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GGS Being Burnt

Gyani Jarnail Singh

Sawa lakh se EK larraoan
Jul 4, 2004

Anyone know what kind of seva this is? Is this beadbi of GGS?

Its part of an elaborate conspiracy hatched a decade or so ago....Like the Arabian Nights Tale about New Lamps for Old exchange trick...

1. To get RID of ALL earlier SGGS Birs....all over the world....by saying they are Old/should be cremated..etc etc
2. Next Introduce new "Changed/altered/adulterated versions...slowly and surely....
3. By the end of a decade..there will be ONLY the adulterated/changed versions of the SGGS available.

1a. The DT and related anti-sikh elements first began with altered versions of banis in Gutkas...( No authority vets Gutkas..hence since the early 20th century Gutkas of all shapes and sizes with banis and non-banis mixed have been published by booksellers at their own discretion)
1b. NOW they have the Altered version of the SGGS...one in which they REMOVED the FOUR DANDEES before and After the word [[ JAP ]] and thus tried to show that the word Jap is part of the Moolmantar according to them.
1c. Their Version of the SGGS has ADDED BINDIS and Tipees etc - This is as per Grammar BUT to "ADD" them to the SGGS when Guru Ji DIDNT..is not allowed. IF one DT can ADD bindees..another Jawaddee T can add adhaks..another can REMOVE Siharees..aunkaars (Bhanumoortee version of SGGS commisioned by the DELHI GMC ).

This is the pattern of this huge conspiracy to SUBVERT the SGGS !!

SIKHS all over the world have to WAKE UP....and STOP this . ALL SGGS birs have to be PRESERVED...as Historical Birs....today a Bir printed in 2014 may be Brand New..But say..300 years down the line...in 2314..that Bir will be 300 years old and just as valuable historically as a Bir written in 1708 is for US TODAY !!! I have Birs in my possession which are early 1950....they are already historical...65 years and counting..and from that period the PRINTERS have been making so many PRINTNG MISTAKES..that only by comparing between birs could the mistake be seen...recognised....my dad on his Akhand Paath Raols all over the country Gurdwaras knew of several such "differences" between Birs printed by different BOOK SELLERS !!! TODAY..its BIG BUSINESS to EXCHANGE NEW BIRS for OLD BIRS which are then cremated as "sewa"....???? Are Sikhs FOOLS or what ??? Which community burns its TREASURES...

Gyani Jarnail Singh

Sawa lakh se EK larraoan
Jul 4, 2004
Its part of an elaborate conspiracy hatched a decade or so ago....Like the Arabian Nights Tale about New Lamps for Old exchange trick...

1. To get RID of ALL earlier Sri Guru Granth Sahib Ji Birs....all over the world....by saying they are Old/should be cremated..etc etc
2. Next Introduce new "Changed/altered/adulterated versions...slowly and surely....
3. By the end of a decade..there will be ONLY the adulterated/changed versions of the Sri Guru Granth Sahib Ji available.

1a. The DT and related anti-sikh elements first began with altered versions of banis in Gutkas...( No authority vets Gutkas..hence since the early 20th century Gutkas of all shapes and sizes with banis and non-banis mixed have been published by booksellers at their own discretion)
1b. NOW they have the Altered version of the Sri Guru Granth Sahib Ji...one in which they REMOVED the FOUR DANDEES before and After the word [[ JAP ]] and thus tried to show that the word Jap is part of the Moolmantar according to them.
1c. Their Version of the Sri Guru Granth Sahib Ji has ADDED BINDIS and Tipees etc - This is as per Grammar BUT to "ADD" them to the Sri Guru Granth Sahib Ji when Guru Ji DIDNT..is not allowed. IF one DT can ADD bindees..another Jawaddee T can add adhaks..another can REMOVE Siharees..aunkaars (Bhanumoortee version of Sri Guru Granth Sahib Ji commisioned by the DELHI GMC ).

This is the pattern of this huge conspiracy to SUBVERT the Sri Guru Granth Sahib Ji !!

