pMc prvwx pMc prDwnu ] (3-11, jpu, mÚ 1)
1.The chosen ones, the self-elect, are accepted and approved.
pMcy pwvih drgih mwnu ] (3-12, jpu, mÚ 1)
2.The chosen ones are honored in the Court of the Lord.
pMcy sohih dir rwjwnu ] (3-12, jpu, mÚ 1)
3.The chosen ones look beautiful in the courts of kings.
pMcw kw guru eyku iDAwnu ] (3-12, jpu, mÚ 1)
4.The chosen ones meditate single-mindedly on the Guru.
jy ko khY krY vIcwru ] (3-12, jpu, mÚ 1)
No matter how much anyone tries to explain and describe them,
Note: I am putting the following in Broken english and find that it would be useful if it contains Punjabi words that have been used in katha.The best would be to listen yourself. The following is the summary only.Much more than this was stated in Katha.Kindly help yourself.I shall be posting only those of which I make notes.
The bani offers Brahm Gyan.
However,Jap ji sahib bani is a special Bani and it only offers Brahm Gyan. The method is Adhyasan [to me it sounded like this,I presume it to be similar to abhyasan/the one who practices. The sidhas asked Guru ji:
How do they earn[naam] and what is the swaroop of adhyasan.?
Shravan –manna-Abhyaas is the sequence of naam , that goes to mind. First listen then accept and then meditate i.e practice on Naam.
Adhyasan can be one who has put is effort has become ‘Shreshth’. They are acceptable everywhere. Each and every action of these adhyasan is acceptable. When they are acceptable in Dargaah they are acceptable everywhere.
Brahmgyani is Mukhiya/Pradhan. One who has established Naam in mind, becomes Pardhan. Saints and Mahatamas are also Pardhaan –roop. They have worked hard.[Naam Abhyaas.].They can see the light of Maharaaj i.e God. Maharaj says that God is limitless.
Koi Har samaan Nahin Raja…No one is like The Almighty.He is only ONE.
Even in the dargah they are acceptable.No one can stop them.They can go to Swarag.They are Pradhaan.
Gurmukh Naam daan .Isnaan.
This is only on account of Naam-abhyaas. They leave kam, krodh, lobh, moh, ahnakaar and get 5 gunas sat, santokh, dharma, dheerj, vichaar and also leave another FIVE shabad, sparsh, gandh, roop and ras. Shabad, sparsh, gandh, roop and ras are sukhm subjects. These are also vices for Brahamgyaaan. They attain qualities like sheetalta, parkashta, dheeraj, asangta, samta which are the major qualities of the five Tatts/elements of which our body is made up Of.
There are the stages of Brahmgyani depending upon the quality he is blessed with. He is ordinarily looking but when he speaks one may find out the difference. His spritual level is so high that what he speaks and says cannot be understood by ordinary people as he is at different level.
Vishnu is supposed to be the Rajan of all Raja. In sachkhand they[ Brahmgyanis] are also Pardhan swaroop. [sheetalta prakash,dheeraj, asangta, samta ,these qualities make them so]
Brahmgyani disintegrates the illusion Of Maya. They reach the last stage of Gurmukh Brahmgyani. He is one with the GOD. He is therefore, treated like a king. In sachkhand they are like kings. Gurmukh Brahmgyan is the last stage of the Brahmgyani.
Mind is the guru of Panch indriyaan. Adhyasan is one who is above FIVE.sabad,sparsh,roop,gandh,ras and kam,krodh,lobh,Moh and Ahankaar and takes Brahmakaar vritti and also get the five qualities of five tatts sheetalta, prakashta,dheeraj, asangata and samta.The last is the quality of the air.[The other are also explained but I could not note]
They meditate on Guru ,the Lord. They worship Akar roop. But after time form is lost and formlessness takes the place.
The words are there to make one understand. The saints go from the sargun to nirgun. Sargun –dhyaan, Nirgun-Gyan.
It is the question of the concentration of mind. At any time it can get concentrated. We cannot do it. It is HIS grace that we can get that opportune moment when it will happen. In the long run the Akar is lost and only light is left. That is HIS jot.
Dhyaan main na avay jo tab dheiavay.[ How do we do dhyaaan when he cannot be put in Dhyaan..It is like a electricity in the clouds.In the end there is Light. ]
It is the essence of the Naam.Bani.Simran.One can get HIS kirpa/blessings by increasing the abhyaas/practice.
Ordinarily one is ready to work for money and similarly if he comes to accept that Naam is great one can do anything. Sat,santokh,dharma,dheerj,vichaar are the qualities that are attained by the Adhyasan who leaves kam,krodh,lobh, moh and ahankaar.
Even Brahma,Vishnu, Mahesh are also with Haume. They are not Brahmgyani. It is a very high stage. It is stated that :
‘Brahmgyani ko khojay Maheshwar’
‘Brahmgyani aap Parmeshwar’.
Wjkk sri WJkF
Bhul Chuk Mauf.