!

The second alternative is for you to send me your POSTAL ADDRESS...and then I can go about Making COPIES of the DVD..and post you the DVD which can be played in DVD Players that play MP3s.

Jarnail singh gyani MALAYSIA.