SIKHS all over the world have to WAKE UP....and STOP this . ALL Sri Guru Granth Sahib Ji birs have to be PRESERVED...as Historical Birs....today a Bir printed in 2014 may be Brand New..But say..300 years down the line...in 2314..that Bir will be 300 years old and just as valuable historically as a Bir written in 1708 is for US TODAY !!! I have Birs in my possession which are early 1950....they are already historical...65 years and counting..and from that period the PRINTERS have been making so many PRINTNG MISTAKES..that only by comparing between birs could the mistake be seen...recognised....my dad on his Akhand Paath Raols all over the country Gurdwaras knew of several such "differences" between Birs printed by different BOOK SELLERS !!! TODAY..its BIG BUSINESS to EXCHANGE NEW BIRS for OLD BIRS which are then cremated as "sewa"....???? Are Sikhs FOOLS or what ??? Which community burns its TREASURES...

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Gyani Jarnail Singh

Sawa lakh se EK larraoan
Jul 4, 2004
The Enemy who is holding tightly to all the subterfuge, lies etc taught as OK in his Scriptures..has very cleverly divided the Sikhs....today if you point out a "mistake" ....say by DT..the die hard DT followers will close their eyes..and mutter..NO WAY..our waddeh Babab ji..our Bhinderawallah..our Gyani so and so..
If you point out a mistake by the nandsar group..their die hard followers will close their eyes and shout..snat ka nindak..atheist..nastik..communist..Missionary !!!
SIKHS are now BLIND and DEAF and DUMB...when their "group.jatha/taksal is involved....SHUT UP..maryada..Prampara..Brahmgyani sri 108..does so many paaths..how many YOU do ??...and have totally forgotten the DHARRAH that GURU ARJUN JI WRITES about in SGGS...the Dharra with the GURU..with Akal Purakh..for TRUTH..and NOT stand with HUMANS...

Gyani Jarnail Singh

Sawa lakh se EK larraoan
Jul 4, 2004
The Enemy who is holding tightly to all the subterfuge, lies etc taught as OK in his Scriptures..has very cleverly divided the Sikhs....today if you point out a "mistake" ....say by DT..the die hard DT followers will close their eyes..and mutter..NO WAY..our waddeh Babab ji..our Bhinderawallah..our Gyani so and so..
If you point out a mistake by the nandsar group..their die hard followers will close their eyes and shout..snat ka nindak..atheist..nastik..communist..Missionary !!!
SIKHS are now BLIND and DEAF and DUMB...when their "group.jatha/taksal is involved....SHUT UP..maryada..Prampara..Brahmgyani sri 108..does so many paaths..how many YOU do ??...and have totally forgotten the DHARRAH that GURU ARJUN JI WRITES about in Sri Guru Granth Sahib Ji...the Dharra with the GURU..with Akal Purakh..for TRUTH..and NOT stand with HUMANS...

This is Bhannoomortee from kerala who REMOVED all the aunkarras and siharees from his version of SGGs..he says these are SUPERFLOUS !! He was Given a GRANT of KRORS to do this Brilliant Work by the DGMC that runs Delhi Gurdwars..with Gurdwara Managemnts like this..do we need McLeods and Pashauras to sabotage our Guru Granth Sahib Ji ??


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Gyani Jarnail Singh

Sawa lakh se EK larraoan
Jul 4, 2004
With so many Youths depending on the INTERNET/APPS etc..for their SGGS/GURBANI/etc etc..and knowing fully well that just about ANYONE can UPLOAD just about any version of SGGS on the NET...doesnt this ring bells ??? The HARD COPY VERSIONS of SGGS are being DESTROYED....New changed versions are being printed and DISTRIBUTED large scale FREE of charge...and the NET versions is a Free fall situation....SIKHS NEED TO WAKE UP FAST..and RISE above their DTs and Jathas..and stand by the GURU....

Gyani Jarnail Singh

Sawa lakh se EK larraoan
Jul 4, 2004
Hand written Mool mantar by GURU JI..and notice that even MORE EXTRA FOUR DANDEES added to make 110% SURE that JAP is the TITLE !!!


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    Handwritten Moolmantar..GURU JI even ADDS another FOUR DANDEES to separate the First pauree of j.jpg
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Apr 7, 2013
With so many Youths depending on the INTERNET/APPS etc..for their Sri Guru Granth Sahib Ji/GURBANI/etc etc..and knowing fully well that just about ANYONE can UPLOAD just about any version of Sri Guru Granth Sahib Ji on the NET...doesnt this ring bells ??? The HARD COPY VERSIONS of Sri Guru Granth Sahib Ji are being DESTROYED....New changed versions are being printed and DISTRIBUTED large scale FREE of charge...and the NET versions is a Free fall situation....SIKHS NEED TO WAKE UP FAST..and RISE above their DTs and Jathas..and stand by the GURU....

