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Gurus Guru Gobind Singh Ji Never Visited Harmandir Sahib, Amritsar ?

Apr 7, 2005
Ok there are 2 stories floating around in my head not 100% on either (they were child hood stories)

1) It wasn't Guru Gobind Singh Ji but rather Guru Teg Bahadur Ji was refuse enterance to Harmandhir Sahib right after he was pronounced Guru Ji at Baba Bakala Sahib. The Masand that was running Harmindhir Sahib refused to let Guru Ji in because he didn't believe that this was the real Guru (because there were so many imposters going around)

2) Guru Gobind Singh Ji was refused once by the Masands.... This lead to destruction of the Manji System and Guru Sahib took punishment on the Masands. They were burned alive in a pit at Anandpur Sahib.

Now like i said before..... i'll check up on those right away. But those are the first things that popped up in my head when i read this topic.

Gyani Jarnail Singh

Sawa lakh se EK larraoan
Jul 4, 2004
Guru GOBIND SINGH JI never even attempted to "visit" Harmandir Sahib..although there is no record of Guru Har rai ji and Guru Har Krishen Ji also ever visiting here.

Guru Teg bahadur Ji had the Doors of Harmandir SHUT in his face by the SODHIS occupying the place...they were afraid that IF they allowed GURU JI, in....HE MIGHT NEVER LEAVE...and where would that leave them ?? They were under the impression they were defacto "GURUS" with the AAD Garnth Bir and Harmandir under them.... WHAT a FALLACY ???

Guur Gobind Singh ji could have forcibly "visited" but He probably had more IMPORTANT things to do. Remember GURU TEG BAHADUR JI had BOUGHT the FREE HOLD lands at Anandpur Sahib, and that was to be developed by GURU JI into a viable FORT/Town full of people. Guru Ji also had to PREPARE for vasakhi 1699 and the BATTLES soon to be fought.... indeed it is a miracle what GURU JI ACCOMPLISHED in His SHORT LIFE

It has always been a TRADITION with our SIKH GURUS to NEVER...NEVER covert the "dera" of their Predecessor and live off the previous Guru's kamaii...
Guru nanak ji established KARTARPUR.... Guru Angad Ji went on to DEVELOP a new town called KHADOOR...Guru Amardass Ji went on to develop GOINDWAAL, Guru Ramdass Ji went on to develop Ramdass Pur..whcih was developed fully into AMRITSAR by GURU ARJUN JI... GURU HARGOBIND JI went on to develop Chherta sahib, and many other places, Guru har rai ji developed his own place and so on... GURU TEG BAHADUR JI bought ANANDPUR SAHIB...which Guru Gobind Singh ji developed fully. Just imagine if our GURUS had all remained at Kartarpur only....not much sikhi parchaar or development of Punjab would have taken place..as it is now every place in Punjab and well beyond has the footsteps of GURU JI in one Body or the other making their mark there and gurdwaras are everywhere the GURUS went....as far east as Bengal, as South as Hazoor sahib..as West as Panja Sahib...Baghdad... MOST of the Big Towns of Punjab were developed by our GURUS.

Jarnail Singh:wah:

Gyani Jarnail Singh

Sawa lakh se EK larraoan
Jul 4, 2004
And to add...Guru AMARDASS JI wrote EXTENSIVELY in His Gurbani about what the HARMANDAR really is as per GURBANI....its NOT a "place"..its the HUMAN BODY because the CREATOR RESIDES in each HUMAN BODY..He is NOT "restricted" to ANY worldly BUILDING..not Mecca..not Amritsar..Not benaras...and THIS FACT is clearly and unequivocally ESTABLISHED in the GURBANI as well as Guru nanak jis visits to mecca and Kabir Jis visits to Benares. Kabir Ji writes..IF we believe that HE resides only in teh WEST..then WHO TAKES care of teh EAST ?? which means that Kabir ji REJECTS the CREATOR being restricted to any one place...and LOGICALLy this restriction is also valid for AMRITSAR. KABIR JI actually LEFT BENARES to die in a PLACE called MAGHAR - because it was traditionally accepted that BENARES was HOLY and Maghar was NOT...so dying in benaras was taken to mean one wnet to SWARG (heaven) and any one dying in Maghar was going to HELL narak...so Kabior ji MOVED to MAGHAR to DEBUNK this LIE.

READ and UNDERSTAND GURBANI..the SGGS...for the TRUTH. The Historical Gurdwaras Takhats are just that - HISTORICAL.PERIOD. The REAL SPIRITUALITY is inside the SGGS which is in every Gurdwara.No way is anyone going to go to "heaven" simply by visiting Harmandar in Amritsar or Patna or in hemkunt whatever.....ILLOGICAL as per GURBANI,.
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