I recieved the following email. Would like to know others opinion on it.
Guruji to be abused AGAIN!
Action required to STOP Guruji being taken to Hotel
The committee of the Gurdwara in Northampton, UK have agreed that Sri Guru Granth ji's saroop can be taken to the Moathouse Hotel for a wedding on Sunday 22 August.
The hotel has at least two active bars within the premises in which the hall is situated.
Is this how low we have sunk? 400 years since Guru Arjan Dev ji had the Aadh Granth Sahib compiled, we allow Guru ji's saroop to be taken to places where actions take place which are completely against the words of Guru ji?
Guru Amar Daas ji has said "Drinking alcohol, his intelligence departs, and madness enters his mind... Do not drink the false alcohol at all, if it is in your power." (Limb 554 of SGGSJ).
And Guru ji says "Kabeer, those mortals who consume marijuana [drugs and tobacco], fish [meat] and wine [alcohol] - no matter what pilgrimages, fasts and rituals they follow, they will all go to HELL. ||233||" (Limb 1377 of SGGSJ).
Why should we care? Because Guru Nanak Dev ji has said "The fire of evil-mindedness is burning up the world. THEY ALONE are SAVED, who contemplate the Word of the Guru's Sabad. ||2||" (Limb 225 of SGGSJ).
And how are we treating Guru ji's Sabad?
The President of Gurdwara Committee is Amarjit Atwal. He confirmed todaythat:
1. The wedding would take place;
2. They know that a Hukamnaama of Akaal Takhat Sahib has banned this; and
3. That they are doing this due to force of circumstances i.e. the Gurdwara Sahib is too small.
The Secretary is Jagtar Cheema and Santokh Uppal is the Treasurer.
The Gurdwara's phone number is 01604-634641.
The family were contacted over two months ago and alternatives suggested (at the time, invitations had not been sent out). The alternatives offered was a very large marquee (not perfect but far better than a hotel with bars) or nearby Gurdwara Sahibs which are far larger i.e. i.e. Bedford.
We owe a duty to Guru ji to take a stand against this - otherwise where will it end? Sri Guru Granth Sahib ji being taken to massage parlours, pubs, lap dance bars?
PHONE the Gurdwara and ask to speak the President or other committee members
A delegation of concerned Sikh naujawaan and elders are going to meet the committee this weekend - keep up the pressure!
For more information and updates on the situation: http://forums.waheguroo.com/index.php?act=ST&f=2&t=6200&st=0
Action required to STOP Guruji being taken to Hotel
The committee of the Gurdwara in Northampton, UK have agreed that Sri Guru Granth ji's saroop can be taken to the Moathouse Hotel for a wedding on Sunday 22 August.
The hotel has at least two active bars within the premises in which the hall is situated.
Is this how low we have sunk? 400 years since Guru Arjan Dev ji had the Aadh Granth Sahib compiled, we allow Guru ji's saroop to be taken to places where actions take place which are completely against the words of Guru ji?
Guru Amar Daas ji has said "Drinking alcohol, his intelligence departs, and madness enters his mind... Do not drink the false alcohol at all, if it is in your power." (Limb 554 of SGGSJ).
And Guru ji says "Kabeer, those mortals who consume marijuana [drugs and tobacco], fish [meat] and wine [alcohol] - no matter what pilgrimages, fasts and rituals they follow, they will all go to HELL. ||233||" (Limb 1377 of SGGSJ).
Why should we care? Because Guru Nanak Dev ji has said "The fire of evil-mindedness is burning up the world. THEY ALONE are SAVED, who contemplate the Word of the Guru's Sabad. ||2||" (Limb 225 of SGGSJ).
And how are we treating Guru ji's Sabad?
The President of Gurdwara Committee is Amarjit Atwal. He confirmed todaythat:
1. The wedding would take place;
2. They know that a Hukamnaama of Akaal Takhat Sahib has banned this; and
3. That they are doing this due to force of circumstances i.e. the Gurdwara Sahib is too small.
The Secretary is Jagtar Cheema and Santokh Uppal is the Treasurer.
The Gurdwara's phone number is 01604-634641.
The family were contacted over two months ago and alternatives suggested (at the time, invitations had not been sent out). The alternatives offered was a very large marquee (not perfect but far better than a hotel with bars) or nearby Gurdwara Sahibs which are far larger i.e. i.e. Bedford.
We owe a duty to Guru ji to take a stand against this - otherwise where will it end? Sri Guru Granth Sahib ji being taken to massage parlours, pubs, lap dance bars?
PHONE the Gurdwara and ask to speak the President or other committee members
A delegation of concerned Sikh naujawaan and elders are going to meet the committee this weekend - keep up the pressure!
For more information and updates on the situation: http://forums.waheguroo.com/index.php?act=ST&f=2&t=6200&st=0