I never thought about that. As long as the authentic GGS is not altered we are fine but these cowards burning the GGS simply because it is old are doing the worst kind of beadbi possible in their lifetime. GGS is the highest of all and they are just throwing it away in a river? I am kind of concerned if there are versions online how one can have mistakes that can mislead the whole panth. Clearly we need more foreign Sikh scholars in the youth to make sure the future doesn't become bleak. This is happening in Malaysia too Gyani Ji...do you think gurdwara committees around Malaysia can stand against this? Akal Takht is not going to do *****. If people are getting rid of GGS this quick Kalyug is deeper than I thought...........

Gyani Jarnail Singh

Sawa lakh se EK larraoan
Jul 4, 2004
Humans just LOVE "rituals"...empty and hollow...the hollower they are the more they are loved...so many types of BEKAAR 'sewa" have sprung up to satisfy these hollow people...some have bonfires and gather around..some go about putting colours , otehrs go on yatras to mountain tops...and "walk" thinking the harder one walks..the more pleased Guru Ji is...some pay half baked granthis to do paaths, ardasses. whisper mantars jantars on water to cure them..others go circumabulating just about anything..nishan sahibs, gurdwaras, palkis, sukhasan rooms, whatever...others visit Mulsim Pir Graves..deras..wishing wells, holy pools..holy fountains..name it and we have it...ALL these are MUCH MUCH EASIER than reading Gurbani, PRACTISING GURBANI..and Changing your LIFE..and IF thats what the GURU DEMANDS..then too bad..we dont have time for Him..and his Gurbani instructions to be Satnam , fearless, enemyless, truthful etc etc etc......its much easier to plaster him with PURE GHEE and cremate HIM...wow..a TRIP to the seaside..what could be more enjoyable and guise of sewa ??? Empty LIP SERVICE is so much fun and:dark-blue-pargi: easier done...


Apr 13, 2006
Its better to scan and copy the original version (hand written) and then publish it online after verification with md5 and Sha1 hashes to various overseas databases.

These revisions of actual Guru Granth are most dangerous. I don't understand how could authorities in Punjab allow this. The only thing which I thought SGPC is responsible for is preservation of Sikh scriptures/monuments.

Have they forgotten story of Guru Har Rai Ji and their son Ram Rai ji. I wonder that episode has been planned by Akal Purkh to warn future sikhs about such things. There are already so many problems and struggles going on to understand bani correctly and now this. Very depressing. :58:

Gyani Jarnail Singh

Sawa lakh se EK larraoan
Jul 4, 2004
The Singh Sabha Movement and the Gurdwara Restoration Movement 1920 which led to the Sikh Control of All "HISTORICAL GURDWARAS ONLY" under SGPC and the formation of the Shiromani Akali dal to safeguard Sikha dn Punjab interests, was after a huge struggle of over 20 years, thousands jailed, tortured, families destroyed, people exiled, properties confiscated etc etc and ONLY the Break out of World War I and then WWII tipped the British "favour" towards the Sikhs and Punjab because they needed Cannon Fodder !!! Over 100,000 Sikhs died in the World wars defending Europe and the British Empire. The British "goat" gave milk but added minggannah (Goat manure)...that is they were froced to take abck control of the hugely welathy Gurdwaras form their Hindu Lackey mahants and give them tot he Sikh KAUM..but they then went ahead tricked the SIKHS into having the SGPC constituted under INDIAN LAW....and this was achieved via COMPLIANT SIKHS !!! Thus the SIKHS are the ONLY Religious Group in India today that ahve to WAIT fort eh NOD FROM NEW DELHI to "elect" the SGPC which was given the misnomer as Parliament of Sikhs.

2. Anyway everything being level..the SGPC managed to run well because the PEOPLE running it were SIKHS of the HIGHEST morality. The SGPC did NOT discourage the MAHANTS and DERADAARS to back off..they licked their wounds..and bided their time....EACH TIME the SGPC and Akali dal wnated to sit down and forge a common maryada, common laws, rules of conduct etc etc..these Mahants and dera babas and Taksals would STICK their FOOT In the door. This is why the SRM took over 3 decades..to finalise...and the Mahant dehdharees DERAS and taksalis etc managed to EXTRACT their Pound of FLESH by insisting on Raagmala, etc etc..while REJECTING THE SRM of AKAL TAKHAT and maintaining their own INDIVIDUAL MARYADAS. Talk about having the Cake and eating it at the same time. Whenever any issue came up they loudly proclaimed their "allegiance" to Akal takhat as Supreme..and then right about turn and follow their own NOSES !!

