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Game Of Love


Feb 10, 2013
Blog post from: http://conversationsfromasikh.blogspot.co.uk/

The Guru Ji invites us to play the Game of Love. What if we really looked at this as a game? Sometimes Sikhi can seem so scary and intimidating, but looking at it as a game can change our perception. Perhaps by seeing this as a game in the traditional sense, we can see it as an exciting challenge, or a way of being truly rewarded for doing good deeds and keeping Guru Ji close to you.

Metaphors can be powerful and you just need to find one that works for you. There are infinite possibilities; get creative and have fun with it. Sometimes I imagine my good and bad deeds as a bank account. Right now I’m overdrawn by a lot, and this is gauged purely by feeling, and hopefully I’ll know or feel when I’m close to building credit in my account – make real progress towards Waheguru.

Right now I’m imagining Waheguru as my close friend who I have been separated from for so long. Close your eyes and picture your closest friend and think for a moment that you have been separated from them for many lifetimes and that they have been waiting for your return – urging you to come back. What does that feel like? Apply these emotions to Waheguru and believe this to be true. The love Waheguru has for you is immeasurable and the more you journey down this path of discovery the more you’ll feel it.

It’s strange this feels more like a diary entry than a blog post. I keep thinking what I can say to move you, to spark a desire inside of you, to improve on yourself. But it all comes down to conditioning yourself. We can all be inspired and have drive for the moment but long term is the challenge. When you’re good at something it is because you’re consistent. For example if you’re a proficient Vaja performer than it’s because you practice regularly, it’s a habit for you, like brushing your teeth in the morning – it’s conditioned inside of you. We need to condition our actions to reach Waheguru – the way we conduct ourselves, our thoughts, the Bani’s we read and so on. At the end of each day we need to look in the mirror and ask ourselves would Guru Ji be proud of me today?

Use all your resources. There’s so much Kirtan available to download, so many Katha videos on Youtube to view and gain encouragement for this ultimate journey and adventure. If you live in a location with a lot of Sangat take advantage of that, attend programs and continue to learn.

Keep that day when you have to answer to Dharam Raj clearly in your mind and live each day not to the expectations of others, but to what you’re truly capable of. How would your life be if you lived each day like this?

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Harry Haller

Panga Master
Jan 31, 2011
Welcome to the forum Khalsasikhiji,

In the search for the truth, I personally shy away from Abrahamic leanings and rhetoric, much of what you posted is acceptable to many Sikhs, I hope you do not mind me picking it apart for the sake of learning.

Sometimes Sikhi can seem so scary and intimidating
I do not find Sikhi scary or intimidating, rather I find it full of love, wisdom, it is a template on how to live a happy fulfilled life, it is interesting and opens your mind,

Perhaps by seeing this as a game in the traditional sense, we can see it as an exciting challenge, or a way of being truly rewarded for doing good deeds and keeping Guru Ji close to you.
There is no reward for good deeds in my view, the doing of the deed is the only reward one should seek, and the fact that such deed is in line with the truth. The reward is knowing that you emulate Creator and the essence of Creator, which in turn means you feed the truth within you.

Metaphors can be powerful and you just need to find one that works for you. There are infinite possibilities; get creative and have fun with it. Sometimes I imagine my good and bad deeds as a bank account. Right now I’m overdrawn by a lot, and this is gauged purely by feeling, and hopefully I’ll know or feel when I’m close to building credit in my account – make real progress towards Waheguru.
this is not a game, there are very real consequences to our actions, for us, and for the people round us, it is not a question of keeping a score or a record, do a good deed, and then forget about it and move on, until the good deeds become a way of life, become natural, become instinct, it is not a case of having a multitude of good deeds as a credit and then allowing yourself to do a bad deed.

Right now I’m imagining Waheguru as my close friend who I have been separated from for so long. Close your eyes and picture your closest friend and think for a moment that you have been separated from them for many lifetimes and that they have been waiting for your return – urging you to come back. What does that feel like? Apply these emotions to Waheguru and believe this to be true. The love Waheguru has for you is immeasurable and the more you journey down this path of discovery the more you’ll feel it.
I find this incredibly Abrahamic, God loves you, Jesus loves you, Waheguru loves you, it is at odds with my own thoughts in that Creator makes the rules, informs you of the rules, and any love is given to you by Creation, it is not so much a personal relationship with 'God' as a personal relationship with Creation. In my view Creator has no interest in me, however, the more I emulate Creator the more my connection is supreme. This does not involve praising Creator or doing things for Creator, instead praise Creation, do more for Creation.

It’s strange this feels more like a diary entry than a blog post. I keep thinking what I can say to move you, to spark a desire inside of you, to improve on yourself. But it all comes down to conditioning yourself. We can all be inspired and have drive for the moment but long term is the challenge. When you’re good at something it is because you’re consistent. For example if you’re a proficient Vaja performer than it’s because you practice regularly, it’s a habit for you, like brushing your teeth in the morning – it’s conditioned inside of you. We need to condition our actions to reach Waheguru – the way we conduct ourselves, our thoughts, the Bani’s we read and so on. At the end of each day we need to look in the mirror and ask ourselves would Guru Ji be proud of me today?
I am sorry but I disagree, such conditioning is the reason we have so many Sikh robots, all doing path, singing shabads, reading Bani, what fun, but where is the understanding, where is the wisdom, Bani has to be lived not read. We should ask ourselves 'did I emulate Creator today, am I better connected. In so far as reaching Waheguru, you make it sound like a game, do this, do that, find Waheguru, its like the search for the Holy Grail, we find Waheguru by thinking, talking and acting in line with Bani.

Use all your resources. There’s so much Kirtan available to download, so many Katha videos on Youtube to view and gain encouragement for this ultimate journey and adventure. If you live in a location with a lot of Sangat take advantage of that, attend programs and continue to learn.
Or you could just walk down the street and help those that need help, feed those that need feeding, comfort those in need of comfort.

Keep that day when you have to answer to Dharam Raj clearly in your mind and live each day not to the expectations of others, but to what you’re truly capable of. How would your life be if you lived each day like this?
None of us will answer to Dharam Raj, he is a Vedic God and has no place in Sikhism other than as an assistance to people of the time,

This is Vedicised Abrahamic Sikhism, this is not the Sikhism I believe in or live my life by