- Dec 21, 2010
- 3,384
- 5,690
Here the series of questions deal with issues of ego. It is depicted by the Sidhs as hard as steel to get rid of. They metaphorically ask how the humbleness and humility can crack such an impossible hardened state. The questions are driven by the many such impediments and how a humble approach befits.
Let us review the following,
Sidhas/Yogis ask:
Guru ji state that it is this oneness which will overcome impediments so hard as steel. The wisdom so becoming available in this state will eliminate the wanderings of the mind as consonance with the creator will overtake.
In summary Guru ji state that if you are one and the same as in and out, much wisdom flows and the hardest of issues become addressable. The spirituality so shines being in consonance with the creator and the creation in this state.
Have we stopped or reduced our two selves? Do we still have a battle of the two as to be good in one and bad in the other as we oscillate and try to balance the inner with the outer? Without naming or trying to denigrate, the monkey dance and split personalities of politicians vividly help us understand the conflicting dualities of self referenced in this discourse. mundahug
What you think?
Sat Sri Akal.
PS: Please see the appropriate complete Shabad here,
Let us review the following,
Sidhas/Yogis ask:
Guru Ji’s answers:ਮੈਣ ਕੇ ਦੰਤ ਕਿਉ ਖਾਈਐ ਸਾਰੁ ॥ ਜਿਤੁ ਗਰਬੁ ਜਾਇ ਸੁ ਕਵਣੁ ਆਹਾਰੁ ॥
Maiṇ ke ḏanṯ ki▫o kẖā▫ī▫ai sār. Jiṯ garab jā▫e so kavaṇ āhār.
How to chew iron with teeth of wax? Disposing off the ego, what kind of food is that?
ਹਿਵੈ ਕਾ ਘਰੁ ਮੰਦਰੁ ਅਗਨਿ ਪਿਰਾਹਨੁ ॥ ਕਵਨ ਗੁਫਾ ਜਿਤੁ ਰਹੈ ਅਵਾਹਨੁ ॥
Hivai kā gẖar manḏar agan pirāhan. Kavan gufā jiṯ rahai avāhan.
Body house of ice with cladding of fire! What cave where such stays tranquil?
ਇਤ ਉਤ ਕਿਸ ਕਉ ਜਾਣਿ ਸਮਾਵੈ ॥ ਕਵਨ ਧਿਆਨੁ ਮਨੁ ਮਨਹਿ ਸਮਾਵੈ ॥੪੫॥
Iṯ uṯ kis ka▫o jāṇ samāvai. Kavan ḏẖi▫ān man manėh samāvai. ||45||
Who to recognize hither and thither? What contemplation so mind is absorbed within mind itself?
Guru ji describe that the ego destroys the inner self. They propose that the conflict of inner and outer self needs to be resolved so all is one. There by one is the same inside and out.ਹਉ ਹਉ ਮੈ ਮੈ ਵਿਚਹੁ ਖੋਵੈ ॥ ਦੂਜਾ ਮੇਟੈ ਏਕੋ ਹੋਵੈ ॥
Ha▫o ha▫o mai mai vicẖahu kẖovai. Ḏūjā metai eko hovai.
Killing the self from within self. Erasing the secondary and becoming just one.
ਜਗੁ ਕਰੜਾ ਮਨਮੁਖੁ ਗਾਵਾਰੁ ॥ ਸਬਦੁ ਕਮਾਈਐ ਖਾਈਐ ਸਾਰੁ ॥
Jag karṛā manmukẖ gāvār. Sabaḏ kamā▫ī▫ai kẖā▫ī▫ai sār.
World is hard for ones following wishes of own mind. Earning wisdom the iron is eaten.
ਅੰਤਰਿ ਬਾਹਰਿ ਏਕੋ ਜਾਣੈ ॥ ਨਾਨਕ ਅਗਨਿ ਮਰੈ ਸਤਿਗੁਰ ਕੈ ਭਾਣੈ ॥੪੬॥
Anṯar bāhar eko jāṇai. Nānak agan marai saṯgur kai bẖāṇai. ||46||
Understanding all one as inside and out. Nanak, the fire puts out through true ways of the creator.
Guru ji state that it is this oneness which will overcome impediments so hard as steel. The wisdom so becoming available in this state will eliminate the wanderings of the mind as consonance with the creator will overtake.
In summary Guru ji state that if you are one and the same as in and out, much wisdom flows and the hardest of issues become addressable. The spirituality so shines being in consonance with the creator and the creation in this state.
Have we stopped or reduced our two selves? Do we still have a battle of the two as to be good in one and bad in the other as we oscillate and try to balance the inner with the outer? Without naming or trying to denigrate, the monkey dance and split personalities of politicians vividly help us understand the conflicting dualities of self referenced in this discourse. mundahug
What you think?
Sat Sri Akal.
PS: Please see the appropriate complete Shabad here,