2. The SGPC noticed the huge amounts of rpinting mistakes, discrepencies in the individual booksleer printed SGGS birs and decided to make an AUTHENTIC COPY comparing to the Kartarpuri Bir handwritten by Bhai Gurdass Ji and make PHOTO PLATES so that in future no more mistakes could be attributed to the "printers error...composer error..) The moment wind of this got out...the VESTED INTERESTS (Booksellers of Bazaar mai sewan Amritsar who had been profiting hugely form the printing a nd sale of self made Gutkas, pothis birs etc etc - can anyone imagine a Bookseller choosing Shabads all by himslef..and making a POTHI called AMRIT KIRTAN..which then became HIS COPYRIGHT..and DEFACTO POTHI to do Kirtan form for 100% ragis etc....THIS MISLEADING POTHI has so much NON-GURBANI included inside it a nd for DECADES no one ven bothered to ask ???? Prof darshan Singh Ragi for 65 years and Ex jathedar of Akal Takat ADMITS..he sang "NON-GURBANI" fro ages becasue he was under the impression that whatever inside the AMRIT KIRTAN was GURBANI !!! And this Ragi is being "hanged from every tree branch" as one who "CHANGED HIS MIND"....he did not change his mind..he became ENLIGHTENED as tot eh SORDID TRUTH of "NON GURBANI being packaged as GURBANI in Amrti Kirtan copyrighted book by a Book seller !!! ALL SGGS BIRS were Printed and COPYRIGHT by these Booksellers........So who came to the AID of these vested interests Book sellers..the SANTS DERAS TAKSAALS of course...simply because it was now SGPC Vs the Booksellers..and the "MAYA" was on the Booksellers side !!!

The DERA GROUP and the Booksellers group began a tsunami propoganda that the SGPC was "changing" the holy SGGS....STOP them at any cost !! A storm arose...no amount of LOGIC..arguments..facts..helped...finally the SGPC decided tyo surrender and gave in. The PHOTO PLATED SGGS could ONLy be printed in 2 or more SAINCHEES..pothi...and the SGGS BIR..was ONLY to be Printed and sold by the Booksellers. The MISTAKES in the Mool Mantar Place or POSITION was left muddied. Mistakes were left as is ( and this led to a Book by the taksali MahaGyani titled.." The Hundreds of Mistakes in the SGGS"...which is actually an act of SABOTAGE of the Authenticity of the GURU because it attempts to show the SGGs is full of mistakes..esp since the Taksaal was one of the main opponents of CORRECTING these in the first place. A perfect example of Running with the Dogs and Hunting with the Foxes)

3. NOW this is the same TAKSAAL whcih is Printing and distributing the CHANGED and adulterated SGGS - beginning with Gutkas..Sainchees and then BIRS. NOW when the SGPC is a ZOMBIE Organisation incapable of anything and the jathedars are under the thumb of Badal+Taksaal+RSS+GOI !!!
The Taksaal and ALL the REST Deras...Nandsarihas, rarrewallhs, pehovahs, dhadriwallhs etc etc all still adhere to their OWN INDIVIDUAL VARYING Maryadas..while still giving "full support" to the SRM, Akal Takhat blah blah blah...what a beautiful example of LIP SERVICE. The jathedars, and SGPC are all "taksali" or ex-taksali..so theres no problem or fear of any action or mildest of rebukes...

WHY ?? Because the EXACT SAME THING was foisted on to the SIKHS under a granth called DG...There were 32 versions of DG in 1932...a BRITISH SPONSORED Cmmittee made up of clerks and storekeepers etc..sat down and "CORRECTED" the 32 birs..and compiled ONE...( How a SIKH can CORRECT his GURU's GURBANI escapes attention)... Then this Granth underwent as many as 10 CHANGES...Handwritten copies of this "granth" show evidence which is embarrassing to its supporters....becasue the ORIGINALS DONT CARRY titles of "banis"..they dont ahve Patshai 10 in the beginning..and the contents match word for word PURANIC Hindu Granths and writings...the "banis" are shown to be "selected randomly" from various long compositions and Given Titles and beginnings which DONT EXIST in the Original Handwritten copies. All this is highly embarrasing and hard to deemphasise !!! This also due to the BOOKSELLERS who have made arbitrary decisions !!! Whatever SELLS..they DO !!! So if a Gutka sells well with Patshai 10 on it..well plaster a lot of patshai 10 on every page..if a Gutka sells even better with Mukhwaak patshai 10..then..well add Mukhwaak to each "bani"..who cares ?? Who is to ask why there NO such Mukhwaak/Patshai/10 etc on the ORIGINALS ?? who cares..who addded..

