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Feb 17, 2011
Formal Launch of Global Sikh Civil & Human Rights Report
at United Nations Church Center, New York:
Press Conference/ Expert Panel Speakers March 28, 2011 1pm

Please RSVP for the Event: Details Provided Below New York, NY: UNITED SIKHS would like to invite you to the release of the 3rd Annual Global Sikh Civil and Human Rights Report. We will be hosting a press conference in New York City on Friday, March 28th, 2011. The Annual Civil & Human Rights Report highlights the civil and human rights violations perpetrated against Sikhs and other minority communities worldwide. Copies of the Report will be distributed at the event. To view the Report online, please visit UNITED SIKHS homepage or click here.

The Report combines data from primary and secondary sources covering 29 countries around the world, and is a unique publication because of its focus on human rights abuses of particular concern to the global Sikh community. Framed in the discussion of Sikh civil and human rights concerns, the Report demonstrates how minority communities are adversely facing the brunt of evolving governmental policies that threaten their identity. Over the years, the Report has informed the work of Sikh and non-Sikh civil and human rights advocates, litigators, and non-profit organizations.

Members of the UNITED SIKHS legal team will present the findings from the report as well as have honored guests who teach, write, and advocate for civil and human rights issues talk about the importance of documenting and highlighting civil & human rights abuses, and the ways in which reports of this kind are used to effect positive change in the world. Please join us for this informative and thought provoking event, the focus of which is especially relevant given the recent spate of hate crimes perpetrated against Sikhs over the past four months in Sacramento (Nov. 2010, Mar. 2011) and Atlanta (Nov. 2010) and the recent discovery of mass graves in India that may further substantiate claims of genocide in 1984. These events will be documented in the next Report (2011).

National and local media have been invited and a distinguished panel of speakers has confirmed invitation to the event.

Panel Speakers:

* Dan Mach, American Civil Liberties Union (ACLU)/ Freedom of Religion and Belief, [DC]
* Pabitra Benjamin, Field Director, Rights Working Group (RWG), [DC]
* Dr. Bobbi Nassar, Vice Chair for the NGO Committee on Human Rights, [NY]
* Thane Rosenbaum, Fordham Law Professor/ John Whelan Distinguished Lecturer in Law and Director of the Forum on Law, Culture & Society, [NY]
* Department of Justice (DOJ)/ Community Relations Services, [DC] (invitation extended)
* Hansdeep Singh (Senior Staff Attorney)/ Ilana Ofgang (Legal Fellow), UNITED SIKHS, [NY]

The event will take place on March 28, 2011 from 1:00 - 3:00 p.m. at the United Nations Church Center, 777 United Nations Plaza, 2nd Floor Conference Room, New York, NY 10017. Please arrive by 12:45 p.m., event will start promptly at 1:00 p.m. and snacks will be served.

For questions or to RSVP to the event please contact Rucha Kavathe by calling 1-888-243-1690 or by email at rucha.kavathe@unitedsikhs.org.

Copies of the Report will be available at the event. We look forward to seeing you and hope that you will be able to join us for this important discussion.

Issued By:
Rucha Kavathe