Here we see something that can actually be extremely dangerous! In the belief that the "sach" can be found through a formula.
YouTube- Sewa Tarmala boobna pakhandi
YouTube- Sewa Tarmala boobna pakhandi
If a simple person like me gets horrified to note whether it is a place to contemplate gur sabd or is a dera vadhbagh da of playing with ghost and that too in the presence of our revered Guru. Unlike others or Hindus who have thirty three crores devi devta, gurbani clearly tells and teach us, 'ieka baani iek guru sabd veechar - there is one baani, there is one guru and we only have to contemplate upon sabd i.e. gurmat'. Let us not simply sit and watch and dig grave of sikhi by not even preaching the right way of contemplating.If they are doing it. No one should have any problem unless it is fake or induced.
If it is free will, it is their choice. if you are horrified or worried that sikhs are doing it, then khot ham main hai that we are not able to keep them as "standard sikh" or regular sikh.
Need is to be inclusive... hindus have so many shades but are all hindu.
Why do we jump at throwing every dissenter or slightly different one as outcast?
Why are we becoming fundamentalist. it was never taught by our gurus.