Now SAME people..same players....same game Plan...to undermine the SGGS and break the SIKH's BOND with His One and ONLY GURU...by creating confusions..misunderstandings..

SIKHS NEED TO WAKE UP..save your Historical Gurdwaras, buildings, Guru Havelis, Guru Forts, Books, Literature, SGGS handwritten etc...Hukmnamahs, artifacts...EVERYTHING is being demolished...destroyed...burnt...erased...we need to wake up. :mundakhalsaflag::mundakhalsaflag::mundakhalsaflag:


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Apr 7, 2013
The Singh Sabha Movement and the Gurdwara Restoration Movement 1920 which led to the Sikh Control of All "HISTORICAL GURDWARAS ONLY" under SGPC and the formation of the Shiromani Akali dal to safeguard Sikha dn Punjab interests, was after a huge struggle of over 20 years, thousands jailed, tortured, families destroyed, people exiled, properties confiscated etc etc and ONLY the Break out of World War I and then WWII tipped the British "favour" towards the Sikhs and Punjab because they needed Cannon Fodder !!! Over 100,000 Sikhs died in the World wars defending Europe and the British Empire. The British "goat" gave milk but added minggannah (Goat manure)...that is they were froced to take abck control of the hugely welathy Gurdwaras form their Hindu Lackey mahants and give them tot he Sikh KAUM..but they then went ahead tricked the SIKHS into having the SGPC constituted under INDIAN LAW....and this was achieved via COMPLIANT SIKHS !!! Thus the SIKHS are the ONLY Religious Group in India today that ahve to WAIT fort eh NOD FROM NEW DELHI to "elect" the SGPC which was given the misnomer as Parliament of Sikhs.

2. Anyway everything being level..the SGPC managed to run well because the PEOPLE running it were SIKHS of the HIGHEST morality. The SGPC did NOT discourage the MAHANTS and DERADAARS to back off..they licked their wounds..and bided their time....EACH TIME the SGPC and Akali dal wnated to sit down and forge a common maryada, common laws, rules of conduct etc etc..these Mahants and dera babas and Taksals would STICK their FOOT In the door. This is why the SRM took over 3 decades..to finalise...and the Mahant dehdharees DERAS and taksalis etc managed to EXTRACT their Pound of FLESH by insisting on Raagmala, etc etc..while REJECTING THE SRM of AKAL TAKHAT and maintaining their own INDIVIDUAL MARYADAS. Talk about having the Cake and eating it at the same time. Whenever any issue came up they loudly proclaimed their "allegiance" to Akal takhat as Supreme..and then right about turn and follow their own NOSES !!

2. The SGPC noticed the huge amounts of rpinting mistakes, discrepencies in the individual booksleer printed Sri Guru Granth Sahib Ji birs and decided to make an AUTHENTIC COPY comparing to the Kartarpuri Bir handwritten by Bhai Gurdass Ji and make PHOTO PLATES so that in future no more mistakes could be attributed to the "printers error...composer error..) The moment wind of this got out...the VESTED INTERESTS (Booksellers of Bazaar mai sewan Amritsar who had been profiting hugely form the printing a nd sale of self made Gutkas, pothis birs etc etc - can anyone imagine a Bookseller choosing Shabads all by himslef..and making a POTHI called AMRIT KIRTAN..which then became HIS COPYRIGHT..and DEFACTO POTHI to do Kirtan form for 100% ragis etc....THIS MISLEADING POTHI has so much NON-GURBANI included inside it a nd for DECADES no one ven bothered to ask ???? Prof Prof Darshan Singh Ji Khalsa for 65 years and Ex jathedar of Akal Takat ADMITS..he sang "NON-GURBANI" fro ages becasue he was under the impression that whatever inside the AMRIT KIRTAN was GURBANI !!! And this Ragi is being "hanged from every tree branch" as one who "CHANGED HIS MIND"....he did not change his mind..he became ENLIGHTENED as tot eh SORDID TRUTH of "NON GURBANI being packaged as GURBANI in Amrti Kirtan copyrighted book by a Book seller !!! ALL Sri Guru Granth Sahib Ji BIRS were Printed and COPYRIGHT by these Booksellers........So who came to the AID of these vested interests Book sellers..the SANTS DERAS TAKSAALS of course...simply because it was now SGPC Vs the Booksellers..and the "MAYA" was on the Booksellers side !!!

