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SALDEF FBI Director Mueller's Comments Implicate Sikh Americans

Jan 6, 2005
Metro-Vancouver, B.C., Canada
FBI Director Mueller's Comments Implicate Sikh Americans
with Terrorism Leading SALDEF to Demand Redress

Earlier this month, The Washington Times reported statements made by FBI Director Robert S. Mueller during a conference of intelligence experts about the FBI's handling of U.S. Muslim groups involved in subversion or "stealth jihad".

Director Mueller was quoted as saying, "It is a delicate issue and it is dependent upon individuals, they are quite obviously, not just Muslim, not just Arab-American, the Sikh-American communities but individuals that may be under investigation, that may have participated in supporting terrorism and we have to be sure we identify, understand those persons and to the extent they step over the line, they are indicted and prosecuted."

In singling out the Sikh American community, Director Mueller raises several concerns, most suprisingly that many Sikh Americans may be under investigation by the FBI.

Further, Director Mueller's remarks reflect a fundamental error: linking the Sikh faith, or any faith for that matter, to terrorism. Describing criminals by their religion or culture is necessarily problematic because it implicates an entire religious and cultural community. This philosophy is extremely important to adhere to at the highest levels of government, where criminalizing a people has serious implications for minority communities.

"In the wake of 9/11, Sikhs have faced a disproportionate number of challenges, including hate crimes, racial profiling, school bulling, and employment discrimination," said Jasjit Singh, SALDEF's Associate Executive Director. "These challenges are exacerbated when references to 'Sikh terrorism' are made, especially by a high-ranking government official. We strongly feel that commentary of this sort falls short of the high standard that all public officials should be held to."

SALDEF has issued a letter of concern to the Director's office and seeks a clarification of his remarks linking Sikh Americans to terrorism.

- October 26, 2010 - email from SALDEF


1947-2014 (Archived)
Jun 17, 2004
SALDEF is dealing with a mindset problem. Narayanjot Kaur ji has noted this in the past. In the United States the vast majority of citizens, including very well educated people, have never met a Sikh, nor do they understand what that means.

Most - who perhaps did ask and were informed - were told exactly what he is saying there. The US citizen who is aware that there is someone called a Sikh earnestly believes that a Sikh is part Hindu and part Muslim. Here it is - right here, "It is a delicate issue and it is dependent upon individuals, they are quite obviously, not just Muslim, not just Arab-American, but what "they" are is left open. Fill in the blanks.

Don't worry. If anyone can clear this up and make a public display along the way it is SALDEF. The cavalry of the Sikh diaspora in the US.

I would not be one bit surprised if the honorable Mr. Mueller and his assistants have searched the Internet for answers, and this is where they ended up. I shudder when people ask me to refer them to an Internet site.

One good thing about the Patriot Act - the FBI might even be monitoring this discussion. That means they will learn something new. The rest of the journey of course is making people on high listen and hear you.

The facts as we speak - There has not been one recorded example of Sikh terrorism in the US since Sikhs arrived in the 19th Century. For that reason the Honorable Mr. Mueller should not be speaking as a public official on this matter using veiled allusions to maybe's. If there is evidence to the contrary he should cough it up.


1947-2014 (Archived)
Jun 17, 2004
Here are the comments of readers to the original article posted by Bill Grife at the Washing Times, October 23, 2010.

portion of article:

FBI Director Robert S. Mueller III on Wednesday said the bureau is continuing investigations into religious extremists who may be involved in terrorism aside from the nationwide community outreach programs to ethnic and religious groups.

Asked during a conference of intelligence experts about the FBI's handling of U.S. Muslim groups involved in subversion or "stealth jihad," the FBI director said monitoring such groups is sensitive.

"It is a delicate issue and it is dependent upon individuals, they are quite obviously, not just Muslim, not just Arab-American, the Sikh-American communities but individuals that may be under investigation, that may have participated in supporting terrorism and we have to be sure we identify, understand those persons and to the extent they step over the line, they are indicted and prosecuted," Mr. Mueller said.

New User 2c612 says:

3 hours, 46 minutes ago

Typical paranoid response, "its different... i don't understand it.... it must be bad...but those good old people who look like me must be fine " there are complete nutters in all walks of life - radicals in all groups, its just that some have more than others at different times due to whats going on.

this guy isn't director material, he's a prize plonker. he needs to travel and expand his mind. meet people.
and that name... Mr Mueller... Hmmmm... he must be a Nazi Spy. LOL!

New User eac63 says:

4 hours, 53 minutes ago

Mr. Muller,
How would you build a relationship with religious groups if you are calling them terrorists? A terrorist is a terrorist regardless of what religious background one has. Please do your homework and think over before you make such statement. I cannot believe people like you are in such a high post. A high school kid knows better than him.
Shame on you Mr Muller!

