Re: Gurmat Teaching :Made Compulsory in India
Dear Sikh80 Ji,
Gita, vedas and Upanisads which contains the essense of Himdu religion are not part of these books. Gurmat or Sikhi is not story, it contains philisophy of living.
Gurmat cannot be compared to Ramayana, Mahabharat or Bhagavatam.
Elders in each Sikh family should teach the youngs Gurmat and make Gurmukhs out of them. Teaching of Gurmat cannot be out source. It has to be taught within family, within Sikh Religious Institutions.
With love and respect for all.
Amarpal Singh
Very many thanks for sharing your thoughts. It is agreed that Gita and Upnishdas are not taught in schools. But I do agree to the extent of Vedas and Upnishdas only. Geeta is ,of course, taught in the schools where sanskrit is an elective subject at school level. To the best Of my knowledge most of the hindus do not know beyond this. They know Ramayana and maharabata to the extent any Sikh student would know. They have their religious practices. Most Of the Hindus even do not know about Upnishdas and shall not be in a position to count the four 'yugas' and the Vedas correctly.You may try it out in the city/locality that you live in.
The level of knowledge which they possess is that they have gained in the school. They do not get taught at home by elders. There is not a single friend of mine who would say that they discuss Rama and sita and their character. I think we know more about Ram and Sita as compared to them.
Regarding teaching Gurmat at homes, It is unrealistic and unpractical suggestion. Had this been possible the situation in Punjab should not have been worst. Even the girls have made it a point to get married to a clean shaven cut surd. Sikhs have stopped,in many cases, wearing Kesh.
Dear sir, you have also referred to as religious organisations. Can you count even a single? I could not figure out even a one . It is for this reasons that sikh youth is thinking of going west. Unless Gurmat is spread in schools not necessarily the educational institutions but through evening classes that should be run on free for all basis, it is apprehended that sikhi is going to see the worst days. The classes may be funded by SGPC/local Gurudwaras or even rich sikhs who can do it willingly.
It is high time that people like you should make the presence felt.
With warm Regards,