The DERA GROUP and the Booksellers group began a tsunami propoganda that the SGPC was "changing" the holy Sri Guru Granth Sahib Ji....STOP them at any cost !! A storm arose...no amount of LOGIC..arguments..facts..helped...finally the SGPC decided tyo surrender and gave in. The PHOTO PLATED Sri Guru Granth Sahib Ji could ONLy be printed in 2 or more SAINCHEES..pothi...and the Sri Guru Granth Sahib Ji BIR..was ONLY to be Printed and sold by the Booksellers. The MISTAKES in the Mool Mantar Place or POSITION was left muddied. Mistakes were left as is ( and this led to a Book by the taksali MahaGyani titled.." The Hundreds of Mistakes in the Sri Guru Granth Sahib Ji"...which is actually an act of SABOTAGE of the Authenticity of the GURU because it attempts to show the Sri Guru Granth Sahib Ji is full of mistakes..esp since the Taksaal was one of the main opponents of CORRECTING these in the first place. A perfect example of Running with the Dogs and Hunting with the Foxes)

3. NOW this is the same TAKSAAL whcih is Printing and distributing the CHANGED and adulterated Sri Guru Granth Sahib Ji - beginning with Gutkas..Sainchees and then BIRS. NOW when the SGPC is a ZOMBIE Organisation incapable of anything and the jathedars are under the thumb of Badal+Taksaal+RSS+GOI !!!
The Taksaal and ALL the REST Deras...Nandsarihas, rarrewallhs, pehovahs, dhadriwallhs etc etc all still adhere to their OWN INDIVIDUAL VARYING Maryadas..while still giving "full support" to the SRM, Akal Takhat blah blah blah...what a beautiful example of LIP SERVICE. The jathedars, and SGPC are all "taksali" or ex-taksali..so theres no problem or fear of any action or mildest of rebukes...

WHY ?? Because the EXACT SAME THING was foisted on to the SIKHS under a granth called DG...There were 32 versions of DG in 1932...a BRITISH SPONSORED Cmmittee made up of clerks and storekeepers etc..sat down and "CORRECTED" the 32 birs..and compiled ONE...( How a SIKH can CORRECT his GURU's GURBANI escapes attention)... Then this Granth underwent as many as 10 CHANGES...Handwritten copies of this "granth" show evidence which is embarrassing to its supporters....becasue the ORIGINALS DONT CARRY titles of "banis"..they dont ahve Patshai 10 in the beginning..and the contents match word for word PURANIC Hindu Granths and writings...the "banis" are shown to be "selected randomly" from various long compositions and Given Titles and beginnings which DONT EXIST in the Original Handwritten copies. All this is highly embarrasing and hard to deemphasise !!! This also due to the BOOKSELLERS who have made arbitrary decisions !!! Whatever SELLS..they DO !!! So if a Gutka sells well with Patshai 10 on it..well plaster a lot of patshai 10 on every page..if a Gutka sells even better with Mukhwaak patshai 10..then..well add Mukhwaak to each "bani"..who cares ?? Who is to ask why there NO such Mukhwaak/Patshai/10 etc on the ORIGINALS ?? who cares..who addded..

Now SAME people..same players....same game Plan...to undermine the Sri Guru Granth Sahib Ji and break the SIKH's BOND with His One and ONLY GURU...by creating confusions..misunderstandings..

SIKHS NEED TO WAKE UP..save your Historical Gurdwaras, buildings, Guru Havelis, Guru Forts, Books, Literature, Sri Guru Granth Sahib Ji handwritten etc...Hukmnamahs, artifacts...EVERYTHING is being demolished...destroyed...burnt...erased...we need to wake up. :mundakhalsaflag::mundakhalsaflag::mundakhalsaflag:

imagine this is just the beginning of kalyug..................

Harry Haller

Panga Master
Jan 31, 2011
imagine this is just the beginning of kalyug..................

no, it sounds more like a culture being destroyed, beats me why so many people are happy to concede 'its just kalyug' when clearly our history is being rewritten by those with an agenda.

However it would be appear the enemy is more within than outside, kalyug????, no, this is not kalyug, just a combination of stupidity, ritualism and the desire for power.