New User 68321 says:

2 weeks, 5 days ago

CLUELESS FBI Director ! ! ! GOD SAVE AMERICA. unfortunately for all of us Americans, the director does not know what he is talking. He talks in the same breath three communities and includes Sikhs in there.
Either he does not know who Sikhs are or he is seriously wasting the fat salary he is getting by being totally clueless. Wish he had done some homework. Sikhs just love America and 80,000 Sikhs died in world war I and II fighting alongside allied forces. There has never been an ideological issue between Sikhs and Americans as both have a lot of similar values including freedom of religion and equality of women. Sikh soldiers have died fighting for America in Iraq and more want to enlist. Not sure what this idiot is thinking.

Reality Check says:

2 weeks, 5 days ago

According to the left.

Anyone who declares himself Patriotic and disagrees
with anyone the left disagrees with would be a Patriot.

Timothy McVeigh would have been a Patriot to the Left
if only he had the correct political views.

The left pardons terrorists who blow up government buildings,
as Clinton did with the convicted Terrorists he pardoned
and released from life time sentences in Prison.

New User 16dce says:

2 weeks, 5 days ago

How can Mueller even say that 99.9% are patriotic. Was he not listening to the terrorist convicted in civilian court the other day who proudly calimed that he lied when he swore to protect and defend this country and her citizens? Someone ask him about Christians...They are who will ultimately be targeted by the Gov., FBI, etc...in the guise of preventing terrorism our liberties are being trampled and our country ravaged....Come quickly Jesus!!

New User f9b69 says:

2 weeks, 5 days ago

I am a proud graduate of the Washington Field Office FBI Citizens' Academy and would like to share my perspective. I am a former Marine and graduated from the 15th class.

The FBI is at the front lines daily in trying to maintain a balance of civil liberites and to keep us safe. The requirements of this task are almost incomprehensible. The FBI knows it is not a perfect organization and at times they do make mistakes. They acknowledge this and continuosuly strive for exceptional performance. Unfortunately it is only the mistakes that get reported. The FBI consist of some of the most committed and capable people this country has to offer.

The Academy has its rightful place and I fully support the institution and the people who put themselves in harms way, to keep us safe. I recommend the Academy experience to anyone who cares about the safety of our country and fighting crime.

coffe4closers says:

2 weeks, 5 days ago

Your sentiments are spot-on correct. The FBI is another "tool", and an expensive one at that, oppressing Americans and protecting the "rights" of individuals/groups with LONG TERM plans to destroy this country. 99.9% !! Where the heck did Mueller pull that statistic from Mr. Gertz ? The director of the FBI is giving cover to terrorists; as long as they are Islamofacists. Timothy McVeigh; juice the "white militia male" as fast as possible in the federal system. REMEMBER AMERICA; THIS IS THE SAME FBI THAT MURDERED INNOCENT MEN, WOMEN, AND CHILDREN IN 1993 WACO, TX MASSACRE: TANKS, CS GAS, AUTOMATIC MACHINE GUNS; ALL COMPLIMENTS OF YOUR FBI...

gp698 says:

2 weeks, 5 days ago

this is what happens when you let your enemies control what you do! who CARES what they think...ABOUT ANYTHING!
go into deerborn mich....clean out the rats, and then deport the rest! their guide to murder called the koran, demands that they KILL anyone who won't join up! WHAT PART OF THAT DOESN'T THE GOVERNMENT UNDERSTAND?????
(there are other cells of of the enemy that need to be dismantled, all over the country because the menace has been allowed to spread from sea to shining sea! you have to start some where..deerborn is that place!)

Attila says:

2 weeks, 5 days ago

I think the FBI had better initiate a program to teach their recruits a class in common sense. Start with Muieller. If they couldn't figure out the Fort Hood killer was a radical then we are in big trouble. The sad result from his act of terrorism is being paid for by the survivors of those killed, not by those whose job it is to identify extremists. They all were sacrificed on the altar of political correctness.

Kenno says:

2 weeks, 5 days ago

QUOTE: "On the other hand, it is tremendously important for us to develop relationships with the 99.9 percent of the Muslim community, the Arab community, the Sikh community who are every bit as patriotic as the people in this room."

If Mr. Mueller truly does not understand where it appears the majority of Muslim loyalties lie - He has no business being FBI chief. How can you expect to find an enemy if you don't understand which community he connects with and from whom he gets his support ?

connieo says:

2 weeks, 6 days ago

For crying out loud!!!! Man-up Mueller. Why handle those evil doers with kid gloves? You certainly don't handle Americans with kid gloves if they plan to blow things up. Come on, get rid of them. You know who they are and where they are, so get on with it.

msfreeh says:

2 weeks, 6 days ago

to view a partial list of crimes committed by FBI agents over 1500 pages long see
forums.signonsandiego. com/showthread.php?t=59139

to view a partial list of FBI agents arrested for pedophilia see
campusactivism. org/phpBB3/viewforum.php?f=29

also see

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