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Islam Extremist Hatred Messages Unfolded

Jul 10, 2006
Extremist Hatred Messages Unfolded
Wednesday 10th of January 2007

Panthicn Weekly News Bureau

UK (KP) - An undercover investigation in a forthcoming Channel 4 'Dispatches' programme has disturbingly revealed shocking evidence of Islamic extremism at a number of Britain's leading mosques and Muslim institutions. Secret video footage reveals Muslim preachers urging followers to prepare for jihad, to hit girls for not wearing the hijab, and to create a 'state within a state'.

The 12-month investigation found radical and extremist Muslim preachers, including a deputy headmaster of an Islamic high school in Birmingham addressing crowds at the Sparkbrook Mosque in Birmingham to push their message of hatred for non-Muslims and the West. The documentary also shows the huge popularity of extremist DVDs and Internet sites targeting non-Muslims.

Elsewhere in the secret footage a preacher at a mosque in the East Midlands is caught on film, praying: "God help us in our fight against the kaffir, in every field, in every department of life. We beg you to help us fight against the enemies of our religion." Although the documentary does not cover the hatred aimed at Sikhs and Hindus, there is growing problem of Muslim extremists in Britain calculatingly targeting the Sikh community.

Recently some Muslim extremists have started to spread false propaganda against the Sikh religion by writing misleading and calculated articles on the Internet. Furthermore, in schools, colleges and universities there have been growing concerns of Sikh youngsters, in particular girls, being 'groomed' into conversion. The sexual abuse, harassment and grooming of Sikh students is racially motivated on the basis on Sikh history or politically driven.

On September 26, 2005, Britain's Social Affairs Unit published a report by Professor Anthony Glees and Chris Pope from Brunel University. This report, entitled "When Students Turn To Terror", listed 24 universities where radicalism flourished, including Birmingham, Brunel, London Metropolitan, Kingston, Durham, Leeds, Leeds Metropolitan, Luton, Leicester, Manchester Metropolitan, Newcastle, Nottingham, Reading, Swansea, and Wolverhampton. The problem of radical Islam on British university campuses is entrenched, and any attempts to address the problem are met with whines of "Islamaphobia" from Muslims and those fearing political-correctness. Unfortunate the majority of Sikh students starting universities are ignorant and unaware of the tactful and sometimes subtle methods of conversions used by extremist Islamists.

Media sources say that last week it was confirmed that the Labour government will give 50 local authorities some 5 million pounds in special funding "to be the ears and eyes of the police" about possible risks and to keep a watch on suspected Muslim extremists in the major metropolitan areas of the country. Ruth Kelly, British Communities Secretary, stressed, "extremism is an issue for all of us. Local authorities must rise to the challenge, too. They have a pivotal role in winning the battle of hearts and minds in local communities. This funding will enable us to harness the long-established expertise of local authorities in developing deep insights into their areas in order to meet the challenge of tackling violent extremism."

'Undercover Mosques', Dispatches, goes out at 8pm on Monday, 15 January

Editors can be contacted at editors@panthic.org


May 4, 2006
Recently many articles of this sort have been pasted on this website.
Its seems Sikhs are fearful of this fact that many young sikhs are considering philosophies of other faiths and some might even consider full on conversion.
If an individual has fully understand the philosophy and it appeals to them then its really fine, but if the case is brain washing, distortion of history and other lowly conversion tactics are used then it should be dealt with.
Best thing will be education of young sikhs. The old punjabi Sikhs mentality that is running most of the gurudwaras in the west has to change. You must move with the time. The young Sikhs who are interested in faith just have to get more involved in weekly gurudwara activities.
Jul 10, 2006
YouTube - UK Mosques. Part 1 Of 3.

YouTube - UK Mosques. Part 2 Of 3

YouTube - UK Mosques. Part 3 Of 3

"This investigation into Britain's mosques, by Channel 4's respected Dispatches programme,has revealed worrying evidence of just how rife Islamic extremism is among Muslim preachers.
The undercover TV inquiry, conducted over ten months, reveals some religious clerics urging their congregations to start preparing for jihad (holy war) against infidels or non-Muslims. Another is caught on camera telling families to hit their daughters for not covering their heads with the veil or hijab.

One imam from a Derby mosque, called Dr Ijaz Mian, was filmed calling for the creation of an Islamic 'state within a state' in Britain before the country is taken over by Muslims.

Addressing a group of youths, he said: 'King. Queen. House of Commons ... if you accept it, you are part of it. If you don't accept it, you have to dismantle it. So you being a Muslim, you have to fix a target. There will be no House of Commons ... Muslims just grow in strength ... then take over.'

The programme paints an alarming picture of how preachers, even at what are regarded as the most moderate mosques, urge their followers to reject Britain's legal system in favour of shariah law and its radical rulebook.

The investigators spent four months filming undercover at one mosque, Green Lane in Birmingham, which caters for thousands of worshippers.

The main preacher is Abu Usamah, an American convert to Islam, who studied at Medinah University in Saudi Arabia, before coming to Britain. He is seen telling worshippers not to believe that Islamic terrorists are operating in Britain, as all non-Muslims are liars.

In another sequence, he is heard saying that Christians and Jews are 'kuffaars' (non-believers) and the enemies of Islam. 'No one loves the kuffaar, not a single person loves the kuffaar,' he rants. 'We hate the kuffaar!' Then he adds, triumphantly: 'Allah has not given those people who are kuffaar a way over the believer. They shouldn't be in authority over us. Muslims shouldn't be satisfied with anything other than a total Islamic state.

'I encourage all of you to begin to cultivate ourselves for the time that is fast approaching - where the tables are going to turn and the Muslims are going to be in the position of being uppermost in strength. And when that happens, people won't get killed - unjustly,' he promises.

As for women, he says they are 'deficient, even if they have a PhD. Her intellect is incomplete. She may be suffering from hormones that will make her emotional. It takes two witnesses of a woman to equal the one witness of a man.'

He goes on to say that gays deserve to die. 'If I were to call homosexuals *******ed, dirty, filthy dogs who should be murdered ... that's my freedom of speech, isn't it?'

The TV investigators also bought damning videos and DVDs of speeches by Muslim preachers from a shop at the London Central Mosque in Regent's Park.

The mosque has always been hailed by the Muslim Council of Britain and the Government as a symbol of reason and mainstream Islamic life in this country.

But the programme's team found copies of films of preachers decrying the equality of women as a 'bunch of foolishness' and claiming that Christian missionaries put the Aids virus into medicines in order to poison the people of Africa.

The TV exposé, like the Mail's own investigation in Surrey, shows that the systematic brainwashing of Muslims by their religious leaders is now commonplace. And it appears to be producing results.

Twenty-eight per cent said they believed Britain should be an Islamic state. In another worrying sign, one in three young Muslims said that the London bombings were justified because Britain had joined America in the 'war on terror'. "


Dec 13, 2005
this is what islam does it either creates a mass of dense communities on either side of a country to close in, or it produces a community in the centre to grow out, I stopped caring for the plight of muslims a long time ago.
Jul 10, 2006
Google: Full Video

Dispatches - Undercover Mosque - Google Video

[SIZE=-1] Chilling undercover investigation into the influence of Saudi Arabian religious extremism throughout the UK. Despite being considered Britain's principal ally in the Middle East, this disturbing report reveals Saudi Arabian Islam - Wahabism - is spreading a message of bigotry and hatred to a section of Muslims and predicting an imminent jihad. An undercover reporter joins Islamic worshippers... [/SIZE]
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