Gyani Jarnail Singh

Sawa lakh se EK larraoan
Jul 4, 2004
Harry Ji..its Kal-Yug..meaning Period of the Machine...machivellian machines..remember the TERMINATOR series where the ROBOCOP guy Came BACK form the FUTURE to save...
WELL..heres how it works..

1. Back to the PAST...one of the mistakes that the Anonymous Gang that produced the Fake Literature..beginning with the Bhai "BALA" janamsakhi which glorifies all except Guru nanak ji and Mardana Ji...and then Fake banis, followed by Gurbilas books raagmala, and the "granth"...to SULLY the Name fo the Nanak House....is that they FORGOT to USE "AUTHENTIC" vocabualry/Grammar/languages...so a Janamsakhi purportedly got written by GURU ANGAD JI (becasue He wnated to find out more about Guru nanak Ji !!!!)..the vocubalary used exposes this as Late 17th century...the "Imposter Granth" uses ADHAK and BINDIS...which were never sued till beginning of the 1800's....and which are thus CONSPICOUSLY ABSENT in the SGGS !!!

Back to the FUTURE...what to do....Produce a SGGS with ADHAKS and BINDIS....and that demolishes the most powerful argument about authenticity of the Imposter Granth...and.....hey la la...when for DECADES the Taksaal has been STUBBORNLY sticking to the position of "SPEAK AS WRITTEN"...and ignoring common sense..refused to PRONOUNCE bindis and Adhaks where necessary in the SGGs and as proved by Prof sahib Singh in his Gurbani grammar....suddenly OVERNIGHT..the DHUMMA DT..goes ahead and PRINTS a SGGS with bindees and Adhaks....50 yaers down the line....BOTH GRANTHS will be ones having Bindees and Adahks !! ALL others will have been long burnt. Decades of pronouncing MUSHkat as mushkt..and ignoring that this is a f{censored}e word and pronoucned MUSHAKAT (adhak pronounced but not written down)..the Dhumma printed SGGS has the ADHAK added !!! This is like the English word Knife..the K is not pronounced...but any English teacher will teach that to hsi studnets..no need to REMOVE the K or cut it out...simialrly any good Gurbani teacher will teach to pronounce the bindees and adhaks BUT no need to add them as GURU ji didnt add them...


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Gyani Jarnail Singh

Sawa lakh se EK larraoan
Jul 4, 2004
Dear All...

This is a LONG WAR....the Very First battle Gong was struck by the 5 year old Nanak, when HE put His Small FOOT down and point blank REFUSED to wear the "thread"...seeking the Logic and Theory behind it and demanding the Practical side of the Brahmin..No amount of pleading cajoling helped...the Number of bakras slaughtered, the village gathered, the Biradree crowd..relatives..etc etc..NOTHING SWAYED the GURU...and the BIPPAR knew the "Battle" has begun anew....the Earlier one with BUDDHA had been WON with the wholesale rout of Buddhism form the soil of Bharat..this was the New Challenger from Talwandi...

The Players ahve changed..many many times..BUT the WAR goes on...the Sri Chands back then...as The Bhatts describe them...Putrrehn kaul na palio..the SONS disobeyed the fathers...they burned with RAGE and anger..rebelled..and their faces blackend with anger....going so far as to KICK the GURU off his takhat..going to the Govt to sabotage/murder/fighting...using all sorts of trickery and all that to DEFEAT the GURGADEE of NANAK...5 year old Zorawar Singh once more had to stand in the WALLS of Sirhind to protect the budding Gurmatt Paath of Guru Nanak..

Fast Forward to TODAY....disregarding the Sacred GURBANI in SGGS...Jathedars and so called Sikh Leaders..PRAISE SRI CHAND as a Great reformer..propogator of Guru nanak jis SIKHI..have lobbied to have PUBLIC HOLIDAY on his birth while GURU ANGAD Sahib the Legitimate successor chosen by Guru Nanak is IGNORED !!! SRI Chand Akhand Paaths, Nagar Kirtans.. Gurpurabs...Public Holidays..and eugolistaion by Jathedars at level of Akal takhat no less...is it difficult to RECOGNISE the ROBOCOP (ROGUE) that has travelled through the CENTURIES...RAVAN is still at it...back then he wore a Janeau...and gotee on his bald head..today he has a FRONT..a Kirpan gatra wearing so called Amrtdharee jathedar no less..BUT make no MISTAKE..its the same DEMON....the same KHALNAYAK...

The same subterfuges, same tricks, same divide and rule..carried on from 1469...is gaining strength...the Bippar...the Nirmalas,...the Custodians of Gurdwars..the Mahants..the Massa ranggharrs..the British..the Present Bhagwa RSS Brigade..still having the same GOAL...to bring Guru nanak jis Hosue down like they did to the Hosue of Buddha...drive the Sikhs OUT if they dont SUBMIT to "absorption"...HUM HINDU NAHIN..is repulsive to these..and they wont STOP. Macauliffee back in the early 20th cnetury used the TERM BOA CONSTRICTOR for Hidnuism vs Sikhism...and as its a well known fact..once the Boa or Python has got its victims in its COILS...the end is near....today Sikhs bow to multiple Granths, bow to stones, graves, celebrate manmattee days as holy..have rituals condemned in SGGS...carry out activities condemned by SGGS....have pictures of Gurus, dead holy men...babas, sri 108s etc etc..worship statues..pictures..pay for prayers, akhand paaths ardasses..hold days holy and unholy...bathe in holy rivers and visit holy places for redemptiona and sin washing when there is NO SUCH THING in Gurmatt...Gurdwars are NOT places for GYAAN but buying the Guru...selling the GURUbani..kiratan ardass paath etc..

Let there be no doubt..the battle of IDEOLOGIES is still waging fiercly.....the GURMATT TSUNAMI of Guru nanak ji caused a lot of pain to the ESTABLISHED LOOTERS..it still pains the modern looters...Guru Ji dared to ask the Brahmin..Brahmin..gaoo ko kar laveh ?? OH Brahmin..you call the Cow mother..yet you sell it..levy taxes on it..just have a look at the state of the cow in India today...its the worst in the world...HOLY COW is more than just a phrase...if only the wandering hordes of stray cows could speak....if the oppressed women could speak...

Gyani Jarnail Singh

Sawa lakh se EK larraoan
Jul 4, 2004
For all interested -
Purchase and keep/PRESERVE hard Copies of the following to compare when in DOUBT..

1. The Four Volume Shabadarth Pothis of SGGS published by SGPC 1950-1980's. These are printed by Lithocopy plates and contain original SGGS.
2. Manmohan Singh version of SGGS in 8 volumes.
3. Prof sahib Singh's 10 volume SGGS Darpan also contains Original SGGS.

SGGS BIRS printed before 2000.....Mostly accurate.

DONT GIVE AWAY any SGGS BIR to anyone. NEVER EXCHANGE OLD for NEW..like Alaldins Lamp...the exchanger wants your GOOD Bir in exchange for his faulty one..BEWARE. JOINED LETTER BIRS/POTHIS are 100% authentic (must be printed before 2000 also)

LETS JOIN HANDS to do the REAL SEWA...preservation of our PIO DADDEH DA KHAZANAH...


Apr 13, 2006
For all interested -
Purchase and keep/PRESERVE hard Copies of the following to compare when in DOUBT..

1. The Four Volume Shabadarth Pothis of Sri Guru Granth Sahib Ji published by SGPC 1950-1980's. These are printed by Lithocopy plates and contain original Sri Guru Granth Sahib Ji.
2. Manmohan Singh version of Sri Guru Granth Sahib Ji in 8 volumes.
3. Prof sahib Singh's 10 volume Sri Guru Granth Sahib Ji Darpan also contains Original Sri Guru Granth Sahib Ji.

Sri Guru Granth Sahib Ji BIRS printed before 2000.....Mostly accurate.

DONT GIVE AWAY any Sri Guru Granth Sahib Ji BIR to anyone. NEVER EXCHANGE OLD for NEW..like Alaldins Lamp...the exchanger wants your GOOD Bir in exchange for his faulty one..BEWARE. JOINED LETTER BIRS/POTHIS are 100% authentic (must be printed before 2000 also)

LETS JOIN HANDS to do the REAL SEWA...preservation of our PIO DADDEH DA KHAZANAH...

Any idea where can we buy it? thanks

Gyani Jarnail Singh

Sawa lakh se EK larraoan
Jul 4, 2004
The SGPC pothis and the others may be available from Booksellers.Amazon etc.
The Darpan of Sahib Singh is available for Download..i suggest download/print a Hard Copy and keep it safely.
The 8 vol Manmohan singh version is also sold by sgpc and bookshops..the Western Sikhs use it in their diwans as it has English.
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